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Provide Centralized Communication about Sustainability (Ongoing)

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The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has several outlets to learn about sustainability initiatives, education, research, and events.  These efforts have been championed on campus over the past several decades by various groups, committees, offices, centers, and institutes.  As of January 2014, the convenor for these groups is the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE).

The iSEE has made a concerted effort to increase their followers on Facebook and Twitter, since that seems to be an effective way to communicate with students. Other efforts to be more comprehensive are underway, as well.

  • Green Teams: Green teams are groups of faculty members that attempt to further sustainable operatiosn at the University. There is one central focus of each green team. Focuses among all of the green teams on campus have a wide range within the broad category of sustainability, from energy efficiency to native plantings. Green teams usually consist of faculty members, which Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) have are student-led.
  • E-newsletter: The weekly e-newsletter has 1,300 subscribers.
  • Website: The iSEE website aims to inform the public about sustainability activities and resources on campus and in the region.
  • Facebook and Twitter: As part of the iSEE's efforts to improve communication with students, the iSEE made improvements to their Facebook and Twitter pages in 2012. As of February 2013, iSEE's Twitter account had more than 900 followers.
  • Media coverage: The iSEE receives regular coverage in the Daily Illini, which is the University of Illinois' student newspaper, as a result of the iSEE's many interactions with students.  The bi-monthly faculty/ staff newspaper, Inside Illinois, publishes a regular section devoted to green initiatives.

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iCAP Portal users per year


  • FY 2021:

    during covid pandemic

Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Jenny Kokini

    Project Leader:

    Evan DeLucia


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