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- Associated Project(s):
Champaign County Climate Coalition 12/14 Meeting
Associated Project(s):The following are notes from the meeting.
There was a small discussion on hazardous materials and how to dispose of them.
Earth day event planning and idea session.
Should the location be altered?
Crystal Lake
Success in the past:
Wide range of activities
Spring flower ID books/ Plant Walk
A booklet that people can use to hunt spring flowers and identify them.
C4 Hike Series
A volunteer offered to lead hikes in the spring or summer
What times would be best for hikes?
C4 Social Event
January evening social event?
Riggs as a location
Coordinating Community Stormwater Management with Extension and Student Assistance
Associated Project(s):January 11, 2023
A University team consisting of Brodie Dunn and Lisa Merrifield (Extension), Linda Derhak (DURP student), and Stacy Gloss met with Lacey Rains Lowe and Jeff Marino from the City of Champaign to talk about working together to coordinate rainwater management efforts. Champaign sees a gap in resources for commercial developers related to innovative stormwater management applications. The team identified stormwater utility fee incentives as a possible leverage point for developers, but current incentives do not seem to be sufficient. Linda will begin to inventory cities with stormwater utility fees for innovative practices for engaging commercial developers. Brodie will propose revisions to the approved plant and tree list for Champaign to encourage use of native and more beneficial non-native plant species. Lisa will reach out to planners from Urbana and Savoy and will schedule a meeting for mid-February to discuss progress and identify next steps.
Bromley Hall Recycling
Associated Project(s):Bromley Hall benefits from the Feed the Thing program. Large toters (big blue trash cans on wheels) are stationed near the dumpsters, where students can recycle their recyclables.
Illinois EPA and UIUC @ "Introduce Online Curriculum Focusing on Energy"
Associated Project(s):Attached is the link to the UIUC's participation and the Illinois e-News Release.
Illinois e-News Release
November 9, 2021 Contact: Kim Biggs
Kim.Biggs@illinois.govIllinois EPA and University of Illinois at Introduce Online Curriculum Focusing on Energy
Annual Poster, Poetry, and Prose Contest to Follow Unit
SPRINGFIELD — The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (MSTE) have again partnered to create a new online science curriculum unit for fifth and sixth grade educators: How does a bulb light? The unit helps students explore energy, electricity use, and power sources and how they relate to climate change. The Illinois EPA’s Annual Poster, Poetry, and Prose Contest theme “Get Energized About Slowing Down Climate Change!” will follow the new curriculum.
Educators, parents, and caregivers are asked to introduce these topics using the newly developed free, online curriculum. The unit is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Following the unit, students are asked to create posters or written works for the Poster, Poetry, and Prose Contest related to the theme’s focus. Entries must be submitted to the Illinois EPA by February 1, 2022. Additional information on the Contest can be found at:
“Educators and students have faced numerous challenges as they have adapted to hybrid, remote, and in-classroom learning. It is our hope these virtual opportunities allow students to continue to grow their knowledge of the environment and the importance of protecting it,” said Illinois EPA Director John Kim. “This year’s unit is especially relevant to current events related to climate change, and we are excited to see it translated to pieces of art and written work for the upcoming Contest.”
How does a bulb light? will help students investigate the everyday phenomenon of an electric light turning on. Students will observe two strings of LED lights turn on, one being powered by battery and the other by plugging into a wall outlet. Students will record their observations and “wonderings,” which will drive the flow of the unit as students plan and carry out their own investigations to answer their questions. This will include investigating electricity production and delivery, when and how to conserve, and recent and future changes in the energy system, including changes in transportation energy demands. The curriculum is available online to teachers and parents at
Illinois EPA is proud to again partner with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Office of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education to expand the Environmental Pathways curriculum. Earlier units developed through this partnership include “Where does my food go?” and “Why is the pond green?,” which can be found at:
Information about all of Illinois EPA’s environmental education programs can be found at:, or by contacting Kristi Morris, Environmental Education Coordinator for the Illinois EPA by email at
Climate Rally 11/12 at ISU Campus
Associated Project(s):The following information was received from Haley Cepek, the secretary for the Student Environmental Action Coalition at Illinois State University:
We are currently planning a climate rally in response to the recent COP26 conference. It would take place this Friday, 11/12/21, starting at 1pm at Uptown Circle right outside ISU campus. I want to spread the word over to the University of Illinois so that more people would have the opportunity to use their voice for change. It is an important event and I would love for University of Illinois to have representation. I would greatly appreciate if you could help me in spreading the word over to your campus. We are hoping to make as big of an impact as we can with this rally, and we would truly benefit from combining our communities together to support one cause.
Solar House Tour (9/25/21)
Associated Project(s):The Illinois Energy Association's annual Solar House Tour will feature several Champaign County homeowners, including iSEE affiliate Scott Willenbrock. The event will take place from 10 AM - 3 PM on Saturday, September 25th, 2021. Get excited, because the event will also include in-person tours, outside viewings, and Zoom recordings.
For more details, visit the Illinois Solar Education Association website!
Check out the I-Pollinate citizen science research initiative
Associated Project(s):I-Pollinate is a citizen science research initiative, through the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, designed to collect state-wide pollinator data. I-Pollinate enlists citizen scientists to participate in three research projects and collect data on monarch egg and caterpillar abundance, pollinator visitation to ornamental flowers, and state bee demographics. If you are interested in participating and want more information, visit the website site at