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Business Instructional Facility: LEED Platinum

The Business Instructional Facility was awarded the LEED Platinum Certification on December 2, 2009, having achieved 52 of the 69 possible points on the LEED Scorecard. The construction was especially strong in the Indoor Environmental Quality, receiving 13 of the 15 possible points in that area. This building is the first business facility at a public university anywhere in the world to earn platinum certification through LEED.  Cesar Pelli,  a U. of I.

Energy Use Policy

“From fiscal years 2002 to 2006 the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois realized an increase in utility costs of approximately 150%. The adverse financial impact was exacerbated by new or deepening cost pressures in nearly every area of campus operation. Spiraling energy costs in that period were a result of world-wide demand for energy; increasingly volatile fuel costs; and to a lesser extent, growth in the campus plant. There are no signs those trends will abate.

Presentations with Energy Liaisons

To communicate within departments and colleges, we asked Energy Liaisons established by F&S to promote energy conservation to host presentations in their buildings which will include a display, information, and materials specific to your buildings. The first of these presentations were conducted during Sustainability Week, October 2011. The goal is to use the Energy Liaisons and various campus sustainability committees as grassroots contacts for initiatives such as energy conservation.

Green Infrastructure Conference

The Erosion Control and Green Infrastructure Conference will take place 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on July 12, 2019 at the I Hotel and Conference Center. This one-day conference will bring together designers, contractors and other professionals to explore and advance the use of erosion control and green infrastructure in municipal management. Breakfast and lunch will be provided and a tour of the U of I Erosion Control Research & Training Center is also being offered.

Vet Med ESCO

Efficiently Deliverying Green Energy at the Vet Med Complex

The Facilities and Services team has partnered with Energy Systems Group (ESG) a leading energy services provider, to develop a comprehensive energy savings performance contract (ESCO) project at the Veterinary Medicine Complex.

The Vet Med ESCO project will provide innovative energy efficiency and technology, demonstrable energy savings, and long-term financing solutions for modernization of our facilities and energy infrastructure. The expected energy reduction for this project is 40 percent.

LED Bi-Level Lighting pilot

With the careful use of motion detectors, we can reduce energy demands for unoccupied space.  Rather than turning lights off when no one is in the area, we can use bi-level lights to reduce the energy going to the light fixture.  The results in parking lots have been shown to reduce energy demands by as much as 60 percent over the course of a month.  This technology is available with different styles of lighting, including Metal Hallide, LEDs, and Fluorsecent.  Campus is developing a project using bi-level LEDs in Parking Lot E-15.

T-12 to T-8 Lighting Retrofit

There are nearly one million fluorescent and incandescent lighting fixtures on campus, and the majority are fluorescent fixtures in buildings.  In 2008, the majority of these fixtures were the T12 style, which are no longer produced.  The new T8 fixture is thiner and much more energy efficient.  To replace all the T12s with T8s will take many years and millions of dollars.  However, the energy savings are great, with each replacement bulb dropping the energy demand from 40 Watts to 28 Watts.  This program has been ongoing for a number of years, and has had fund


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