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- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
Weekly Update
Associated Project(s):All, last week was the first steadily and surely busy week we’ve had this summer. Within the first hour or so we were at capacity stand-wise all five days last week. We had 119 visitors and there were probably a dozen or so more people that we missed.
Our sales for the week: Grossed $799.50; sold 10 memberships for $300; one refurbished bike for $50; 21 tires/tubes (new and used) for $113. While those numbers belie the visitors count, we did have a good amount of used cables/parts sales, indicating a healthy usage of the space that simply doesn’t translate into high dollar amounts. It probably didn’t help that most of our medium-sized stock of refurbished bikes has already sold out, leaving our small and large bikes only. That will be a focus for the coming week as far as shop builds are concerned.Last Friday we had the Full Moon Bicycle Ride, a community social ride that I heavily advertised and promoted—so much so that a few people thought the Bike Project/University was sponsoring it. Rough conservative estimates tallied 160 or so people, so it was probably closer to 200. It was an affirming experience to see so many people coming out for such an event and really speaks to the strong presence of cycling in Champaign-Urbana. I lost count of how many people I recognized as visitors to the Campus Bike Center. Impressive, too, was how many folks were not decked out in full-on cycling gear but instead riding commuter-level bikes in the same clothes in which you’d walk your dog. That speaks strongly to the normalization of riding a bicycle and a good sign for the growth of the mode share.
The temperature is projected to be in the 90s all week and so I will bring out the big water cooler, fill it with ice and be diligent in telling all visitors to stay hydrated while here. I will build more medium-sized bikes this week as well as continue to free up space by scrapping more old and abused-beyond-repair bikes and parts.
- Jake Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Manager
- Jake Benjamin
Understanding spring flowers on campus
Associated Project(s):Superintendent of Grounds, Ryan Welch, describes the difference in heat tolerance between spring and summer flowers on campus:
"We plant the early flowers (pansies) because they provide early spring color and are one of the only annuals that prefer cooler temps and will withstand frost. The early or cool season annuals do not like heat, so they are removed and replaced with the summer annuals. The summer annuals will not tolerate even a light frost and should not be planted before May 1."
Weekly update for Zero Waste
Associated Project(s):Hello all,
Here are my updates from last week:
- An email to Morgan to pick up on issues related to glass recycling, recycling for graduate student/family housing, and presentations to promote source separation
- Attendance at a Campus and University Recycling Coalition webinar on recycling collection logistics on campuses
Marya Ryan
Zero Waste CoordinatorStudent meets with F&S representatives
Associated Project(s):Cameron Letterly and Eliana Brown presented a concept for updating the Red Oak Rain Garden to F&S staff, including Brent Lewis, Ryan Welch, Lily Wilcock, and Morgan Johnston. See attached file.
Attached Files:Weekly Update
Associated Project(s):Hello all,
Last week was reasonably busy. We had 112 visitors. We totaled $638.10 in sales. We sold six memberships for $180; one refurbished bike for $80; one Build-a-Bike for $48; and $101 in both new and used tires/tubes.
New student hire Dennis started working last week. As a longtime member, he is familiar enough with everything that he’s been able to help right out the gate, which has been great. Additionally, Friday was Logan’s last day.This week I will work on student worker scheduling for the summer, strip more old junk bikes that are taking up valuable space, stock all the new parts that arrived last week, attend the Bike Project meeting, and of course, build more bikes.
Sincerely,- Jake Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Manager
- Jake Benjamin
Weekly Update
Associated Project(s):All,
Last week was steady and manageable. We had one or two days of almost no one coming in and days of the summer average of 20 or so people through the human door. Our visitor total for the week was 92.
We grossed $1,243.81. We sold seven memberships for $210; two refurbished bikes for $385; one build-a-bike for $89; 16 tires and tubes for $73.
The Bike Project has decided to add a weekday open hours shift on Wednesday evenings for their Urbana location, which was mentioned at the Monthly Members’ Meeting on Wednesday. This will in turn allow those who utilize the CBC an additional resource for working on bikes. On Friday I met Parking out at the warehouse and picked up 16 or so bikes--of which half were worth the effort to rehab or store for B-a-Bs. The rest were promptly taken to the scrap yard on Friday afternoon.
This week Evan, a new student hire, is going to start working (albeit not daily, due to school conflicts). While it hasn’t been too busy for just Leah and me to handle, having another person around and the chance to train a new staffer when it is slow is definitely a plus.
This week I will also be working on creating some more wheel storage in the back garage bays. Bike builds and organization will occur per usual. One of the main tables that are home to our truing stands and our vice is falling apart. I will look into procuring a new one from Surplus this week as well.
Sincerely,- Jake Benjamin
Campus Bike Center Manager
- Jake Benjamin
Weekly Update for Zero Waste
Associated Project(s):Hi Tracy—
This week, I started getting my head back in the game after my absence but did not accomplish anything substantive. I plan to go over notes and pick up the loose threads of the different projects I had been working on in the coming week. In particular, I have communications I need to make on the battery recycling and graduate student/family housing recycling efforts.
Best regards,
Marya Ryan
Zero Waste CoordinatorMay 2017 Buyer's Share
Associated Project(s):RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the May 2017 Buyer's Share amounts by hour, see attached file.
Attached Files:OMA representatives review stand-alone cooling towers
Associated Project(s):Water Station Foreman, Shawn Young, indicated today that there are two remaining stand-alone cooling towers on campus buildings maintained by F&S: Temple Buell Hall and the Personnel Services Building. One of these (Personnel) is scheduled to be added to the central chilled water loop in 2020, according to the Utilities Energy Production and Distribution Master Plan. Base on that discussion, Morgan Johnston will be following up with the Water SWATeam to let them know that because there are so few remaining stand-alone cooling towers, this is not a high-priority item to pursue.
Approval for Start-Up Costs for Second Nature Carbon Credit Agreement
Associated Project(s):On May 25, 2017, Helen Coleman sent an email to Morgan Johnston containing her approval for the start-up costs for the Second Nature Carbon Credit agreement.
A screenshot of the email is attached below.
Attached Files:Additional bike racks purchased in FY17
Associated Project(s):The Unviersity purchased an additional 16 3-loop, 20 4-loop, and 50 5-loop rail-mounted bicycle racks from RJ Thomas Manufacturing Co. Inc. in FY17. These bike racks were received in Spring 2017.
Grand Challenge Learning sustainability course
Associated Project(s):Dustin Allred teaches GCL126 Urban Sustainability.
Associated Project(s):Xinlei Wang is the point of contact for using the RE-home.
Sign up for a Solar Farm tour online
Associated Project(s):F&S will offer monthly tours of the Solar Farm on the first Friday of each month from July to December 2017, from 2 to 4 p.m. You can sign up to participate at
Chenxi and Morgan to meet with OMA representatives
Associated Project(s):Morgan Johnston and Chenxi Jiang have requested a meeting with Dave Boehm and other Building Maintenance representatives to discuss the options for implementing a new water conservation strategy for stand-alone building rooftop cooling towers.
ENVS 301 students' presentations
Associated Project(s):Attached are the presentations prepared by the students in ENVS 301. The course syllabus is also attached.
ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes
Associated Project(s):On the agenda at the ECBS SWATeam meeting:
1) Status of our recommendations to iWG;
2) Review of Illini Lights Out over the past year;
3) Any final thoughts, recommendations for Eco-Olympics;
4) Progress on building energy standards;
5) Updates on the revolving loan fund (RLF) projects;
6) Turning off computers. Change in policy, at least at F&S. Implications for Certified Green Office Program?
7) Building level energy consumption report summary;
8) Good-byes and thanks to departing members.
Attached Files:Revolving Loan Fund projects approved
Associated Project(s):The Revolving Loan Fund selection committee has approved funding for all the viable RLF projects. See attached image for list.
program update
Associated Project(s):STYRECYCLE: During the spring 2017 semester, student volunteers collected more than 500 pounds of expanded polystyrene for recycling — bringing their total collected to nearly 900 pounds. In addition, this program is saying goodbye to a founding member and longtime leader. Thank you to Marco Tijoe for your two years of steering the ship!