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Projects Updates for place: Alma Mater
- Associated Project(s):
Light the Night 2019 flyer
Volunteer sign up
Associated Project(s):Purchase order to purchase the bike lights
Associated Project(s):Quote from TBP to purchase Torch Blinking bike lights
Associated Project(s):Quote from MTD to purchase silicone strap bike lights
Associated Project(s):Invoice contact information for the University of Illinois
Associated Project(s):Purchasing of the bike lights
Associated Project(s):Lead organizer of Light the Night
Associated Project(s):Light the night 2019 - Discussion
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Light the night 2019 - funding agreements
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update - Bike to Work Day, Bike Rodeo, etc.
Weekly Update - Bicycle Donations, Bike to Work Day, etc.
Bike to Work Day Registration
Associated Project(s):bike box rap video
Associated Project(s):Plans underway for September 2018 event
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update
Associated Project(s):Weekly Update
Associated Project(s):MTD Newsletter for August 2017
Associated Project(s):MCORE update August 2017
Associated Project(s):