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Projects Updates for key objective: No name
- Associated Project(s):
SSC student meeting with F&S Building Maintenance staff
Associated Project(s):SSC progress on composting project
Associated Project(s):SSC proposes composting
Associated Project(s):a tracking system was set up for iCAP objectives
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:updated iCAP to do list
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Updated To do list
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:BIF Prairie Garden Funding Agreement
Associated Project(s):IUB Retrocommissioning and Occupancy Sensors Loan
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Sustainability Proposal Illini Union Light Sensors 040110.pdf
Illini Union Heat Loss Letter of Inquiry.pdf
Illini Union Lighting Letter of Inquiry.pdf
Sustainability Proposal Bookstore RCX 040110.pdf
Illini Union MOU_Signed.pdf
Illini Union Sustainability Funding Extension Financials 092710.pdf
Illini Union Sustainability Loan - Extension Request 092710.pdf
Illini Union Water Conservation Letter of Inquiry.pdf
Response - Illini Union.doc
SSC Financing Agreement - Illini Union Occupancy Sensors and Retrocommissioning.doc
Solar Decathlon 2011 Funding Agreement
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:SSC Final Allocation Approval - Solar Decathlon 2011.pdf
SSC Final Allocation Approval - Solar Decathlon 2011.doc
SSC Letter of Inquiry.pdf
SSC Request for Funding - Solar Decathlon 2011.pdf
Sustainability committee award letter - Solar Decathlon 2011.docx
Sustainability committee award letter - Solar Decathlon 2011.pdf
Team Illinois - Solar Decathlon 2011.pdf
Occupancy Sensors Funding Agreement
Associated Project(s):Initial Action Items for 2010 iCAP
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:News article regarding reduction in coal usage by U of I
iCAP completed
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:2010 iCAP Solar goals
Associated Project(s):This large excel file was the basis for the 2010 iCAP GHG calculations
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:semi final draft of 2010 iCAP
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Roger Adams Laboratory (completed)
Associated Project(s):Roger Adams Laboratory (portion)
Associated Project(s):Undergraduate Library
Associated Project(s):