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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Imported Swine Research Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 323 T-12 fixtures in the Imported Swine Research Laboratory were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 50,918 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  2. Labor & Employment Relations

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 179 T-12 fixtures in the Admin Tech Info Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 29,829 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.48 years.

  3. Atmospheric Sciences Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 221 T-12 fixtures in the Atmospheric Sciences Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 34,365 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.83 years.

  4. Meat Sciences Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 367 T-12 fixtures in the Meat Sciences Laboratory were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 66,103 hours. The simple payback for this project is 2.91 years.

  5. Horticulture Field Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 256 T-12 fixtures in the Horticulture Field Lab were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 40,187 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.58 years.

  6. Admin Info Tech Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 687 T-12 fixtures in the Admin Tech Info Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 112,316 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.42 years.

  7. Art and Design Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 1,250 T-12 fixtures in the Art and Design Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 202,172 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.47 years.

  8. payments to RSOs

    From: Hanson, Claudine
    Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 10:10 AM
    To: Johnston, Morgan B; Beverage, McKenzie
    Cc: Jones, John D
    Subject: RE: RSO Weatherization Payments

    Here you go.

    The full CFOAP for deposits into an RSO fund is  1-90xxxx-389005-307900-199000

    The fund numbers are as follows:

    Hong Kong Student Association     901645

    Chinese Undergraduate Student Association    902108

    Horticulture Club     901887

    Students for Environmental Concerns   901758

    American Society of Civil Engineers   901270

    Let me know if you have questions.



  9. Art East Annex- Studio 1

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 703 T-12 fixtures in the Art East Annex (Studio 1) were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 112,892 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.47 years.

  10. Ceramics Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 531 T-12 fixtures in the Admin Tech Info Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 96,045 hours. The simple payback for this project is 2.96 years.

  11. Geological Survey Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 225 T-12 fixtures in the Geological Survey Laboratory were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 44,856 hours. The simple payback for this project is 2.59 years.

  12. 14 Weeks Without Coal Burning

    Beginning on June 1, 2012 the University quit burning coal as the campus energy needs declined with the beginning of summer. The University had gone without coal for 20 weeks in the summer of 2011. Abbott Power Plant began burning coal again on September 5, 2012 after 14 weeks without burning.

  13. Update from Mark Barcus

    From: Barcus, Mark A
    Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 7:58 AM
    To: Beverage, McKenzie; Johnston, Morgan B; Thomas Ferrarell (
    Subject: RE: Weatherization Update

    Hello All,

    The work on these buildings should start in the next couple weeks. The Craft & Trades are getting past their busy season since school has started.

    The only item I see on Tom’s list that may be an issue is the tuck pointing at the Native American House 1206 W. Nevada. I will have to speak with our Brickmasons Foreman to see if this can be done.

    As for the Speech Communication building let me see what the future plans for its use are.



  14. Update from Mckenzie Beverage

    Hi Mark and Morgan,

    I met with Thomas today and we discussed the kits and email to be sent to the buildings. He is waiting on confirmation from Mark for the building upgrades. Do you know when those will begin? He would like to list the specific upgrades that will be made for each building when he contacts them. I have attached his list here. Please let him know if all of these will be able to happen and when.

    Additionally, Thomas was informed that the Speech Communications building is not occupied this semester. Do you know how long it will be unoccupied? If it is longer than the fall semester, Thomas suggested reconsidering completing the upgrades.

    Let me know if you would like to set up a meeting to discuss these items. Otherwise, Thomas will be needing the energy usage information from before and after the upgrades to include that in his final report. Thanks!  

    Best Regards,

    Mckenzie Beverage

  15. Garage/ Car Pool

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 445 T-12 fixtures in the Admin Tech Info Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 70,200 hours. The simple payback for this project is 2.79 years.

  16. invoices to pay RSOs


    I have attached the invoices for the RSOs. I have been informed by the RSO account tech that you need to make the check payable to the University of Illinois. You can put their RSO name in the memo or write c/o after the University of Illinois with their RSO name. Whichever works easiest for you. Once you have done this, please send the checks to me (my mail code is listed below). I will contact the students and give them instructions on how to cash these checks. Please let me know if you need anything further. 


    From: Beverage, McKenzie
    Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 10:37 AM
    To: Kealan O'Neil; O'Neil, Kealan Daniel; Jenny Allen; Allen, Jennifer M; Choi, Hiu Yan; Lin, Jiaxiu; Katie Kinley;
    Cc: Thomas Ferrarell; Johnston, Morgan B; Allen, Amy E
    Subject: RE: Weatherization Project Payments

    Hello all,

    Thank you so much for participating in the 2011-2012 Weatherization Program. Your incentives for participating in the program will be available at the Office of Registered Organizations on the day classes begin. Please ask for me when you arrive.

    When you come to pick up your check you will need to take it to the Cashier’s window in 100 Henry Administration Building. You will need your 4-digit RSO account number (ACCOUNT #1-90__ __ __ __-389005-307900-199000) in order to deposit the check into your RSO account. Your treasurer should know this number. If your treasurer does not know this number, he or she may request if from the Office of Registered Organizations (please note that only the treasurer may request this number).

    Please let me know if you have any questions. Enjoy the last few days of summer!  

    Best Regards,

    Mckenzie Beverage

    Program Advisor, Student Sustainability Committee
