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Projects Updates for place: Lincoln Hall

  1. FY20 College Energy EIU Documents

    Hi Tony,


    Could you please provide files like these, for FY21, FY22, and FY23?  This is in support of the iCAP objective


    Thank you,






    Can you refresh my memory on how this information is distributed and utilized to support the iCAP?  Since it has been three years since we last produced the reports I am wondering if there is still value in producing these.







  2. Family and Graduate Housing outreach event at Orchard Downs Community Center

    On 08/26/2023, Sarthak and Hrushikesh were part of a tabling event held in the community center of Family and Graduate Housing at Orchard Downs. Our goal in the event was to spread awareness about the use of bicycles and to give out all the information about bicycles along with free goodies like wrist bands, Keychain, Bike route maps, Bicycle safety rules, and Bike Registration procedure.

    Attached Files: 
  3. Fall 2023 Sustainability Celebration FW: ECIP next steps

    Hi Paul,


    Should we set up a calendar time to talk via Teams about the ECIP plans?  I’d think it would include Jen Fraterrigo, and maybe Rob?





    Hi Morgan,

    During Monday’s meeting we chose to follow your advice and go with the fall schedule.


    We are again having conference schedule during this week and wonder if the sustainability week can be chosen on a week other than the week of Oct 16th – the 20th?






    Hi Paul,


    I think the date of the Campus Sustainability Celebration can move, as long as it is within October. I'll touch base with Jen about it and confirm. 





    Hi Elizabeth,

    I checked with Karl and the BTAF Mechanical conference for engineering is Oct 15-18th and the I2SL Sustainable Labs conference is Oct 22-25, if we can avoid these two weeks that would be terrific?



    Thank you 

    Paul Foote


    Hello Elizabeth,

    Any updates on the timing for this event?


    I am looking to coordinate the ECIP awards for 2022 and 2023 during this event.



    Paul Foote

  4. ECIP next steps

    Hi Paul,


    Should we set up a calendar time to talk via Teams about the ECIP plans?  I’d think it would include Jen Fraterrigo, and maybe Rob?





    Hi Morgan,

    During Monday’s meeting we chose to follow your advice and go with the fall schedule.


    We are again having conference schedule during this week and wonder if the sustainability week can be chosen on a week other than the week of Oct 16th – the 20th?





    Hi Paul,


    I think the date of the Campus Sustainability Celebration can move, as long as it is within October. I'll touch base with Jen about it and confirm. 





    Good morning,


    I am fine with moving the Campus Sustainability Celebration to another week in October.



