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Estimate for the installation
Associated Project(s):Final estimate for the bike shelter installation came out to be $80,300.
Attached Files:Indoor Collection Container Information @ Housing (2019) for Dump and Run
Associated Project(s):An excel file containing Indoor Collection Container Information @ Housing (2019) for Dump and Run is attached below.
Attached Files:SSC Scope Change Requested for Dump and Run
Associated Project(s):University Housing submitted the attached Scope Change request to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) to transfer the key contact for the Dump and Run grant from Housing to Facilities & Services.
Attached Files:Compare power consumption for BIF during spring break
Associated Project(s):The power consumption at the Busines Instructional Facility (BIF) is lower this week, as students leave for spring break, and staff transition to working form home. Stay tuned for additional screen shots as the COVID transition continues.
Attached Files:Covid-19 shut down of recycling sort line on campus
Associated Project(s):All:
Staying consistent with the guidelines issued by the CDC and University of Illinois effective Friday, March 20, 2020 at 3PM the sort line will be closed at the University of Illinois Waste Transfer Station until further notice Enumerated below are the changes effective 3/20/2020:
- DSC staff has been notified and will not be sending their staff to the waste transfer station starting Monday, March 23, 2020.
- No waste will be sent to the sort line. All collected mixed waste will be sent directly to the landfill.
- Pre-sorted materials such as a paper and cardboard will be continued to be collected and processed on the floor as normal.
- Pre-sorted materials such as bottles and cans will be stored in a roll-off container to be processed at a later time.
- All staff that will continue to work during this time at the WTS must adhere to the guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Please note that there will be no change in waste and recycling collection schedules. Facilities and Services will continue to collect source separated trash and recycling from campus dumpster there will be no change in collection service. As there will be no material going to the sort line we do not anticipate an increase in material as most of campus is currently working remotely. Facilities and Services will be working with Area to monitor generation and evaluate if additional hauling service would be needed.
We thank you for your support and understanding during these unprecedented times. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach me or my team directly.
Dump and Run Scope Change (2020)
Associated Project(s):"Shantanu Pai with Facilities and Services is serving as the point person to coordinate the Dump and Run event. Although University Housing submitted the request for funding and is currently holding the grant money awarded by the Student Sustainability committee, we would like to transfer the funds from University Housing to Facilities and Services. This will allow Shantanu more control and better tracking of the expenses as he plans and executes the event." -Bryan Johnson (2020)
A file containing information on the Dump and Run scope change is attached below.
Attached Files:Scope Change 2020 Request for Dump and Run
Associated Project(s):A Scope Change Request for Dump and Run is attached below.
Attached Files:Planning underway, amidst COVID-19 changes
Associated Project(s):Hello all,
Shantanu and I have held a few planning meetings with Marc and Kasey from the YMCA for Dump & Run. We’ve talked with F&S communicators and the staff who will be clearing out of the space we intend to use. Shantanu has put together a draft communications plan, and he identified an improved collection container which we can purchase with the Student Sustainability Committee funds. We also began planning for a community drop off location that would not be at the F&S building.
On Friday, Bryan Johnson arranged a quick phone call with Shantanu, Bryan, me, and Joe Glass at Housing. We discussed the changes in campus and the anticipated student behavior, related to living in the residence halls. We talked about the potential for several students leaving at random dates throughout the remainder of the semester, and how we could potentially still collect materials. We also talked about the possibility of needing to cancel entirely for this year. Ultimately, that decision will need more clarity about who is here in May. Because we will not know which students choose to come back to campus after spring break until at least March 23, we are going to have a follow up discussion on 3/25.
In the meantime, I am cancelling the meeting we had scheduled for tomorrow. Our next group meeting will be on April 14 at 1pm, and it will be a Skype call.
Thank you,
Meeting minutes from the March 16th meeting
Associated Project(s):Please see attached the meeting minutes from the meeting on March 16th. Also attached are the slides from this meeting.
Attended by: Yanfeng Ouyang, Shelly Zhang, Morgan White, Stacey DeLorenzo, Sarthak Prasad, Weichen Li, Rui Feng She, Barb Robbins, Paul Jensen, Gina Lee-Olukoya, Dementro Powell.
Attached Files:Bike Month plans for 2020 cancelled
Associated Project(s):Hi All,
I think we have reached a working consensus: postpone the major events of CU Bike Month 2020 (Bike to Work Day, Bike to School Day, etc.). I think Urbana’s Market at the Square is going to different as well, especially in May. So likely no Bike to Market, no Spring Bike Rodeos, etc.
I think we can find ways to stay in contact with our participants from the last few years and encourage them that going out on bike rides could be a very healthy and life giving activity this spring. The links below are from a post today by another cycling advocate:
I think the message that cycling can reduce stress is a positive message while we navigate this pandemic.
We are in unprecedented times. Our thoughts go out to the people who have been affected by this global health crisis, and we are humbled by those on the front lines who are working tirelessly to contain the coronavirus.
We have time to look at the fall and think about how to schedule and balance our programs and energies. So no need to do a lot of that at the moment.So, let’s ponder this decision to cancel the organized parts of CU Bike Month 2020 overnight and touch base again tomorrow in the early afternoon to finalize our decision, or consider an alternative. Check with your colleagues, read the news, look at your calendars, and either Gabe or I will start a group email after lunch.
Seeking participants who are passionate about sustainable consumer products
Associated Project(s):Seeking participants who are passionate about sustainable consumer products
We are seeking individuals who are willing to participate in a short 30-minute conversation about sustainable and consumer lifestyles. Participants of all ages and backgrounds are welcome. If interested, please fill out this form:
Angel Han • In Affiliation with Cozad
Veo Dec 19, Jan 20, Feb 20 ridership overview
Associated Project(s):Please see data for the winter months along with heat maps. Only 100 e-bikes in operation.
Ridership for December:1979
- Users Added: 84
- Reports from app: 49 (Repairs and lock issues)
- Reports from Customer Service: 8 (Bike removal from property)
Ridership for January: 452
- Users Added: 60
- Reports from app: 9
- Reports from Customer Service: 3 (Bike removal from property)
Ridership for February:321
- Users Added: 74
- Reports from app: 0
- Reports from Customer Service: 2 (Bike removal from property)
Attached Files:Restoring the Ecology of Stone Prairie Farm
Associated Project(s):Mr. Apfelbaum will tell us about his life-long project to restore his land on the border of Wisconsin, taking it back to its original state, before the changes brought about by farming, described in detail in his book Nature’s Second Chance. Having carried out ecological restorations world-wide, he is presently working in Urbana, restoring the Stone Creek golf course to its natural state.
March 12, 6:30 PM • Stone Creek Golf Club (Formerly known as Attie's), 2560 Stonecreek Blvd Urbana, IL
Amanda Christenson • Cooperative Extension Service
Status update from WEF Design Team Co-Captain
Associated Project(s):Justin Chen, from the University of Illinois joint student chapter of the Water Enviroment Federation-American Water Works, and the rest of his design team have been hard at work this school year!
Some project updates via the co-captian:
- Chose project topic: Green Infrastructure Solutions for Veterinary Medicine Facility Flooding
- Made team site visit to Vet Med, surveyed areas for potential green infrastructure applications
- Came up with preliminary ideas on solutions and locations for implementation
- Conducted research on past green infrastructure projects to establish a base understanding of the options available
Click here to find out more and how you can become involved with WEF!
Weekly Update - Bicycle Safety, Social Hack
Associated Project(s):All, Truncated week for me as I was out of the shop on Wed – Fri recuperating. On Tuesday night I was hit by a car on my bike ride home. No injuries beyond some scrapes and sore muscles. I was very lucky it wasn’t much worse.
Ultimately, we have a long way to go when someone who rides as defensively and as safely as I do can get hit by a car on a quiet residential street.
This week I’ll be meeting with my newly-hired Program Assistant to work out his schedule and responsibilities. I’ll be picking up more bikes from the warehouse, meeting with a student design group for transportation/climate issues (Design For America’s “Social Hack”), and building/scrapping bikes as needed.The numbers:
Visitors: 63
Sales: $32
Thanks!Jacob Benjamin
Manager, Campus Bike CenterTransportation SWATeam Meeting: 9 March 2020
Associated Project(s):Attached are the meeting minutes from the Transportation SWATeam meeting on 9 March 2020.
The Agenda is as follows:
Recommendations Selection
- Support CMP by increasing pedestrian safety by reevaluating current pedestrian routes and conducting traffic studies.
- Zip-Car Continuity
- UI Ride Survey
- Teleconferencing Assessment
- Faculty/Staff Vanpool Survey
- Identify Campus Intersections and Mid-block Crossings with high potential for crashes, and develop/implement design improvement strategies.
Future Recommendations
- Working with MTD to promote better bus service to Research Park and I Hotel
- Establish a University of Illinois Foundation fund to support campus efforts to reduce and within ~10 years eliminate use of fossil fuel.
- Sustainable Asphalt Binders
Attached Files:CEE newsletter article
archived info - previous project description
Associated Project(s):In order to reach the iCAP objective of 25,000 MWh/year of solar energy by FY25, additional panels will need to be installed. Large scale, ground mounted panels appear to be the least expensive route towards achieving the FY25 objective.
February 2020 Buyer's Share Report
Associated Project(s):RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the February 2020 Buyer's Share amounts by hour, totaling 2,239.6 Megawatt hours. See attached file.
Attached Files: