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Projects Updates for Graduate Certificate in Sustainability

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  1. Education iCAP Team September 2022 Meeting

    The Education iCAP team had a hybrid meeting from 5:00 P.M. - 6:00 PM on Monday, August 29th. The team reviewed the Education iCAP objectives, shared project updates, and brainstormed new action ideas for this semester. Meeting minutes are attached.

  2. Example program at Ball State

    Now, while you are pursuing the Sustainability Excellence (SEA) credentialing, you can earn Ball State University's online graduate certificate in sustainability at the same time.

    The certificate consists of 12-credit and is offered entirely online. Each course is conveniently offered as a one-credit experience, taking just five weeks to complete. The skills and knowledge to be gained can be applied within the various employment opportunities arising from every degree completion. Cost varies on your state of residence and the number of courses you plan to take each semester.