weekly update
The past few weeks have been very busy. I have not been able to write a weekly digest. We have seen a massive increase in people coming in. The shop has been operating at above capacity, but with some patience on the part of those coming in as well as some kind volunteers we have gotten by. We have tabled at the International Student Check in, Quad Day, and the Paraprofessional Resource Fair. We pulled about 80 bikes from the warehouse, donated quite a few bikes to Habitat for Humanity, and a couple to the YMCA. I helped coordinate bike volunteers for Dump and Run and helped a little coordinating volunteers for Habitat for Humanity. I helped the organizers of the Illinois Bike Summit find speakers for the Community Bike Shop portion of the Summit. I helped create some new advocacy materials.
This week I plan on reorganizing the Center to fix the chaos of the last few weeks, building bikes, printing more advocacy materials, and working on ordering bike parts.
I will see about creating a class schedule for the semester.
From the Campus Outpost,
James Roedl