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Projects Updates for place: Armory

  1. Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program - Successful

    Please see attached the response to the Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program recommendation from Dr. Madhu Khanna.

    See the Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program assessment.

    For future updates, please refer to the NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors project.

    Attached Files: 
  2. 28 bin order arrived

    Associated Project(s): 

    On Friday, February 17, the bin order from MAX-R arrived at the Waste Transfer Station. 20 26-gallon bins (standard size) and 8 18-gallon (slim) bins arrived.

  3. Undergraduate Library rehomes 6 3-bins to other facilities on campus

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Undergraduate Library rehomed 6 3-bins at the onset of redevelopment:

    • Armory took 4 (P10E62260 second floor east side right out of the elevator, P10E62264 third floor southside center outside restroom, P10E62261 third floor northside center outside of restroom, P10E62265 in landing area in front of Room 232 under glassed bulletin board).
    • Mechanical Engineering Laboratory took 2 (P10E62262 and P10E62263 on first and second floors).
  4. Next steps from NRES285 spring report

    Karl Radnitzer (Associate Director at Uni High) responded to the spring 2022 NRES285 final report with the following action items and requests at the end of June 2022.


    I have included Don Marrow (our Business manager) and Elizabeth Majerus ( our Director of the School). The part in red is where is where we need money to complete the projects Don and Elizabeth.

    I have read the report. I want to do the following:

    1. I will have 8 paper recycle containers on each floor- clearing marked. Should I spray paint them green or blue?
    2. Make sure all black containers are for garbage/trash only so we don't find contamination in all recycling bins.
    3. The issue with the steel door our previous business manager wanted the wooden doors.  Didn't have much say
    4. I would like all lights motions to switched to sensor LED. Don how do we make that happen?
    5. We realize our windows are not very effective. We need a complete overhaul of our windows.
    6. We did have a group talk to us about food recycling, but they wanted to do the composting inside the building. That was not going to work.
    7. On the land section, I have a boy scout do his eagle project on the area right outside the door on Springfield so that it now looks much better. We also have a club taking care of the small garden.
    8. Don, how can we get more sensor water bottle filters on each floor.. We have one on third, we need on second near 206 and one near 106 N.
  5. Eco-Counter set installed and activated at Green and Goodwin

    A set of Eco-Counters were installed at the intersection of Green St and Goodwin Ave by Loomis Laboratory on Monday, May 9, 2022. This was a new set of counters with no groundbox, purchased in October 2021. This set of Eco-Counter was purchased using the SSC funding. These counters were activated on May 10, 2022, and they are now collecting and transmitting data. See attached the pictures of these counters.

  6. Eco-Counter set installed and activated at Armory and Sixth

    A set of Eco-Counters were installed at the intersection of Armory Ave and Sixth St on Tuesday, April 26, 2022. This is the last set of old counters that were purchased in 2019. These counters were activated on April 27, 2022, and they are now collecting and transmitting data. See attached to see the pictures of these counters.

  7. update on indoor bin count

    Associated Project(s): 

    Just wanted to provide a wonderful update on Indoor bins for the iCAP portal: The campus has 180 out of 200 available multi stream bins deployed in 56 different campus buildings. According to the iCAP metric, we are 1/3 of the way to our FY24 goal. ~Sydney Trimble

  8. Master List of All Buildings With the 3-Bin Containers Updated

    Associated Project(s): 

    The master list for indoor 3-bin containers has been updated. This list includes all 3-bin station deployments, with information regarding the building, floor, and P-Tag associated with each individual bin. If applicable, additional information regarding their location is provided as well.

    See the attached file to review the updated master list for the 3-bin containers.

  9. iCAP Indoor Bins Metric Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Morgan!


    Just wanted to provide a wonderful update on Indoor bins for the iCAP portal: The campus has 180 out of 200 available multi stream bins deployed in 56 different campus buildings. According to the iCAP metric, we are 1/3 of the way to our FY24 goal.


    In the future, I think the iCAP team should consider changing the metric from number of buildings to number of deployed bins because not all campus buildings would be applicable for these bins. Especially if the buildings are offices, residential, or extension related. Orchard Downs and


    I also went ahead and updated the bin location master list that came with the project so your team can upload it. It was outdated and I have upgraded the layout of the list so it is easier to find information.


    Best regards,


    Syd Trimble

    F&S Waste Management Intern | Skype: (217) 333-1128

    Garage & Carpool, Office D-3

    In Office primarily Monday, Tuesday, Thursday afternoons

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    Environmental Sciences - 2022



  10. NRES 285 - iCAP Ambassadors - Facility Liaison

    "Hello Elizabeth and Don,


    Thank you again for agreeing to serve as facility liaisons for our NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassador Course! We look forward to this interdisciplinary, collaborative, and interactive field course. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to participate.


    This is the second week of the course and students have begun to learn about the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) 2020 and sustainability best practices. The syllabus with course schedule is attached; please note that the students will not necessarily visit their buildings until the end of February.


    Before the initial call or meeting (set up by the student group), we encourage you to assess your building to identify if there are any areas that the students should avoid walking through or areas in which they might need accompaniment. In March, the Thursday class period will be “reserved” as a time for students to work with their facility liaisons and/or assess buildings. If the class period time (Tuesday/Thursday 9:30 – 10:50 AM) does not work for you to meet with the group, the students will work with you to identify another day/time. 


    The students will be provided with the building floor plans ahead of time and both you and the student group will receive the “sustainability checklist”. This list will serve as the foundation for their building assessment in which they will base their final report and sustainability recommendations. In summary, the role of you two as facility liaisons are as follow:

    • Work with a student team (4 students), who will be trained on the Illinois Climate Action Plan. Students will hear from various guest lectures throughout the month February.
    • Students will visit their campus building in March and April to observe and gather sustainability information (e.g., number/location of recycling bins) and make recommendations as a final assessment/report. Building floor plans will be provided to the students by F&S/Eric and Meredith. 
    • Facility liaisons are strongly encouraged to have weekly or bi-weekly check-in calls with the student group.
    • Facility liaisons are strongly encouraged to walk the building with them and/or to be there for student teams to assess certain areas, and discuss/answer questions about the building.


    Please reach out to Eric and myself at any time throughout the semester if you have any questions or if we can help facilitate communication or expectations between you and the student group. Thank you so much again!"

    -Meredith Moore (01/25/2022)

    Sustainability Programs Manager 
    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)
