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Energy011 Priority Technologies and Practices for a Clean Energy Plan - Transmitted
Posted by Sarthak Prasad on April 10, 2023
On 4/10/2023, the Energy011 Priority Technologies and Practices for a Clean Energy Plan recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Ehab Kamarah, Associate Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of Facilities & Services, with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.
Dear Dr. Kamarah,
The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) recently approved recommendation Energy011 from the Energy iCAP Team to develop a short document describing the feasibility and overall effectiveness of energy efficient technologies and practices being considered for UIUC. This information brief is expected to help identify next steps for propelling UIUC forward in its carbon-neutrality goals, and provide university leadership with key points concerning the various options for meeting campus’s climate commitments. Additional details are provided in the attached recommendation.
The Formal iCAP Procedures include a section on campus unit responsibilities upon receipt of a recommendation, and we respectfully request your response to this recommendation by May 5, if possible. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please let us know.
Jennifer Fraterrigo
Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)
iCAP Working Group co-chairs
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
See the Energy011 Priority Technologies and Practices for a Clean Energy Plan recommendation here.