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Projects Updates for "Don't Waste" with Coca-Cola

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  1. Internal meeting for the "Don't Waste It" campaign

    Associated Project(s): 
    • Tony Mancuso said that he will take care of the Digital Signage
      • He can get the slide (powerpoint) and make changes to dimensions if needed
      • Tony will get them out to all communicators on campus and the list-servs
      • Chris (from Housing) will handle the Housing Digital Signage
    • Morgan asked whether we need to talk to anybody from Public Affairs
      • Regarding Branding
      • Tony said, "No. This is not a Branding issue."
    • Morgan asked Marty Kaufman (from DIA) about Digital Signs
      • Marty said that there may be some in the State Farm Center in the lobby area but there are not any at Memorial Stadium
    • Group talked about putting messaging on a column
      • Morgan wants to wait for a future date
      • It could be on the wall/mural at the Waste Transfer Station. Pete Varney said sure
    • Homepage for Recycling - the F&S Recycling page - The group talked about making changes to this page to accommoday the "Don't Waste It" campaign.
      • single use masks may be pulled soon
        • Pete will check on the status of updates to the website
      • Adding "Related Resources" to this page
      • We will work on making the website mobile-friendly.
    • QR code
      • Whether it should go to the F&S website or something specific
      • Sarthak Prasad suggested using Webtools
        • Tony agreed. He said it would be great if we can manage the QR code and short URL
      • Sarthak will create a Short URL and QR code
        • Short URL - - created
        • Will give access to the communicators on this call
    • Reusable or Moveable Bins
      • Morgan asked Thurman Etchison (Housing), how many bins would he like? - this is for the Welcome Celebration - expecting about 4-5k students
        • Morgan had asked Coca-Cola for 30-50 bins
        • Coke will give us these bins and we will have to place them
      • Thurman said that
        • DIA usually place the bins
        • Housing could place and store them for future events
        • Thurman had asked Coca-Cola for 20
      • Morgan said that Coke will give the bins to Thurman
      • Morgan will ask them to give us 30 bins
      • Material
        • Options: Cardboard or corrugated plastic
          • We want corrugated plastic
          • Thurman had asked for this already
        • Bryan Johnson (Housing) said that we would like to get a sample first before we get all 30
          • For the look and size to place on Housing property/Residence Halls
      • Blue Bags for recycling
        • Morgan asked if all know how to get them
        • Pete said that the blue bags are available but BSWs are responsible for providing them
          • Reach out to Pete if there are questions
    • Department picnic (Welcome Celebration) is on August 19 from 11-3 pm
      • F&S and iSEE have a table each
      • Morgan asked if others have tables
        • Dave Guth (Illini Union) said that he will check with Erik Riha
      • Morgan asked if others would like the swag/giveaways at other tables or just at the F&S and iSEE tables?
        • Tony said that he would rather have them at multiple locations instead of just one or two
        • Thurman said the he would prefer to spread the infomration at different locations
      • Morgan also asked if we should distribute the swag all year round
      • Welcome Celebration - iSEE table - Meredith Moore (iSEE) is looking at it. Tony will be there too.
    • Reusable Straws
      • Tyler Swanson (student) said that
        • Students love free bottles
        • reusable straws are not preferred
        • cannot clean them in the dorms
      • Shreya Mahajan (student) said that students only use the reusable straws once
      • Tony said that he agrees with both Tyler and Shreya
    • Table Cloth is fine
    • Meredith would like someone from Coca-Cola to host the Ted Talk
      • Maybe in late fall or early spring
      • Corporate sustainability
    • Plastic Free Challenge in October and/or April
      • Coke could support these as part of the Don't Waste It campaign
    • Waste Audit
      • Last waste audit was done in 2015 (Illini Union in coordination with ISTC)
        • Included RAL, BIF, Illini Union and two other buildings
      • monitored 5 days worth of waste
        • This time, ISTC says they only need to monitor 2 days of waste
      • Dave Guth asked where else we could be targeting. Whether we would want to do the same 5 buildings or add more to them. It would be great if Coca-Cola supports it and funds it too
      • Dave talked about coordinating in October. ISTC lost their coordinator
        • Focus this fall on the scope, funds, and other details
        • Timeline could be Earth Month
    • Coca-Cola needs to spend $15,000 for sustainability on-campus
      • Marty Kaufman - They previously provided t-shirts
      • Aaron Finder - We have not received any checks since updating the contract
      • Morgan White - Can we ask if we didnt receive funding previous year(s), if they can fund/provide funds now?
      • Aaron - We can only ask for the current contract?
      • Marty Kaufman - Ideally, we can ask the question.
  2. meeting with F&S and iSEE about Zero Waste programs

    iSEE and F&S met to discuss commodity recyclables at F&S and the interest in looking at getting Coke to buy our PET, the Zero Waste messaging campaign and potential collaboration with Coke on the messaging for our Use the Bin campaign.  Also, Coke offers a tailgate package that may be helpful in our conversations about increasing recycling at athletic events.

  3. Meeting agenda and notes

    Associated Project(s): 

    Agenda for meeting with Coca-cola national and regional team and UIUC representatives.

    • Climate Leadership Commitments and Plastic Waste Reduction
    • Coke Current Sustainability Efforts at Illinois (use of sustainability funds in current contract)
    • Coke Future Efforts to Reduce Plastic Waste
    • Enhanced sustainability collaboration between Coke and Illinois

    iSEE notes from meeting:

    Met with national & regional Coke representatives on 4/28/2022 to discuss increasing sustainable purchasing and waste management practices

    • Coke transitioning to bottles with higher content of recycled PET (rPET)
    • Support increased plastic waste collection (raw materials for rPET)
      • Reverse vending machines (RVM)– donation/reward for bottle/can recycling
      • Develop blueprints for messaging and events (social media, signage, materials for athletic events)

    Next steps

    • Connect with RVM manufacturer (Atlas Solutions) to discuss purchasing

    • Engage wit Coke partners Circular Solutions for a potential sustainability audit

  4. Vending data from 2016 to part of 2022

    Associated Project(s): 

    Heartland Coca-cola provided data from our UIUC purchases from 2016 to part of 2022. There are 3 tabs, broken out by full service, direct delivery bottle/can and BIB. 

    Here are the symbols used:

    • Dasani 20oz
    • Dasani .5L 24pk
    • Sparkling (soda) 20oz
    • 12oz sparkling cans
    • Smartwater 1L
    • Dasani 12oz
    • Core Power 14oz
    • BodyArmor 28oz
    • Powerade 28oz 32oz
    • Minute Maid Juice Bottles 12oz
    • Vitamin Water 20oz
    • Dunkin 13.7oz
    • Monster single
    • Dasani 1L
    • Core Power Elite 14oz
    • Powerade 20oz
    • Gold Peak 18.5oz
    • Smartwater 20oz IC
    Attached Files: 
  5. Planning a meeting with Coke

    Associated Project(s): 

    Lowa Mwilambwe is coordinating a meeting with representatives from Coke, to discuss sustainability options, per the discussion at the Sustainability Sub-council.  They are gathering a team that will be able to engage with our campus both short-term and long-term. 

  6. Sustainability Sub-Council Meeting Minutes 3-30-22

    The Sustainability Sub-Council met on 3-30-22 in preparation of the Sustainability Council meeting. The agenda was as follows: 

    • Introductions
    • Sustainable Land Management (for South Farms)
    • Waste Reduction Strategies
    • Updates – Campus Landscape Master Plan, Sustainability Gen Ed requirement
    • STARS report

    The meeting minutes and PowerPoint presentation are attached. 
