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  1. Green Cleaning Products and Practices Funding Letter

    This proposal seeks to provide funding to purchase and testing of the Activeion Ionator EXP Cleaning System to use and evaluate in daily cleaning operations in major buildings on the University Of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus. This project will displace the use of chemicals for cleaning, reducing operating costs, natural resource use, and improving indoor air quality for all individuals on campus. This will thus help the University make its operations more sustainable, and Facilities and Services will also document their experience as a case study for other campus and community entities to emulate. On successful completion of the pilot, the Committee hopes to receive a proposal to help fund large-scale adoption of this cleaning system on campus. Thus, the Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding this proposal in the amount of $9,000.

  2. Integrated Pest Management - Funding Letter

    This proposal looks to implement a two-year enhanced Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan to assist University Housing with pest management needs, while reducing pest management costs, reducing students’ exposure to pests and pesticides, and promoting environmental stewardship. The project goals include: (1) Collaboration on a pilot IPM plan between University Dining Services and Terminix to evaluate IPM practices and identify possible ways to reduce pesticide applications in the dormitories food service areas; (2) Developing educational materials for students, parents and others regarding pest management and notifications of any pest related issues (some materials will be used for University-owned apartment residents and others for dormitories) in collaboration with University Housing; The project lead currently has a $30,000 grant from USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture to promote school integrated pest management in Illinois. The Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of supporting a matching funds grant in the amount of $30,000 to be used only for activities at University-owned facilities at the Urbana campus.

  3. Campus Bike Center Funding Letter

    This proposal seeks to fund 50% of the cost of part-time shop manager position as transition assistance to become fully self-supporting. This grant will help the Campus Bike Project become a financially sound, self-sufficient, self-funded shop, where all operating costs are recouped through memberships and the sale of recycled refurbished bicycles, new and used parts and accessories. The Campus Bike project is a cooperative where students can learn how to repair and maintain their bike for transportation throughout the year. The campus bike project provides significant services toward increasing bicycle use on campus, and has received significant previous investment from F&S, the Committee and the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability. The Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding a grant in the amount of $7,500.

  4. Composting Feasibility Study

    This proposal seeks to complete a feasibility study re: composting of campus food waste. The scope of work for this study includes evaluation of proposed composting sites and identification of the optimal location, specification of necessary site improvements, verification of analysis regarding program size and logistics and development of a program plan with capital equipment needs. This study will enable establishment of a food-waste program that will divert ~600 tons of foodwaste from the landfill annually (and accompanying methane and CO2 emissions), in support of the Illinois Climate Action Plan, and campus waste reduction goals. This project is also being supported by $7,400 funding from the Office of Sustainability. The Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding a grant in the amount of $15,000.

  5. Bike Sharing Feasibility Study

    This proposal seeks to conduct a feasibility study off different options for implementing a bike-sharing program at the University of Illinois. A feasibility study for this project is a necessary step before implementation of a campus bike sharing project can be considered, in line with the Illinois Climate Action Plan. University bike-sharing programs exist in different forms across the country and the challenge is finding a model that will be highly used by students as well as being mostly self-sustaining. Committee funds will be used to support a half-time summer intern as well as for other expenses relevant to the study, with any unspent funds held for implementation of improvements to campus bicycle parking infrastructure. The Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding a grant in the amount of $10,000.

  6. Allerton Geothermal Project Funding Letter

    This proposal seeks to install a geothermal system at the Evergreen lodge and Retreat Center. The Evergreen Lodge is a 2828 sq. ft. structure used as lodging facilities for retreat center guests. The installation will result in energy savings of ~ $2,000 annually and provide the University with experience in handling geothermal installations – none of which are currently installed at the University. This project is also being supported by grant funds from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunities. Committee funds will be utilized for purchase and installation of equipment, such as a ground source heat pump unit, as well as drilling of borehole heat exchange pipes. Additionally, Allerton park has agreed to install an on-site educational display about geothermal energy. The Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding a grant in the amount of $18,000.

  7. BLUE Retrocommissioning info

    Retrocommissioning is an in-depth analysis of a building’s heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems.  This program restores peak operating conditions while optimizing the control strategies for energy conservation, sustainability, and client comfort.   

    Since August of 2007, engineering teams have accomplished system updates and upgrades in 16 campus buildings for an average energy reduction of 28%. 

  8. Tom Ferrarell volunteers to revamp the Weatherization project

    Tom Ferrarell has agreed to work this summer to review and revamp the Weatherization project.  Last year, the student intern, James Hoffer, focused his efforts on creating the attached Weatherization Manual.  James worked for F&S under the supervision of Dean Henson, in Building Maintenance.  Suhail provided the copy of the manual, the BRC checklist, and the sample audit forms for Tom to read through.

  9. Suhail Barot requests a meeting

    -----Original Message-----
    From: [] On Behalf Of Suhail Barot
    Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 1:29 PM
    To: Henson, K Dean (Facilities & Services); Johnston, Morgan (Facilities & Services); Sweeney, Eva M (Facilities & Services)
    Subject: Meeting Request re: student weatherization and building assessment

    Hi folks,

    This spring, the SSC partnered with F&S on a student building weatherization assessment program. We had student teams coordinated by an intern (both paid) that worked to assess buildings and collect data. In the midst of the end of the semester, I'm not sure how much they did, or how useful it was, but I've requested information from the intern, James Hoffer, regarding all that.

    I'd like to meet and discuss how this program should operate next term, sometime during mid- June. I've included Eva on this because she had some stuff that students could do re: lighting assessments.

    Suhail Barot

    M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, 2009. Graduate Student, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Chair, Student Sustainability Committee, Treasurer, University YMCA Student Board, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Phone: 1-815-260-7961

  10. Retrocommissioning award application

    The Retro-commissioning (RCx) team applied for (and later won) the Illinois Governor's Sustainability Award in 2011.  RCx at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was established in 2007 and has been working to reduce energy consumption in campus buildings by repairing and optimizing their air and hydronic systems and restoring buildings to their required operating standards.

    Attached Files: 
  11. Update from James Hoffer

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: James Hoffer <>
    Date: Tue, May 17, 2011 at 11:04 AM
    Subject: Project Completion Tasks
    To: Suhail Barot <>
    Cc: Jennifer Koys <>

    Hi Suhail,

    There are a couple of things that I wanted to ask you about regarding the completion of this portion of the project.

    I have completed looking over the assessments I received.  Only 5 of the houses were completed.  The majority of the things found wrong with the houses were cleanliness/obstruction issues with vents and baseboards and window problems.  I have left the lists of things that could be fixed on the F&S computer that I worked on and I will email it to Dean.  I am not sure exactly what he will want to fix or leave alone, I still have to discuss with him. 

    This is not nearly as many houses as I wanted to get done, and I think this is simply because they ran out of time.  I do not think this part was a failure though, as it will provide good insight to changes that need to be made in the future.  One of the most important things will be to have hard deadlines for the teams to have completed their assessments by. 

    I have not received any more emails regarding my position next year.  I do not know if you have talked with Hannah yet or decided what will happen.  Next year there is a good chance that I will be at U of I and working for F&S on a different project.  I believe it will be very easy for me to pass on the work to whoever you choose and help them get the feel for it.  Please let me know when you have selected a person or if you would like me to select one.  I will need to talk with them before the start of next semester.

    I left the supply box on the table of the room in the YMCA.

    Please inform as to what you would like me to do at this point.


  12. Feasibility Study approved by SSC and CCRC

    Associated Project(s): 

    SSC confirmed funding of $15,000 for composting feasibility study 5/9/11.  Study approved 5/12/11 by Chancellor’s Capital Review Committee (CCRC) with Fall 2011 completion target.  Proposal requested from Retainer A/E Foth Engineering, which was also the A/E on the previous composting project before it was cancelled.

  13. Composting project discussions continue

    Associated Project(s): 

    Meeting with SSC and F&S to confirm details of composting feasibility study scope.  Kevin, Matt, and Morgan worked on completing the project request form.  Kevin, Carl, and Tracy worked on detailing the transportation charges budget.  Kevin also met with Dawn Aubrey about the food waste supply.
