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Yeh Student Center: LEED Silver (Completed)


The M.T. Geoffrey Yeh Student Center in Newmark Civil Engineering was awarded LEED Silver ceritfication on August 7, 2012. The Yeh Center achieved LEED certification for energy use, lighting, water and material use as well as incorporating a variety of other sustainable strategies, such as a green roof and the generous use of natural light. Chicago-area design firm Teng & Associates Inc. was involved with the project for over a decade and oversaw the design process from start to finish. 

The addition included new classrooms, a conference room, meeting rooms for student groups, and a spacious atrium with seating for informal gathering. The goal was to improve the student experience by providing CEE students with a designated “home” on campus where they can attend class, hold student group meetings, study and collaborate on projects, and meet informally. The Yeh Center will also serve as a living laboratory with links to the physical structure where displays fed by wireless sensors will show long-span vibrations, energy consumption, and other unique features of the building directly applicable to the students’ learning experience. 

The construction of the Yeh Student Center will fulfill the original vision for Newmark Laboratory, which included plans for an additional structure for classrooms.  At that time, budget constraints prevented its realization.  Thanks to the generosity of CEE alumni, the department is closer than ever to achieving this vision.

  • Heating/cooling medium - from central campus steam and chilled water systems.
  • Variable air volume system with economizer and heat recovery wheel.
  • Hot water system utilized variable speed pumping.
  • CO2 demand control ventilation.
  • Direct Digital Control (DDC) system.
  • Infrared controlled water conserving plumbing fixtures.
  • Day lighting.
  • LED exit signs.

No description has been provided yet.

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Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Mark Stromberg (Teng & Associactes, Inc.)

    Project Leader:

    Fred Hahn, Kristen Armstrong Matz, Richard Drew

    Team Members:

    • Teng & Associates, Inc. - Architects
    • Engineering Concepts & Solutions, Inc.


  • Started October 22, 2009
    Started by University of Illinois
    Completed August 7, 2012
    Completed by USGBC


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