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Projects Updates for place: Lincoln & Illinois

  1. LTN follow up: August 19

    Associated Project(s): 

    Meeting attended by representatives from: F&S, CBC, MTD, CCRPC, and CCB.

    We confirmed that Campus Bike Center could be the third location for Light the Night this year. Sarthak Prasad will confirm with Jake and Alana.

    Cynthia Hoyle will send a quote to Sarthak Prasad. Cynthia will also send a draft of the Safety Plan and Warning and Waiver Form for COVID-19.

    Sarthak Prasad will work on creating a sign up form for volunteers. He will also work on getting work orders for tables and chairs, and to request a PO. MTD can provide some masks, gloves, and hand sanitizers. Stacey will check if Public Functions can provide hand sanitizers and water for volunteers.

    Sarthak will also work on lawn signs and digital signage. List of avenues used to promote Light the Night 2019 will be used as a reference for promoting the Volunteer opportunity and the Distribution event.

    The next meeting will be held in two weeks.

  2. Follow up meeting: August 12, 2020

    Associated Project(s): 

    During this meeting, it was decided that we will be moving forward with the mass install of silicone strap lights. MTD will purchase these lights, since the cost is same as last year. We can get 1250 light sets for $6000.

    As discussed in the last meeting, TBP will not participate in this event.

    UIUC, MTD, Urbana, and Champaign confirmed that they will be providing funds for this year's Light the Night - $1500 each.

    City of Urbana and City of Champaign will not participate in organzing, planning, or participation in a mass install event. So, they will not be involved in any of the future meetings. If for some reason, the mass distribution event does not take place, Urbana and Champaign will work on the Plan B.

    MTD, CCRPC, and Chanpaign County Bikes confirmed that they will participate in the event. MTD will work on a Safety Plan that will be presented to the CU-Public Health District and the Executive Steering Committee at the University of Illinois for approval. There will also be a Warning and Waiver form that all volunteers must agree to.

    Next meeting will be scheduled next week.

  3. Slap Wristbands from McKinley Health Center

    Associated Project(s): 

    Jennifer Carson from McKinley Health Center provided 400 (200 each for two locations) reflective orange slap bands for the Light the Night event that have imprinted on them our 24/7 Dial-A-Nurse. These are great for being seen in the evening hours.

    Jen dropped them off in Sarthak's office at 9 am on October 3.

  4. Weekly Update - Light the Night, Fix-a-Flat, Free Visits

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Abbreviated week for me as I was out of town Thursday and Friday. I’ll check in with my staff this week and see how things went in my absence.

    There are 6 bikes on the outside rack from this weekend but unfortunately one or two are locked up as if it’s a regular bike rack. Whoops!

    This week will be busy as we have Light The Night on Thursday and our second Fix-a-Flat class on Friday. I’ll be talking up the F-a-F class incessantly this week in hopes of increasing participation numbers. For LTN I’ll be splitting my staff up between the shop and the event for the time that they overlap.

    We have been oscillating back and forth between allowing for Free Visits and not depending on how busy we are and how well-staffed we are at that time. So that points to things getting a little calmer (thankfully). Addressing the burnout my staff and I feel during these very busy beginning months will be a task for the winter.

    Moving all the kids bikes over to Salt & Light didn’t end up happening last week so I’ll shoot for getting those out this week. It’ll help with clearing everything out for our move. Exciting times!

    The numbers:
    Visitors: 96
    Sales: $1,242.50
    Memberships: 16 for $480
    Bikes (refurb): 2 for $225
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $57
    Tires/tubes: 20 for $92


    Jacob Benjamin
    Manager, Campus Bike Center

  5. Light the Night 2019 - Bicycle Lights Giveaway

    Associated Project(s): 

    Bring your bicycle to Alma Mater Plaza or the Hallene Gateway (Illinois Street and Lincoln Avenue) on Thursday, October 3 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. for the free installation of bicycle light sets. Light the Night strives to improve the visibility of bicyclists in Champaign-Urbana and provide general bike safety information. Free, on-site bicycle registration will also be available. October 3, 4–7 pm

    Sarthak Prasad • Facilities & Services

    Light the Night 2019 – Bicycle Lights Giveaway

  6. Torch Blinking bike lights received, Light assembly, and Volunteer Training

    Associated Project(s): 

    Jake Benjamin received the Torch Blinking Bike Lights on September 18, 2019.

    Barry confirmed the times for Volunteer training and Light Assembly.

    See Quote from TBP to purchase Torch Blinking bike lights


    Optional training sessions: 
    There will be two chances to go to a short training session for those who haven't participated before, those who want a refresher, or those who want to practice with this year's models of lights:

    - Mon., Sept. 23, 2019, 6:00 pm--6:45 pm, at the Downtown Urbana Bike Project, 202 S. Broadway, Urbana, IL. (enter via south side basement door).
    - Thu., Oct. 3, 2019, 3:00 pm--3:45 pm, at Alma Mater (SE corner of Green St. and Wright, Urbana, IL)

    We will run a light-assembly / battery-install event (plus a second if needed) to get lights ready in advance:
    - Mon., Sept. 23, 2019, 7:00 pm--9:00 pm. Downtown Urbana Bike Project, 202 S. Broadway, Urbana, IL. (enter via south side basement door)
    - Possible second session: TBA
