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Projects Updates for place: Altgeld Hall

  1. LED Exit Sign projects completed

    Associated Project(s): 

    In support of the Chancellor's commitment to making the University of Illinois an LED Campus, 531 LED way-finding signs have been installed in eight campus buildings: Grainger Library, Animal Science, Roger Adams Lab, Engineering Science Building, Turner Hall, Main Library, Education Building, and the Chem. Life Sciences Lab.

  2. Archived web info - F&S Energy Liaisons

    Associated Project(s): 
    The Energy Liaison Program

    Ambitious goals reflect the University’s commitment to sustainability - environmental, social and fiscal. Although energy conservation is a universal problem, its solution begins with individuals.

    Departments and colleges across campus have designated Energy Liaisons to promote energy conservation and share ideas and suggestions.

    Energy liaisons:
    • Coordinate and share energy saving information with their respective areas
    • Lead efforts to establish college/department short- and long-term energy conservation goals
    • Are conduits through which ideas and suggestions reach Facilities & Services

    Creating Obtainable Goals

    1. Identify areas for reduction
      • Fume Hood usage
      • Lighting Usage
      • Space Usage
      • Computer Policies and Practices
      • Equipment Procurement Practices
      • Air Conditioning and Ventilation Usage
      • Laboratory Equipment Usage

    Establish obtainable short-term and long-term goals

    Examples: Short-Term Goals

    • Create policy for turning off computer work stations
    • Ask faculty and staff to turn off lighting and equipment not in use
    • Create awareness across your department/college
    • Require purchase of Energy Start rated equipment
    • Close fume hoods when not in use

    Examples: Long-Term Goals

    • Identify areas of high energy usage and develop a plan for reduction
    • Consolidation of fume hoods and equipment
    • Facilitate systems retrofitting with F&S Retrocommissioning Team
    • Develop a plan for space and classroom usage Investigate the consolidation of climate-sensitive projects/equipment
    • Develop a plan and timetable for reaching the 17 percent reduction in five years
    Energy Liaison Toolkit



  3. Archived web info - CSE Energy Liaisons

    Associated Project(s): 

    Energy Liaisons

    salad bar with local foods

    The Energy Management Division of Facilities and Services initiated anEnergy Liaisons program in 2008. Departments, colleges, and other units across campus have designated Energy Liaisons to promote energy conservation and share ideas and suggestions.  Facilities and Services regularly hosts workshops with the Energy Liaisons to discuss energy conservation opportunities.  These Energy Liaisons serve as grassroots contacts for conservation initiatives.  



  4. updated list of LED exit sign buildings

    Associated Project(s): 

    FY07 - 13 buildings

    • 112 - MEB
    • 26 - Altgeld
    • 12 - Noyes
    • 99 - Undergrad
    • 210 - DCL
    • 15 - Engineering Hall
    • 152 - Hydrosystems
    • 67 - Loomis
    • 29 - MEL
    • 34 - MSEB
    • 24 - Newmark
    • 13 - Talbot
    • 42 - Transportation Bldg

    FY08 - 12 buildings

    • ILLINI HALL #65
    • NOBLE HALL #90
    • ART & DESIGN #219
    • FLAGG HALL #89
    • ARMORY #6


    • #324 Grainger Library
    • #174 Engineering Sciences
    • #116 Roger Adams Lab
    • #336 Animal Sciences
    • #197 Turner Hall
    • #370 South Studio #5
    • #371 South Studio #7


    • #339 Temple Buell Hall
  5. update on project progress

    Associated Project(s): 

    Ken Buenting, Sharon Ball, Eva Sweeney, Morgan Johnston, and Ryan Wild met to review progress on the LED Exit Sign work.  Ken reported great progress with four buildings complete and one in progress: Grainger, RAL, Animal Sciences Lab, and the Engineering Sciences Building.  They are in Turner Hall now.  Just over $24K has been spent so far through the contractor.  They will move on to the Main Library and the Education Building next.

    The current implementation process is as follows:

    1. Ryan Wild and Morgan Johnston work with others to identify the priority list of buildings.
    2. Eva Sweeney will review records to ascertain whether the fixtures are connected to an emergency generator or will need battery backup.
    3. Sharon Ball and team will do the initial count of fixtures.
    4. Ken Buenting will direct the hired contractor to replace the existing fixtures and provide data sheets for our records.
    5. Eva Sweeney and Ryan Wild will identify additional signage installation needs.
    6. Ken will direct the F&S electricians to install the additional signs.

    Eva had Ken remove Temple Buell Hall from the list because it is being handled through another project.  Also, through other funding, South studio five and seven were completed.

  6. Exit Signs to be upgraded to LEDs in 7 buildings

    Associated Project(s): 


    Bld #

    Cost (labor/material)


    Animal Science Lab



    Temple Buell Hall



    Turner Hall



    Grainger Library



    Roger Adams Lab



    Engineering Science Bld




    Cost (Material only)

    Abbott Power Plant







  7. Campus funding allocated for LED exit signs

    Associated Project(s): 

    The LED Campus commitment includes having all the interior wayfinding signs converted to LED by 2025.  This is primarily LED Exit Signs.   We had hoped to use the Revolving Loan Fund to implement another phase of the LED Exit Sign project.  However, that funding is only applicable if there is a reasonable payback through utility savings.  LED Exit Signs have a good payback, but not through Utilities.  The savings come from reduced maintenance, which also provides a reasonable payback.   Given the shortfall in maintenance funding and the Chancellor’s commitment to becoming an LED campus, Mike Andrechak agreed to provide $100,000 per year for two years toward LED Exit Signs.  This funding could be continued in future years, subject to funding approval.

  8. Code Complance and Fire Safety Funding Meeting

    Associated Project(s): 

    Ryan Wild, in Code Compliance and Fire Safety, met with Morgan Johnston to review the funding parameters for this project, and identify next steps.  Morgan asked Teresa Tousignant and Nishant Makhijani, from the Student Sustainability Committee, about potential student volunteers to help locate the existing incandescent exit signs.  Ryan will work on the building surveys for the smaller buildings, and we will hold KCPA, Main Library, Beckman, Roger Adams Lab, and Chem Life Sciences Lab for potential student assistance.

  9. LED Exit Signage FY12

    Associated Project(s): 

    Twenty University buildings have been allocated RLF funding for LED exit signage in FY12. The buildings, in order of priority, are Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Foellinger Auditorium, the Beckman Institute, the Main Library, Davenport Hall, Temple Hoyne Buell Hall, the Education Building, the Law Building, the Animal Sciences Laboratory, Freer Hall, the Henry Administration Building, Grainger Engineering Library, the Agricultural Engineering Sciences Building, Turner Hall, the Illini Union Bookstore, the Stock Pavilion, the Engineering Sciences Building, Kenney Gymnasium, the Roger Adams Laboratory, and the Chemical and Life Science Laboratory.

    Implementation of LED exit signage has already started for four of these buildings; 75 percent of Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, 80 percent of Foellinger Auditorium, 10 percent of Freer Hall, and 30 of the Henry Administration Building has been completed. Implementation in the remainder of the buildings is now set to begin.

  10. Revolving Loan Fund approved for $250K for LED Exit Signs

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Revolving Loan Fund is approved to fund $250K in LED Exit Sign improvements.  Here is the description of the project, as reviewed by the RLF committee:


    This project will replace existing exit signs with efficient LED fixtures in approximately (14) campus buildings.  As a result, energy use will be decreased, life safety systems will operate more reliably, and maintenance needs will decrease dramatically.  This is a continuation of projects funded in FY07 and FY08. We are requesting funding in the amount of $250,000, although the work is very scalable and any funding amount can be successfully applied. 




    08. VISIBILITY - Very visible.  Building users notice when exit signs are burned out and it may make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.  It also creates a negative impression of the pride we take in our facilities.

    09. PAYBACK PERIOD - When replacing incandescent, the payback from energy savings alone is about 6-7 years.  Replacement of fluorescent exit signs yields a payback of 8-10 years.  However, the old signs also require maintenance up to 3 times per year.  If one includes this expense, the overall payback improves to 1-2 years.

    10. REDUCTION OF COAL - By reducing overall campus energy use, this will contribute to Abbott Power Plant s ability to reduce the number of generation units in use.  An additional benefit is the reduction in GHG emissions from maintenance vehicles traveling to replace burned out lamps.

    11. FUND SIZE IMPACT - F&S is working with the Illinois DCEO and this project would qualify for about $7,000 in grant rebates.

    12. PROJECT COORDINATION - F&S has a record of success with these projects.  We have developed a project execution method that keeps overhead to a bare minimum, avoids expensive consultant fees, purchases material at bulk prices, and achieves maximum labor efficiency.  F&S Construction Services will execute the work, and F&S Engineering will document results for the DCEO grant.




    01. REPLACEMENT OF FACILITY SYSTEMS - Existing exit signs are typically long past their expected life, and have many maintenance problems.  The new LED exit signs will have an expected useful life of at least 15-20 years.

    03. IMPACT ON PLANNED PROJECTS - Very little impact on capital projects.  We coordinate to ensure no overlap between buildings selected for exit sign replacement and planned major renovations.

    04. WHAT IF PROJECT IS NOT FUNDED? - If this project is not funded, our campus will continue to expend many maintenance hours keeping these lights operational, and waste electricity on inefficient technology that is over 20 years outdated.

    If this project is partially funded, we will install as many LED exit signs as possible with the funds allocated.

    06. WHAT OTHER DEPARTMENTS ARE AFFECTED BY THE PROJECT? - The buildings we propose are all across campus and used by virtually every college and department.  These units will benefit from improved safety and fewer maintenance disruptions.

    07. RISK FACTORS - No known risk factors.  In fact this work will reduce the risks associated with having nonfunctioning exit signs, and improve life safety for the campus community.  We have executed this type of work in 25 buildings so far without major problems.

  11. Energy presentation at Undergrad Library

    Associated Project(s): 

    Prior to the first Energy Liaison on-site presentation, Andy met with the two library staff that will be staffing the booth and talked about content and logistics. They selected a great location, just inside the West entrance to the Upper Level with a prime display location. They also pulled a book display which relates to energy and sustainability for the Lower Level. They are excited about the display and already have talked about moving it around their organization to continue to promote conservation! The date and time for the display is 10-2 on October 29 in the Undergrad Library.

    Attached Files: 
  12. Roger Adams Laboratory (portion)

    Associated Project(s): 

    Sixty-four lighting fixtures in a portion of the Roger Adams Laboratory were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 10,092 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Roger Adams Laboratory is 2.01 years.
