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Projects Updates for place: Foreign Languages Building

  1. Campuswide Occupancy Sensors

    In 2008, $50,000 was awarded to Facilities and Services to install occupancy sensors in 272 rooms across 10 highly-visible campus buildings. Where in use, the automatic lighting controls reduce energy usage by 30% (total savings of $11,900/year plus inflation) and greenhouse gas emissions (by 88,000 lbs CO2, 323 lbs of NOx, and 1,079 lbs SOx per year). The sensors are a daily reminder to students, faculty, staff, and visitors of the University of Illinois’ commitment to sustainability.

  2. Campus-wide Bike Parking Funding Agreement

    Bike parking is essential for supporting green commuters as well as raising awareness and supporting biking on campus. In 2009, the SSC funded $10,600 for standard bike parking at three popular locations on campus, Freer Hall, the Undergraduate Library, and the Agricultural Engineering Sciences Building. Later in 2012, SSC provided $225,000 in order to replace old donut-hole bike parking with U-loop parking at the Armory, the Main Library, the Foreign Language Building, and other high-traffic areas on campus.

  3. IUB Retrocommissioning and Occupancy Sensors Loan

    Program Background:

    The Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) is tasked with the allocation of the proceeds of two student environmental fees – the Clean Energy Technology Fee and the Sustainable Campus Environment Fee, to improve the sustainability of our campus. The committee has established a program to make funds available for efficiency projects that will be later returned for reinvestment in future projects.

    Committee funds will be made available to the Office of Sustainability which will carry out an inter-departmental transfer to the Receiving campus unit. The Receiving unit agrees to return the transfer to the Office of Sustainability, in installments, as described on the next page, for reuse by the SSC.

    Project Description:            

    The Illini Union seeks funding to retro-commission the Illini Union Bookstore building, and to install Occupancy Sensors in the Illini Union building. The Illini Union Bookstore building contains both academic and auxiliary units, and the SSC loan will allow for complete retro-commissioning of the building. Retro-commissioning is expected to cost $113,000; the RCx process identifies defective components within the HVAC systems, reconfiguring and controlling them to function more efficiently, decreasing wear and tear and extending their service life by 20 years (as part of a regular preventative maintenance program), as well as reducing building energy consumption.

    The SSC loan will also provide $67,000 to install lighting occupancy sensors in the Illini Union, in food service preparation areas, restrooms, office areas and meeting rooms, which will reduce energy and lighting use.


    The Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of the Office of Sustainability transferring an amount of $180,000 to the Illini Union completion of this work. These funds are to be drawn from the Sustainable Campus Environment Fee account managed by the SSC, as needed to complete the project. All funds requested from the SSC must be expended before 30th September 2010, else the unit must apply for an extension.

    The Illini Union agrees to return the funds provided by carrying out annual transfers to the Office of Sustainability due on the 15th of August of each year in the following manner:

    $20,000 – Due 15th August 2011

    $40,000 – Due 15th August 2012

    $40,000 – Due 15th August 2013

    $40,000 – Due 15th August 2014

    $40,000 – Due 15th August 2015

    The Office of Sustainability will direct them back to the Committee’s account. The Illini Union will provide a close-out report about the project after installation. The Illini Union will also appropriately publicize the Committee’s support of these projects.

    All funds provided by this transfer will be used in a manner consistent with University of Illinois policies and procedures.

  4. Occupancy Sensors Funding Agreement

    This proposal looks to install occupancy sensors in classrooms, hallways, restrooms, lounges, and other public areas in twenty heavily used campus buildings, chosen according to the number of student contact hours. This project will reduce energy usage by 30% in affected areas, saving the campus approximately $18,000 per year in energy costs (based on a $0.0689/kWh rate), and reduce emissions by nearly 440,000 lbs of CO2 equivalent. This highly visible effort is expected to increase student and community awareness of the impact of reducing lighting usage. These sensors will serve as a lasting and permanent public statement of campus commitment to responsible sustainable behavior. Thus, the Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding the fully requested amount of $50,000.

  5. Roger Adams Laboratory (portion)

    Associated Project(s): 

    Sixty-four lighting fixtures in a portion of the Roger Adams Laboratory were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 10,092 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Roger Adams Laboratory is 2.01 years.

  6. Bevier Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 1,982 lighting fixtures in Bevier Hall were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 338,894 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures inBevier Hall is 1.26 years.

  7. Noyes Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 1,574 lighting fixtures in the Noyes Laboratory were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 276,264 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Noyes Laboratory is 0.94 years.

  8. Davenport Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 2,030 lighting fixtures in Davenport Hall were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 363,141 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in Davenport Hall is 1.36 years.

  9. Freer Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 629 lighting fixtures in Freer Hall were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 100,595 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in Freer Hall is 2.49 years.

  10. Natural History Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 2,153 lighting fixtures in the Natural History Building were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 345,994 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Natural History Building is 2.37 years.

  11. Main Library (6th Stack)

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 379 lighting fixtures in the Main Library (6th Stack) were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 55,547 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Main Library (6th Stack) is 6.66 years.

  12. Foreign Language Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 2,694 lighting fixtures in the Foreign Language Building were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 424,790 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Foreign Language Building is 3.06 years. Occupancy sensors were also installed in this facility for further energy savings.

  13. Krannert Center for the Performing Arts

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 1,090 lighting fixtures in the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 171,871 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Krannert Center is 2.26  years.

  14. Occupancy Sensors (Automatic Lighting Controls) Funding Agreement

    The goal of this project is to install lighting sensors in classrooms in several University instructional buildings (e.g. the Armory, the Foreign Language Building and Loomis). The sensors will switch off the lights in these areas, after 30 minutes of inactivity, which will reduce lighting consumption by ~30%. Additionally, having these retrofits take place at the same time as additional lighting upgrades will reduce overall installation costs. Given the reduction in lighting and electricity usage, the high visibility to students of the target areas and student interest in this technology, the Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding the full requested amount of $50,000.

  15. Bike Parking Funding Agreement

    The goal of this project is to fund installation of bicycle parking facilities at the Undergraduate Library, the Ag. Sciences Engineering Building and Freer Hall. Cycling is a sustainable form of transportation, highly used by the student body, and inadequately supported on campus. Thus the students sustainability committee is in favor of funding the full requested amount of $10,600.  

  16. Everitt Electrical Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 2,059 lighting fixtures in the Everitt Electrical Building were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF 2008 Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 336,327 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Everitt Electrical Building is 2.25 years.

  17. Agriculture Engineering Sciences Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 1,236 lighting fixtures in the Agriculture Engineering Sciences Building were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 193,605 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Agriculture Engineering Sciences Building is 2.36 years.

  18. Henry Administration Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of2,135 lighting fixtures in the Henry Administration Building were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 358,223 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Henry Administration Building is 1.75 years.

  19. Armory

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 2,046 lighting fixtures in the Armory were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 312,561 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Armory is 2.56 years. Occupancy sensors were also installed in this facility for further energy savings.

  20. Mumford Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 1,508 lighting fixtures in Mumford Hall were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 240,593 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in Mumford Hall is 1.96 years.
