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Projects Updates for 2015 Illinois Climate Action Plan (2015 iCAP) [ARCHIVED]

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  1. Preliminary carbon offset research

    iSEE intern, Julija Sakutyte, and Meredith Moore have conducted preliminary research into successful local carbon offset programs, including what other institutions have implemented (summary attached). Next steps include: select a value per pound of CO2, develop scope of carbon emissions, identify local projects to fund, and track emissions reduced. 

  2. Transportation reference info

    The attached file and following links are reference materials for the Transportation SWATeam, for developing draft objectives for the 2020 iCAP.


    Every few years iSEE submits data to the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), in the Sustainability Tracking and Assessment Reporting System (STARS).  Our campus is STARS gold, and we would like to aim for platinum.  This is a resource as you consider 2020 iCAP objectives.



    If you click on a link above and then choose “Credit Info,” you can see the data requirements for that item. 

  3. Reference info for Zero Waste SWATeam

    The attached file and following links are reference materials for the Zero Waste SWATeam, for developing draft objectives for the 2020 iCAP.

    Every few years iSEE submits data to the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), in the Sustainability Tracking and Assessment Reporting System (STARS).  Our campus is STARS gold, and we would like to aim for platinum.  This is a resource as you consider 2020 iCAP objectives.



    You can see from the scores above that some items were not pursued.  If you click on a link above and then choose “Credit Info,” you can see the data requirements for that item. 

  4. Provost describes iCAP in space inventory letter

    Provost Andreas Cangellaris included this statement about the iCAP in the April 2019 letter (attached) to colleges and instructional units about the Space Inventory:

    "I also want to take this opportunity to recap several campus initiatives regarding space stewardship. As you may be aware, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign established the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) in May 2010 and updated the document in 2015. The document outlines strategies, initiatives, and targets toward meeting the stated goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. The targets and strategies detailed in the plan represent a series of commitments the University is making in order to achieve its sustainability goals, including the Net Zero Space Growth Policy as found in the CAM. I encourage you to review our commitments as outlined in the climate action plan and the Net Zero Space Growth Policy"

  5. Daily Illini article: Future of sustainability on campus appears positive

    Daily Illini published an article: Future of sustainability on campus appears positive, on April 3rd, 2018.

    Attached is the article as a .pdf file. Here is a link to the article:


  6. Posters from all the SWATeams at the Campus Sustainability Celebration

  7. iWG meeting agenda March 28, 2017

  8. iWG meeting minutes March 28, 2017

  9. Sustainability interns continue work updating iCAP Portal project pages

    CEE students Chenxi Jiang and Shuang Chen are working with Morgan Johnston to edit the iCAP Portal project pages for each iCAP objective.  Chapters 8-12 do not have SWATeams, and the background research on these chapters has been completed.  The edited project pages are scheduled to be online by the end of March.  The next step is editing the iCAP objectives for each SWATeam chapter in the iCAP.  Chenxi and Shaung will be meeting with SWATeam representatives over the next few weeks to gather information, and then the project pages will be edited to reflect the latest info.  We expect to be able to complete this before Earth Day on April 22, 2017.
