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Housing Department Projects

This collection lists the projects related to the Housing Department.

Project Listing


Map of projects

Latest Updates

  • 6/5/2024

    The Food Literacy Project is currently on hold.

  • 5/19/2024

    Hi Daphne,


    Have you had any discussion with Housing dining about piloting composting in their catering operations?


    I believe we could encourage them to lead a pilot for that.



  • 5/19/2024

    WCIA: UI Students donate unwanted dorm items for annual Dump and Run

  • 5/13/2024

    182 lbs of dry food was donated to Eastern Illinois Foodbank during Dump & Run 2024.

  • 5/1/2024

    2024 Dump & Run

    Apr 12, 2024 | 9:36 am

    Recycling containers will be available at the end-of-the-semester to take unneeded, gently used personal items.

  • 5/1/2024
  • 3/22/2024
  • 3/22/2024

    I have attached files for the digital sign and the posters. I will get our marketing staff to add the digital sign to our boards in the next couple weeks, and I have asked them to add it to a future issue of Housing Insider.

  • 3/22/2024

    Hi Jenna,


  • 2/16/2024

    Attendance: Pete Varney, Dan Hiser, Miriam, Bryan Johnson, Thurman Etchison, Daphne Hulse



    1. Determine exact remaining budget for this year (Daphne)

      1. $5,951.38 in SSC fund