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Projects Updates for key objective: No name
- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
Tom, Suhail, and Morgan met to discuss next steps
Associated Project(s):revised checklist
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:draft checklist for new teams
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Campuswide Occupancy Sensors
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Energy Displays and Metering Funding Letter
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Sustainability committee award letter - Energy Displays and Metering.pdf
Sustainability committee award letter - Energy Displays and Metering.docx
Building Metering Status.xlsx
Energy Dashboard Agreement.pdf
InStep Energy Dahsboard Proposal_06_08_11.docx
Potential List of 25 Buildings for display project.xlsx
SSC Final Allocation Approval - Energy Displays and Metering.docx
SSC Final Allocation Approval - Energy Displays and Metering.PDF
SSC LTR Energy Displays and Metering_FINAL.docx
Student Weatherization Assessment Program Plan
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Student Weatherization Assessment Program Plan.pdf
Weatherization Memorandum of Understanding.doc
Building List - Final.xls
Position Description for James Hoffer.doc
Project Management Plan Draft.docx
Sustainability at University Housing.docx
Training Manual.docx
Weatherization Intern Opportunity.doc
Weatherization Group Documents.pdf
ISTC Campus Water Use Study
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Sustainability committee award letter - ISTC Campus Water Use Study.pdf
Sustainability committee award letter - ISTC Campus Water Use Study.docx
A First Step Toward Reducing Water Consumption at UIUC Campus.pdf
LOI - ISTC Campus Water Use Study.pdf
Proposal - ISTC Campus Water Use Study.pdf
Response - ISTC Campus Water Use Study.docx
SSC Final Allocation Approval - ISTC Campus Water Use Study.docx
Green Cleaning Products and Practices Funding Letter
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Sustainability committee award letter - Ionized Water Cleaning.pdf
Sustainability committee award letter - Ionized Water Cleaning.docx
ionator report2011.doc
Ionized Water Cleaning.pdf
SSC Final Allocation Approval - Ionized Water Cleaning.docx
SSC Final Allocation Approval - Ionized Water Cleaning.jpg
SSC Final Allocation Approval - Ionized Water Cleaning.pdf
Composting Feasibility Study
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Sustainability committee award letter - Composting Feasibility Study.pdf
Sustainability committee award letter - Composting Feasibility Study.docx
SSC Final Allocation Approval - Composting Feasibility Study.pdf
SSC Final Allocation Approval - Composting Feasibility Study.docx
Composting Feasibility Study by Foth.docx
BLUE Retrocommissioning info
Associated Project(s):BLUE Community Involvement info
June 2011 Report on Progress
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Tom Ferrarell volunteers to revamp the Weatherization project
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Energy presentation at Foellinger
Associated Project(s):ECI's proposal to SSC for an Energy Dashboard
Proposal from Instep
Associated Project(s):Suhail Barot requests a meeting
Associated Project(s):Retrocommissioning award application
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Update from James Hoffer
Associated Project(s):