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Projects Updates for place: Lincoln & Illinois

  1. Weekly Update: BTWD, LTN, Build-a-Bike, very busy this week

    All, Real busy times last week. Shop was manageably busy, but we had BTWD and LTN on consecutive days. Both events went well. I spent more time at the DRES stop than the Bike Center station, which was a new experience. Lots of folks on that route, and I was able to talk route-planning and commuting strategy with some people new to commuting. Weather cooperated swimmingly.

    We had a deluge of completed B-a-Bs last week. Always good to see the smiling faces of rewarded effort. Marketing folks came by and updated some of our filing cabinets and bins with printed (legible) labels and photos of contents to better help people find and identify parts. We’re still slower on Tue/Thurs as we work to get the word out that we’re now open those days as well.

    We’ll work this week on a couple shop builds we’ve been too busy to finish, prep for the abandoned bike giveaway, and clean shop as we’ve been too busy to do much of any of that in the last two weeks.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 86
    Sales: $1,084.30
    Bikes (B-a-B): 3 for $150

    Memberships: 17 for $510
    Tires/tubes: 10 for $59


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  2. Video: Highlights from Bike to Work Day and information on Light the Night

    Associated Project(s): 

    Mark Herman from iSEE created a timelapse video showcasing the Alma Mater station during the Bike to Work Day event on September 14, 2022. This video gives a highlight of the event as well as promote Light the Night event on September 15, 2022.

    Watch the video here:

  3. Water for volunteers+WO to transport the water

    Associated Project(s): 

    DIA provided 6 powerade containers that were used for water for the volunteers at Light the Night event. Work Order (WO 11003192) was created for the Transportation Shop to transport 2 large gatorade containers (filled with water) each to Alma Mater, Hallene Gateway, and Campus Bike Center by 3:30 pm tomorrow (September 15, 2022) for Light the Night event.

  4. Email to IUB: Help with Bike to Work Day and Light the Night event

    Associated Project(s): 

    Sarthak Prasad sent an email to Dave Guth to connect with Illini Union Board for help with Light the Night 2022 as well as Bike to Work Day and Light the Night events in 2023 going forward.


    Hi Dave,

    As you may already know, we organized Bike to Work Day today from 7 – 10 am, with one of the locations being the Alma Mater station! I had several people signed up to volunteer and only a few of them showed up this morning. I am hoping that IUB could send some volunteers for Light the Night event (tomorrow from 4-7 pm), in case something like this happened again. Could you please let me know if IUB could help out tomorrow?

    I would also like to ask IUB, if they could lead the Alma Mater welcoming station for Bike to Work Day and Light the Night events next year. Thank you,


  5. Weekly Update: Bike to Work Day and Light the Night this week, Abandoned bicycles

    All, The visitor numbers seem low for how busy it felt this past week. Had a few students step up, volunteer, and enjoy it enough to come back in the last few weeks. That’s always a good sign we’re doing something right.

    I was out Thursday/Friday and my staff handled the Bike Center in my absence. No major issues, so I call that a success.

    We’ve got BTWD and LTN this week, back-to-back days, on Wed then Thursday. Weather looks good (at this point).

    This Friday is the last day for students to claim their abandoned bikes so my staff and I will count the remaining ones that we’ll be able to use. From there, I’ll coordinate with Working Bikes to pick up the rest—potentially as soon as next week. The influx of bikes will be a boon to for our programs as we look to build back stock.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 49
    Sales: $895
    Memberships: 15 for $450
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
    Tires/tubes: 15 for $70


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  6. CILiving: Celebrate Bike Month with Champaign Center Partnership

    Associated Project(s): 

    CILiving interviewed Gabe Lewis and Xander Hanzel on September 8, 2022, about Bike Month activities. Watch the interview here:

    This interview was also posted on Instagram:

    Read the content below:

    The 12th annual Champaign County Bike to Work Day is organized by the Champaign County Bike Month Planning Team, and is presented by major sponsors MTD, Bike at Illinois, and Carle.

    There are 16 welcome stations this year, in Champaign, Urbana, on the U of I campus, Savoy, Mahomet, St. Joseph, and Rantoul!

    Register for the event at the most convenient location to you and come meet us and other bicyclists in the community to celebrate Bike to Work Day! Grab a snack, get a free T-shirt, and consider making a donation to support bicycling in Champaign County!

    The 15th annual Light the Night bicycle light giveaway event is the next evening (Thursday, September 15, 2022) from 4-7 pm. Lights will be available at three campus locations, and you must bring your bike to receive the lights.

    Champaign Center Partnership
    301 N. Neil St., Suite 400

  7. Agenda for Bike to Work Day and Light the Night: September 8, 2022

  8. e-week, GradLinks, Email+, and other methods for Bike to Work Day and Light the Night events

    Associated Project(s): 

    E-week, GradLinks, and iNews newsletter announcements were posted by September 4, 2022 for Bike to Work Day (BTWD) and Light the Night (LTN) events. iSEE, Campus Rec, Campus Wellbeing Services, University YMCA, ISSS (for students and scholars), and other newsletters also included an announcement for these events.

    Bike at Illinois also sent out a newsletter in September to promote these events!

    Digital Signage were posted across the campus on September 7, 2022 to promote these events.

    See attached all the methods used to promote these events on campus.

  9. Champaign County Bike to Work Day 2022 Registration is Open

    Associated Project(s): 

    Champaign County Bike to Work Day 2022 Registration is Open

    Register for Bike to Work Day 2022, happening Wednesday, September 14th from 7-10 am!  (A rain date is scheduled for Friday, September 16th from 7-10 am.)

    The 12th annual Champaign County Bike to Work Day is organized by the Champaign County Bike Month Planning Team, and is presented by major sponsors MTD, Bike at Illinois, and Carle.

    There are 16 welcome stations this year, in Champaign, Urbana, on the U of I campus, Savoy, Mahomet, St. Joseph, and Rantoul!  Use this map to find the location that works best for you.

    Register for the event at the most convenient location to you and come meet us and other bicyclists in the community to celebrate Bike to Work Day!  Grab a snack, get a free T-shirt, and consider making a donation to support bicycling in Champaign County!


    ​The 15th annual Light the Night bicycle light giveaway event is the next evening (Thursday, September 15, 2022) from 4-7 pm.  Lights will be available at three campus locations, and you must bring your bike to receive the lights.


    Announcements are also posted at and the C-U Bike Month Facebook event.


    Gabriel Lewis, AICP



    Planning and Community Development

    A division of the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission


    1776 E. Washington St, Urbana, IL 61802
    P 217.328.3313 | D 217.819.4102 |




    People. Possibilities.



  10. Work Order 10994257 created for Public Functions

    Associated Project(s): 

    Following service request was converted to Work Order 10994257:

    We are organizing Light the Night - free bike lights giveaway event on Thursday, September 15, 2022 from 4 - 7 pm. I want a work order for Public Functions to place tables, chairs, recycling, trash, and hand sanitizing stations at the following locations:

    Delivery expected at the following locations by 3:15 p.m. and no later than 3:30 p.m. pick up at 7 p.m. (or 6:30 p.m. in case it rains)

    1. Alma mater plaza - 8 tables, 15 chairs, 1 trash, 1 recycling bin, 1 hand sanitizing station
    2. Campus Bike Center (basketball court next to 51 E Gregory Dr, Champaign) - 8 tables, 15 chairs, 1 trash, 1 recycling bin, 1 hand sanitizing station
    3. Hallene Gateway - 8 tables, 15 chairs, 1 trash, 1 recycling bin, 1 hand sanitizing station

    You do not have to set-up the tables and chairs, the volunteers present will do that. In case of rain, please cover the tables and chair with tarp or something. For more details, please reach out to Sarthak Prasad at 217-904-5954

  11. Bike at Illinois and University Housing contributions to Bike Month activities

    Associated Project(s): 

    Bike at Illinois confirmed an allocation of $5,100 for Bike to Work Day and Light the Night events. Following is the breakdown:

    1. $2,000 towards t-shirts
    2. $1,500 towards the purchase of bike lights
    3. $1,250 towards logistics – Tables, chairs, trash, recycling, and hand sanitizing stations for all 9 campus welcoming stations for BTWD and 3 campus locations for LTN
    4. $350 towards the promotion and advertisement of these events (on campus digital advertising)

    University Housing also agreed to donate food and refreshment at all eight or night campus BTWD welcoming stations, in the amount of $1,500.
