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Projects Updates for FY12 SSC Bike Parking Upgrades

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  1. bike rack map is being updated

    The Illinois map has a category called bike racks.  These were added based on a student survey done several years ago.  The Active Transportation Coordinator is working with GIS Specialist James Whitacre, and student volunteers, to update the data and the campus map.  This should be completed during FY17.

  2. Bike parking added

    Associated Project(s): 

    BIKE RACK REPLACEMENTS: The replacement of 344 broken/unusable campus bike racks at the College of Education, Loomis Laboratory, Main Library, Mechanical Engineering Building, and Smith Memorial Hall was completed. Bike racks at David Kinley Hall and the Psychology Building will also be replaced in coordination with construction taking place at those locations. 


  3. New 70 4-loop and 60 5-loop rail-mounted bike racks have arrived!

    The University requested bids from vendors in FY15 for the purchase of 70 4-loop and 60 5-loop bike racks. RJ Thomas Manufacturing Co. Inc. were one of those who responded to this bid. The University received these new 70 4-loop and 60 5-loop bike racks from this vendor in Spring 2015.

  4. bike parking review meeting

    Associated Project(s): 

    Stacey DeLorenzo, Amelia Neptune, Morgan Johnston, and Noel Grove met to review the bike parking estimates for this project.  There are a few locations where the pavement is in terrible condition, so we discussed options for handling those locations.  The racks could be installed on rails, or the pavement could be replaced.  There were also a few locations where there are conflicting major projects occuring in the near future.  Stacey will talk to the project managers for those sites to work through the solutions for the bike parking installation.

  5. CAD Drawings requested for remaining 9 locations

    Associated Project(s): 

    Transportation Demand Management staff designed sketches and submitted a work order request to have formal CAD drawings made for the remaining 9 bike parking locations to be upgraded from donut hole style racks to "U" racks. 

    Staff also developed a Google Map for others to follow the current status of each bike parking upgrade location.

  6. Cost estimates requested for first 5 locations

    Associated Project(s): 

    Transportation staff submitted work order requests to have cost estimates for time and materials for the first five locations to be upgraded from donut hole bike parking to U-rack bike parking.  The remaining nine locations need to have CAD drawings produced and apprroved before costs can be estimated.  

  7. Campus-wide Bike Parking Funding Agreement

    Bike parking is essential for supporting green commuters as well as raising awareness and supporting biking on campus. In 2009, the SSC funded $10,600 for standard bike parking at three popular locations on campus, Freer Hall, the Undergraduate Library, and the Agricultural Engineering Sciences Building. Later in 2012, SSC provided $225,000 in order to replace old donut-hole bike parking with U-loop parking at the Armory, the Main Library, the Foreign Language Building, and other high-traffic areas on campus.

  8. Bike Parking Funding Agreement

    The goal of this project is to fund installation of bicycle parking facilities at the Undergraduate Library, the Ag. Sciences Engineering Building and Freer Hall. Cycling is a sustainable form of transportation, highly used by the student body, and inadequately supported on campus. Thus the students sustainability committee is in favor of funding the full requested amount of $10,600.