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Projects Updates for Bicycle Parking & Storage

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  1. Tow-away Zone ordinance for Green Street and USDOT Reconnecting Communities & Neighborhoods

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi all,


    City of Urbana has approved an ordinance to tow away cars parked in the bike lanes on Green Street between Wright and Lincoln. They will next try to add this to a traffic code to write citations as well (that's a future topic).


    See below the link from City Council's meeting where John Zeman presented the Green Street bike lane ordinance.


    Thank you,


  2. Transportation iCAP Team Meeting 12/2/22

    The transportation iCAP team met on Friday, December 2nd at 3:00 P.M. CST to discuss electric vehicle charging, and updates on bike shelter procurement for the university. Due to a software error, the meeting minutes were not recorded.

    Link to meeting recording: