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Projects Updates for place: Wohlers Hall

  1. process for shifting funds

    From: Johnston, Morgan B

    Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:54 AM
    To: 'Amy Liu'
    Cc: Burris, Marques Javyn; Bartels, Bart A; Kinley, Kathryn R
    Subject: RE: Tap That Signage

    Hi Amy,

    I think you should ask Marques or Katie for the current account balance for this project (water fountain retrofit).  The CFOP is 1-303692-815100-815184-815RET.  Then, you need to get a vote from the SSC committee to approve the change in scope to reflect the # of glass fillers installed, and give you permission to spend the remaining money on signs.

    Once you have SSC permission, then we will talk to the individual facility managers for the buildings, to get their approval of any signage.  At the libraries, for instance, you may be able to put a flyer on their bulletin boards, but not at the actual fountains.



  2. idea to shift funds to educational signs


    I was telling Nishant about plans to return $5,000.00 to the SSC. He said wait, you should consider putting signs by the fountains reading something to the effect of "this bottle filler was funded by the student sustainability committee". I know this is something David really wanted before. What do you think about that? Would it fit into the budget, comply with codes for putting up signs, etc.

    Amy Liu

  3. Meeting with Amy Liu

    Met with Amy because she was interested in moving some of the funding from retrofits to education.  I told Amy about some of the education projects I have worked on in the past including a taste testing table.  Amy seemed interested in having a table in the student union starting early next semester.  After the meeting I stopped and talked to Stephanie about groups that might want to join in the effort.  The information was passed on to Amy.  Amy said she would make contact and try to get enough volunteers to run the table for 20 hours per week.  She was also going to try to change the scope of the funding so she could make marketing material. 

  4. Meeting with zero waste coordinator set for Dec. 3

    On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Bartels, Bart A <> wrote: I am happy to help.  Love the educational aspect.  Taste testing tables can be very successful along with a cost comparison highlighting how much a student can spend on bottled water that doesn't meet the quality standards of tap water.  Count me in. From: Amy Liu [] Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 4:11 PM To: Johnston, Morgan B Cc: David Mischiu; Bartels, Bart A Subject: Re: glass fillers   Thanks Morgan!    Bart, I'm entertaining the idea of collaborative educational events and promotions for Tap That. What is your opinion at this point? And would you be interested in meeting on a day after Thanksgiving break to discuss this? Any insight is appreciated.   Cheers, Amy Liu

  5. Next set Approved

    Morgan talked with Amy and David today about this project.  They approve moving forward with the other buildings. They just want us to use good common sense when selecting water fountains worthy of the retrofits.  That is, if you think the fountain should be replaced at some time in the next few years, then don't put a glass filler on it.     We also discussed the issue of potentially changing the project scope to fund some Tap That marketing needs.  Also discussed doing additional fountains in the buildings around the main quad.

  6. Water fountain retrofits completed in first set of buildings

    Morgan,    We are done with the following- Aces Library Main Library Undergraduate Library Grainger Library Loomis   I have the parts for the following off the original list and would like to start them with your ok. Armory Natural Resources Buillding   I would also like to try and install one on the fountain at Wholers and Sibel to see if we can make them work in those buildings.   Thanks,   Mark Warner Plumbing Foreman

  7. Meeting about water fountains

    Matt Emmert, Jeff Schrader, Morgan Johnston, Amy Liu, and David Mischiu met to discuss the water fountain glass fillers project.  Mark Warner from the F&S plumbing shop was unable to make it due to a scheduling change. 

    • Do not put a spout on a fountain that is scheduled to be replaced.  
    • If two fountains in one location, put a spout only on the shorter fountains.
    • If the water fountain cannot easily be converted, then skip that fountain.

    1) Undergrad library.  Put them on the west upper level by elevator, lower level by elevator, espresso royale area, and the upper level east side (inside the library, on carpeted area).  F&S should also replace the one noted fountain, outside of the project funding.

    2) Grainger library.  The ones on the first floor are consistently having problems... Just do one per floor, except third floor. F&S should also fix the buttons on the first floor fountains, outside of the project funding.

    3) ACES library. First to fourth floor on south side.

    4) Main Library.  Put one on both in basement, east and west.  First floor center east.  Third floor north side. Put one on the fourth floor south side, after replacing the fountain. 

    Could talk with Sherri Miller at classroom reservations to get high use buildings. Lincoln Hall.  What happens if the spout gets popped off?  Does water shoot out?  

    Wohlers, leave off. Leave Natural Resources Building off.

    David, Amy, and Morgan will meet with facility contacts for the other buildings.  Loomis, Siebel, Armory.  

    Only order the spouts for one building at a time. 




  8. meeting set up with Mark, Amy, David, and Morgan

    Mark Warner visited the building sites for the proposed glass filler water fountain retrofits and will share the information with Amy Liu, David Mishiu, and Morgan Johnston at a meeting on October 1.  Jeff Schrader and Matt Emmert will join us from the Library facilities team, as well.

    Also, Mark Barcus spoke with Morgan Johnston to clarify the management of this project within the F&S structure.  He will confirm for Morgan that Mark Warner will manage the project from the Maintenance group, rather than a construction superintendent from the Construction group.

  9. Amy Liu is interested in talking with fraternities and sororities

    Amy Liu spoke with Morgan Johnston at the SSC working group kickoff meeting about reaching out to sororities and fraternities about reducing waste by using reusable water bottles.  Morgan provided Amy with contact info for Michelle Hart in the Student Services Building.  Amy also suggested the catchy phrase "Tap that" to associate their efforts with tap water. Morgan noted that she is still setting up the water fountain tour with the plumbing shop, hopefully for next week.

  10. Library excited about glass fillers

    Hi Morgan,

    That is fantastic news!  The Library has installed a few in the Main Library and has received numerous thanks for providing easy means for faculty, staff and students to fill drinking water containers. 

    Bill Mischo, Head Librarian - Grainger, Lori Mestre, Head Librarian - UGL and John Wilkin, Dean of Libraries will be very pleased.


    Many thanks to the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)



    Work orders submitted for Grainger and the Undergrad Library (UGX).

  11. work orders submitted

    Work orders were submitted for the following locations:

    • Armory, floors 1 and 3
    • Wohlers Hall, floors 1 and 2
    • Loomis Lab, floors 1 and 2
    • Siebel Center, basement and floor 1
    • Natural Resources Building, floors 1 and 2

    The Housing location at Ikenberry Commons (actually called Student Dining and Residential Programs, SDRP) was discussed with John Humlicek, and they have already installed bottle fillers at that location.  They are also working to install one per floor of all residence halls.

    The Library locations have been shared with Jeff Schrader in the Library to get his input before installation proceeds.

  12. Morgan talks with Mark Warner in Plumbing Shop

    Mark Warner is the Plumbing Shop Foreman who will oversee the installations of these water fountain glass fillers.  Morgan gave him the preliminary priority list, discussed the work order methodology, and gave him the SSC funding requirements document.  The key points in the SSC funding requirements are (1) the funds must be spent by May 31, 2014, and (2) there must be at least 57 glass fillers installed with this funding.

    Morgan will submit one work order for each building. 

  13. meeting with Morgan and Amy

    Amy Liu and Morgan Johnston discussed the process for moving forward.

    1. Morgan will submit a work order to F&S installers.
    2. Morgan will schedule a tour of the proposed locations, with Amy, Morgan, and the F&S installation contact.
    3. F&S installers will proceed to install the glass fillers as quickly as possible, in the order previous identified.
    4. Amy will meet with the Illinois Student Senate, Environmental Sustainability Committee, to seek their attention to this project.
    5. Amy will continue working on the anti-water bottle campaign.


  14. List of Locations

    David Mischiu and Amy Liu met today to form a very basic list of priority buildings for filler installment. Additionally, they determined which floors for each building would be most useful to have them on. Here is the list, 1 indicating highest priority. 

    1. Undergraduate Library, floors 1 and ground level
    2. Grainger Library, all floors
    3. Ikenberry Commons, floor 1
    4. Armory, floors 1 and 3
    5. Wohlers Hall, floors 1 and 2
    6. Loomis Lab, floors 1 and 2
    7. Siebel Center, basement and floor 1
    8. Natural Resources Building, floors 1 and 2

    They still want to take a look a few more buildings in the quad. Whatever is surveyed from that might not even change the list presented already, but add to how this project could materialize in the future.

  15. Prioritizing locations

    Morgan reached out to Felicia Speranske to get a current contact with the ISS for this project.  The funding was delayed, arriving in late June, rather than mid May, and this project is waiting for a list of priority locations to begin installation.  Morgan also sent an email to Damani Bolden the Illinois Student Senate (ISS) president.

  16. Glass Filler Retrofit_Funding Award and Acceptance

    By providing convenient bottle filling stations at water fountains in several heavily-trafficked campus buildings and libraries, the goal of this project was to wean the student body off of plastic water bottle consumption, lower campus waste generation, and encourage students, faculty, staff, and visitors to adopt environmentally-conscious habits. A marketing campaign called “Tap That” was coordinated to publicize the project and educate the campus community about the numerous benefits of reusable water bottles. In total, the project expenses were $15,160.

  17. Gregory Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the ICECF 2009 Lighting Retrofit, 426 T-12 fixtures in Gregory Hall were replaced with the more energy-effiecient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 68,862 hours. The simple payback for this project is -4.1 years. There are 777 T-12 fixtures in Gregory Hall remaining to be switched.
