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Projects Updates for place: Alma Mater

  1. Vet Med participating and NSRC are not this year

    Associated Project(s): 

    Since Meredith has left the university Jen confirmed that iSEE cannot manage the station at National Soybean Research Center (NSRC), so they are not participating in the Bike to Work Day event this year.

    Vet Med confirmed that they can participate in this year's event.

    Sarthak communicated the change to University Housing.

  2. Check in meeting from July 26, 2023

  3. Meeting on 2023 Champaign County Bike Month Planning

    Associated Project(s): 

    On 07/12/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh were a part of a 2023 Champaign County Bike Month Planning meeting.

    - Confirmed Dates for Upcoming Events:
    September 14th – Bike to Work Day
    September 19th – Light the Night

    Time - 4p.m to 7p.m (Tentative)
    September 21st – Rain Day

    - Budget for Light the Night

    - Suggestion in the meeting: The system of Veo Rides is bringing in more bike riders in the community. 

    -* Contact Lily for availability and confirm the dates for the event.

  4. Final numbers from Bike to Work Day and Light the Night

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Bike Month Planning team organized Bike to Work Day on September 14, 2022 from 7 - 10 am at 16 Champaign County locations, including eight on-campus. There were 893 registered to attend before the event this year and nearly 150 people registered on-site during the event! Champaign County Bikes were also present at Alma Mater and Hallene Gateway during Light the Night event as well as Bike to Market Day on September 17, 2022, to meet attendees who could not attend the Bike to Work Day event. The final number of pre-registered attendees (prior to Bike to Market) was 921, which is a new record for this event!

    Light the Night was organized on September 15, 2022, from 4 - 7 pm at three campus locations - Alma Mater, Hallene Gateway, and Campus Bike Center. This year, we used Planet Bike blinky lights with silicone straps. We distributed and installed nearly 800 bike light sets during this event! Alma Mater was, by far, the most popular location, where nearly 575 lights were distributed.

    Following the event, the Bike Month Plannign team discussed options for next year.

  5. Weekly Update: BTWD, LTN, Build-a-Bike, very busy this week

    All, Real busy times last week. Shop was manageably busy, but we had BTWD and LTN on consecutive days. Both events went well. I spent more time at the DRES stop than the Bike Center station, which was a new experience. Lots of folks on that route, and I was able to talk route-planning and commuting strategy with some people new to commuting. Weather cooperated swimmingly.

    We had a deluge of completed B-a-Bs last week. Always good to see the smiling faces of rewarded effort. Marketing folks came by and updated some of our filing cabinets and bins with printed (legible) labels and photos of contents to better help people find and identify parts. We’re still slower on Tue/Thurs as we work to get the word out that we’re now open those days as well.

    We’ll work this week on a couple shop builds we’ve been too busy to finish, prep for the abandoned bike giveaway, and clean shop as we’ve been too busy to do much of any of that in the last two weeks.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 86
    Sales: $1,084.30
    Bikes (B-a-B): 3 for $150

    Memberships: 17 for $510
    Tires/tubes: 10 for $59


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  6. Video: Highlights from Bike to Work Day and information on Light the Night

    Associated Project(s): 

    Mark Herman from iSEE created a timelapse video showcasing the Alma Mater station during the Bike to Work Day event on September 14, 2022. This video gives a highlight of the event as well as promote Light the Night event on September 15, 2022.

    Watch the video here:

  7. BTWD follow up with Stations Managers

    Associated Project(s): 

    Following email was sent to all BTWD station managers the day after the event on September 15, 2022.


    Hi Bike to Work Day station managers,

    I hope you had a good BTWD yesterday!  Here are the last 3 reminders/requests for you:

    1. Return your leftover materials to Charlie’s house (805 S. Coler Ave., Urbana) by Friday, if you haven’t already done so.
      1. This includes your box with the registration list, registration forms, the donation can, t-shirts, handouts, and the yard sign.
    2. Complete this short survey by Friday (if you can) to tell us how BTWD 2022 went for you:
    3. Send me photos from your station if you haven’t already done so, or label & drop them in this Google Drive folder.

    No Pictures Yet from these Stations:

    1. Campus Alma Mater
    2. Campus Bike Center
    3. Campus National Soybean Research Center
    4. CRCE
    5. Campus Uni High
    6. Rantoul
    7. Savoy


    Video Received & Posted from this Station:

    1. Campus Alma Mater

    Pictures Received & Posted from these Stations:

    1. Campus DRES
    2. Campus Orchard Downs
    3. Campus Research Park
    4. Champaign Downtown Plaza
    5. Champaign Wolfram
    6. Mahomet
    7. St. Joe KRT
    8. Urbana Brookens
    9. Urbana Downtown




  8. Water for volunteers+WO to transport the water

    Associated Project(s): 

    DIA provided 6 powerade containers that were used for water for the volunteers at Light the Night event. Work Order (WO 11003192) was created for the Transportation Shop to transport 2 large gatorade containers (filled with water) each to Alma Mater, Hallene Gateway, and Campus Bike Center by 3:30 pm tomorrow (September 15, 2022) for Light the Night event.

  9. Email to IUB: Help with Bike to Work Day and Light the Night event

    Associated Project(s): 

    Sarthak Prasad sent an email to Dave Guth to connect with Illini Union Board for help with Light the Night 2022 as well as Bike to Work Day and Light the Night events in 2023 going forward.


    Hi Dave,

    As you may already know, we organized Bike to Work Day today from 7 – 10 am, with one of the locations being the Alma Mater station! I had several people signed up to volunteer and only a few of them showed up this morning. I am hoping that IUB could send some volunteers for Light the Night event (tomorrow from 4-7 pm), in case something like this happened again. Could you please let me know if IUB could help out tomorrow?

    I would also like to ask IUB, if they could lead the Alma Mater welcoming station for Bike to Work Day and Light the Night events next year. Thank you,


  10. Email to volunteers

    Associated Project(s): 

    Following email was sent to all volunteers at Alma Mater welcoming station on September 13, 2022. Similar emails were sent to volunteers at other location as well.


    Hello, Thank you for volunteering to help at the Campus Alma Mater station on Bike to Work Day tomorrow morning!

    Please review the attached Volunteer Instructions and Talking Points before tomorrow’s event.  Printed copies of this will also be available at your station.

    Your station manager, Sarthak Prasad, is copied on this email.  Please communicate any schedule changes or questions to him.

    Thank you!


  11. Email to welcoming station managers

    Associated Project(s): 

    Following email was sent to all BTWD welcoming station managers on Septmber 13, 2022.


    Hi Bike to Work Day station managers!

    Tomorrow is the big event!  Please follow these 6 steps this week:


    1. Tuesday – Pick up your station box at Charlie’s house (805 S. Coler Ave., Urbana)
      1. Enter the screened-in porch, and find your box(es) with your station name on it.
      2. Papers in your box:  registration list, on-site registration forms, volunteer instructions, talking points, fall bike activity flyers, bike registration QR code
      3. Other items:  t-shirts, donation can, handouts & coupons in brochure holders, hand sanitizer
    2. Tuesday – Connect with your volunteers
      1. I will be sending emails to each station manager, and the people who signed up to volunteer at your station, with volunteer instructions.  Full list of names attached.
    3. Wednesday – Get an accurate count of people who stopped by your station
      1. Use the printed, stapled registration list in your box to check off people when they arrive at your station.
      2. You’ll get another updated list tonight with people who registered between Monday afternoon and Tuesday night.  Print or refer to this list on your phone on Wednesday morning, and write down everyone who stops by.
      3. If someone DIDN’T register online, have them fill out an ON-SITE REGISTRATION FORM included in your box.
      4. Return ALL paperwork in your box to Charlie’s house by Friday.
    4. Wednesday – Give away your freebies!
      1. T-shirts are available while supplies last.  Extras go back in your box to Charlie’s house.  If people are looking for a different size, send them to the Urbana Farmer’s Market Bike Table (NW corner) on Saturday between 8a-12n.
      2. Your box has bike maps, rules of the road, organization materials, hand sanitizer, and business coupons!  People can take as much as they want.
    5. Wednesday – Take & share pictures!
      1. Take some pictures at your station (with participant permission), and send them to Evan ( or post them on Facebook and tag “C-U Bike Month.”
    6. After the event – Return your leftover materials to Charlie’s house by Friday.
      1. This includes registration forms, the donation can, t-shirts, handouts, and the yard sign.




    Gabriel Lewis, AICP



    Planning and Community Development

    A division of the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission


    1776 E. Washington St, Urbana, IL 61802
    P 217.328.3313 | D 217.819.4102 |




    People. Possibilities.

  12. Weekly Update: Bike to Work Day and Light the Night this week, Abandoned bicycles

    All, The visitor numbers seem low for how busy it felt this past week. Had a few students step up, volunteer, and enjoy it enough to come back in the last few weeks. That’s always a good sign we’re doing something right.

    I was out Thursday/Friday and my staff handled the Bike Center in my absence. No major issues, so I call that a success.

    We’ve got BTWD and LTN this week, back-to-back days, on Wed then Thursday. Weather looks good (at this point).

    This Friday is the last day for students to claim their abandoned bikes so my staff and I will count the remaining ones that we’ll be able to use. From there, I’ll coordinate with Working Bikes to pick up the rest—potentially as soon as next week. The influx of bikes will be a boon to for our programs as we look to build back stock.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 49
    Sales: $895
    Memberships: 15 for $450
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
    Tires/tubes: 15 for $70


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator
