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Projects Updates for ECE Net-Zero Energy Building
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RECs for small solar rooftop arrays
ECE Building Becomes the University's First Zero Energy Certified Facility
It's official! ECE is Net Zero Certified!
Associated Project(s):2021 Net Zero Calculations
Associated Project(s):ECEB Energy Kiosks
Associated Project(s):Real-time energy dashboards now available
Associated Project(s):ECE energy dashboard refinement in discussion
Associated Project(s):2021 – ECEB is 100% Solar Powered!
Associated Project(s):ECE Building Energy Dashboards
Associated Project(s):Brainstormed Ideas for the ECE Lobby Display and Kiosks
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Brainstorming discussion about ECE lobby display
Associated Project(s):Resources for Engagement and Displays
Associated Project(s):ECE energy dashboard
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Meeting with Joyce, Nynika, and Morgan
Net-Zero Energy meeting
Associated Project(s):ECEB Net-Zero Updates & Clarifications
Associated Project(s):SSC Funding Request & Approval for ECE Lobby Displays
Associated Project(s):discussion with Morgan and Joyce
Associated Project(s):Info from Andy Robinson at F&S