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Carbon-Neutral Energy for Campus (Ongoing)

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The iCAP 2020, objective 2.3 is to "Use clean energy sources for 15% of total campus energy demand by FY30." The responsible campus unit for championing this objective is F&S. Clean energy sources can include but are not limited to: solar, wind, geothermal, biofuels, biomass, renewable natural gas, and nuclear.

A key concept in the transition to clean energy is the difference between electricity and total energy. In FY19, electricity accounted for just 38% of total campus energy consumption; the district heating and cooling systems and certain buildings with direct natural gas connections accounted for the other 62%. For that reason, the iCAP Working Group agreed that we should add an objective in the iCAP 2020 that focuses on increasing the use of clean thermal energy, in addition to continuing our focus on clean power.


For decades, students, faculty, and staff have worked to incorporate clean energy solutions for campus operations.

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