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- April 2 2015 minutes
April 2 2015 minutes
Posted by Morgan White on April 2, 2015
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Several recommendations were discussed from the Transportation SWATeam and the Puchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam.
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Associated Project(s)
- iCAP Working Group (iWG) (View project updates for iCAP Working Group (iWG))
- 2015 Illinois Climate Action Plan (2015 iCAP) (View project updates for 2015 Illinois Climate Action Plan (2015 iCAP))
- Offset Emissions from Plane Trips (View project updates for Offset Emissions from Plane Trips)
- Transportation iCAP Team (View project updates for Transportation iCAP Team)
- Reduce Emissions from Transportation (View project updates for Reduce Emissions from Transportation)
- Appropriately Staff Sustainable Transportation Efforts (View project updates for Appropriately Staff Sustainable Transportation Efforts)
- Develop Scenarios for Converting the UI Fleet to Renewable Fuels (View project updates for Develop Scenarios for Converting the UI Fleet to Renewable Fuels)
- Zero Waste iCAP Team (View project updates for Zero Waste iCAP Team)
- Appropriately Staff Zero Waste Efforts (View project updates for Appropriately Staff Zero Waste Efforts)