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- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
EGen007 Solar Farm 2.0 recommendation - Submittal
Associated Project(s):The eGen SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "Start a project to expand the existing Solar farm, or install a new large scale solar installation in a new location."
See attached the SWATeam recommendation EGen007 Solar Farm 2.0 complete with comments from all the eGen SWATeam members.
Attached Files:ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes
Associated Project(s):On the agenda at the ECBS SWATeam meeting:
1) Follow up from April 14 Illini Lights Out;
2) Reports from success of Eco-Olympics;
3) Continued discussions on Karl’s work with ACES and other buildings;
4) Energy efficiency standard for UIUC;
5) Dr. Ximing Cai, new Associate Director for Campus Sustainability came to meet the team;
6) SWATeam next meeting time and date: May 11th, from 3:30 to 5 pm.
Attached Files:Water & ALUFS Joint Meeting Minutes 4/27/17
Associated Project(s):Water & Stormwater SWATeam and the Agriculture, Land Use, Food & Sequestration (ALUFS) SWATeam had a joint meeting to discuss shared objectives and project ideas.
Attached Files:Eco-Olympics 2017 Results and Closing Letter
Associated Project(s):Attached are the results with the closing letter.
Attached Files:Morgan Johnston speaks to Parkland Board of Trustees
Associated Project(s):In support of installing solar PVs at Parkland College, Morgan Johnston spoke to the Parkland College Board of Trustees, as requested by their VP of Institutional Advancement and Sustainability Coordinator. Ms. Johnston shared the benefits and lessons learned from the university's solar farm installation.
March 2017 Sustainability Council Recommendations & Next Steps
Associated Project(s):Director of iSEE, Evan DeLucia, summarized three recommendations presented at the March 2017 Sustainability Council meeting: EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standard, EGen003 Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Timeline, and ECons003 Conservation Budget, as well as the next steps, for Chancellor Jones’ approval.
We followed up with the Sustainability Council on April 25, 2017, with the attached file.
See Transmittal of EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards here.
See iWG Assessment for SWATeam recommendation EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standard here.
See SWATeam recommendation EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards here.
See Transmittal of EGen003 PPA term to the Sustainability Council here.
See iWG Assessment of EGen003 PPA Term here.
See SWATeam recommendation EGen003 PPA Term here.
See Transmittal of ECONS003 Conservation Budget to the Provost Office
See iWG Assessment of ECONS003 Conservation Budget
ee SWATeam Recommendation of ECONS003 Conservation Budget
Attached Files:Minutes 4/21/2017
Associated Project(s):The Purhcasing, Waste, and Recycling SWAT Team met to disucss topics including the ethics compliance video and battery recyling. The SWAT Team decided on three recommendations to make to the Associate Director of Campus Sustainability, Ximing Cai. These reccomendations include:
1. Promoting the Ethics Compliance Video with a written summary
2. Implement the approved Paper Policy draft
3. Continue battery recycling on campus
The SWAT Team also discussed efforts to increase recycling/lower the use of paper on campus. One avenue the team considered is urging RSOs to use less paper to promote their activities during Quad Day.
Attached Files:Meeting minutes of Joint Task-Force from 04/07/2017
Associated Project(s):Attached are the meeting minutes from the first meeting of the Joint Task-Force for Resilience held on 04/07/2017. Also attached is a copy of the slides presented by Professor Madhu Khanna.
Weekly update for Zero Waste
Associated Project(s):Hello all,
Here are my updates from last week:
- I attended the PWR SWATeam meeting, during which the team decided to finalize and forward its recommendations for a CAM paper policy. I need to obtain a document showing the recommendations, as I did not see a final version of it. They also discussed comments they had provided for the Ethics Office video supporting recycling compliance. They will cc Morgan and Micah on the message containing the recommendations. The group discussed avenues to promote sustainability and the behaviors that support it at the marathon, at Quad Day, and during EOH.
- I communicated with Jessica Tran to set up a meeting regarding recycling options for Family and Graduate Housing.
Marya Ryan
Zero Waste CoordinatorApril 21st, 2017 Meeting
Associated Project(s):Meeting Minutes 4/21/17
In attendance:
Ximing Cai
Pete Varney
Brian Farber
Yanfeng Ouyang
This meeting serve to continue discussion on campus fleet, bike parking, and campus parking. Also, Ximing Cai was introduced to the team.
Discussion on Campus Fleet
Pete led a discussion on campus fleet efforts. He stated that converting campus fleet to EVs and CNG vehicles would have a large effect on campus emissions, and that campus utility is interested in learning about electric vehicles, but there are certain obstacles to converting campus fleet. First it would cost about half a million dollars or more. These costs are largely attribute to building infrastructure for CNG refueling systems. In addition, campus fleet vehicles for Facilities and Services as well as housing do not drive very far, so the fuel savings would be small. However, converting campus fleet would be practical as the vehicles do not travel off campus, meaning there will be no inconvenience in refueling the vehicles.
Bike Parking
We continued our discussion on bike parking from the last meeting. One of our concerns, given the cost of the permits, is security. Anyone who is paying for a permit must be certain that there bike is secure. We might want to have security cameras.
We discussed efforts to encourage less driving through parking incentives. Pete suggested having a passenger-car-free campus zone by placing parking outside of certain zones of campus. This idea was well received by the group and generally liked. However, we discussed challenges to any parking changes. We discussed specific proposals to adjust parking prices, shown here:
- Try to price people out of parking and mitigate this by reducing the price at other locations
- Allow flexible payment in percentage of salary
- Have and “auction” in which whoever pays the largest percent of their salary gets the closest location.
- Remove or lift parking cap so that wealthier parkers pay more and thus provide more revenue
- Have a private company raise rates on parking
Then, we discussed challenges to these proposals:
- Parking is important to unions – any changes may result in strikes or political conflict
- The sentiment of Parking and Campus master plan does not necessarily agree with people parking farther away – an objective that would be achieved through a passenger-car-free zone
- Hiring private company likely not a good idea – their primary motivation is profit
- City of Champaign changed parking ordinances so that spaces at churches, fraternities, etc, decrease
Our next meeting is TBD.
Water & Stormwater Meeting Minutes 4/13/2017
Associated Project(s):Discussion of upcoming joint meeting with Agriculture, Land Use, Food and Sequestration (ALUF) SWAT. Development of ideas for student projects, including georeferenced inventory for F&S, analysis of green roofs and solar panels, and phoshorus monitoring of stormwater.
Attached Files:Weekly update for Zero Waste
Associated Project(s):Hello all,
Here is a summary of my activity last week:
- I spoke with Joy Scrogum about the state of battery recycling on campus and thoughts for its future. Then Morgan, Micah Kenfield, and I met with Robert McKim and Clara Bosak-Schroeder, two faculty members who want to help with promoting battery recycling on campus. I provided them with a link to the Call2Recycle website, where they can purchase battery recycling boxes.
- I met with Jonathan McClintock from Kimberly Clark to learn more about the RightCycle program under which we are recycling gloves. I also stopped by an event at Krannert, where companies affiliated with Fisher Scientific were showcasing their products.
- Morgan and I spent time on Friday catching up on various recycling efforts and defining the next steps, with particular attention to communications about source separation and my assignment to map where the outdoor bins are around campus.
Marya Ryan
Zero Waste Coordinator14 hours left!
Associated Project(s):Hey teams,
We have just 14 hours left in the competition. Have an impromptu study hour, post some pictures on FB, get more people to sign up for next year! It's never too late to make an impact.
As the competition winds down, I want to send out a couple of important reminders.
- The goal of Eco-Olympics is behavioral change. Remember to carry the things you've learned with you!
- If you still haven't gotten your shirt, its not too late. Just reach out to me.
- Tomorrow is the deadline to RSVP for a leadership certificate.
- If you had events, SEND ME YOUR ATTENDANCE SHEETS. I can't give you participation points if I don't know you had an event or I don't know how many showed up.
Thanks for all you've done teams!
Jessica Mondello
Eco-Olympics | Director
Think Globally. Act Locally.Update on Eco-Olympics and the Leadership Certificate
Associated Project(s):Hello team members,
You have worked hard to make a difference in your hall by creating awareness and influencing behavioral change during the Eco-Olympics competition. Now it’s time for your recognition, we have worked with the Chancellor’s office to bring you Leadership Certificates for your stewardship and positive impact on campus. See the attached certificate for a preview.
Please RSVP by Monday April 17th at midnight if you would like to add this certificate to your achievements in outstanding leadership on campus.
Thank you for an Awesome job and keep up the Great work!
Jessica Mondello
Eco-Olympics | Director
Think Globally. Act Locally
Attached Files:EGEN SWATeam Meeting (4.13.17)
Associated Project(s):The EGEN SWATeam held another bi-weekly meeting. Topics covered include:
- Ximing Cai's [in attendance] vision for iSEE and SWATeams
- Developing a recommendation to expand UIUC solar farm.
- Developing a recommendation for another clean energy PPA
- Cost savings for geothermal systems and opportunities for implementation at solar farm and new building sites
Attached Files:ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes
Associated Project(s):On the agenda at the ECBS SWATeam meeting:
1) Report from Karl on projects he has been working on:
a) Enterprise Works - proposed revolving loan project. Awaiting departmental funding of $350K to complete project.
b) Memorial Stadium RCx work - This appears to be getting $500K in funding.
c) National Soybean Research space walk preview.
2) Discussion on LEED requirements as iCAP goal
3) BIF lighting follow up
4) Final planning for ILO on Friday, April 14
5) Updates:
a) Eco-Olympics
b) Recommendation for ILO continuation submitted by Marian
c) Green Labs Coordinator position
6) SWATeam next meeting time and date: April 27th, from 3:30 to 5 pm.
Attached Files:Morgan Johnston speaks to CU Sunrise Rotary
Associated Project(s):Morgan Johnston spoke to the CU Sunrise Rotary, providing a brief overview of the university's Climate Leadership Commitments, SWATeams, the Campus Bike Center, and the Solar Farm.
Our last big push!
Associated Project(s):Hey everyone!
Just 5 days left! Plenty of time to make a significant change. Nugent, you're so close to Taft, catch them! Trelease and Van Doren battle for 3rd! Halls in the red, don't give up. With a group of friends, walk around the hall a couple times this week and flip lights off. Wardall turn your A/C off.
Here are some reminders:
- Take pictures of your efforts! Programs, posted fliers or energy tips, your team in your shirts, anything advertising the competition. Post them on our wall or tag us @EcoOlympicsUIUC
- Big energy suckers are A/C units, mini fridges, heating cold water, and hair driers/straighteners. Unplug your fridge, wash your clothes in cold water, and go all natural for the next week.
- We have shirts left! Let me know if you want yours!
Check out the live results, here.
Jessica Mondello
Eco-Olympics | Director
Think Globally. Act Locally.
Flood Vulnerability Assessment Report
Associated Project(s):A report called the Flood Vulnerability Assessment for Critical Facilities is available at