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Projects Updates for Energy Conservation and Building Standards (ECBS) SWATeam

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  1. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    On December 14, the ECBS SWATeam discussed the semester's final tally results of the Illini Lights Out program. In total, over 20,000 light bulbs were turned off. The team also discussed updates from the recent iCAP working group meeting. The funding from SSC has been secured for the Freezer Challenge. The Green Labs Coordinator position recommendation has been drafted and reviewed by the team. Suggestions were also provided to Yun for his graduate course on campus buildings. 

    Attached Files: 
  2. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    The ECBS SWATeam had their sixth meeting of the year on November 30. A SWATeam member, Dave Boehm, gave a presentation on the background of building maintenance issues. Marian also attended a Campus Master Plan meeting, and the team used the information obtained to talk about how to achieve greater energy efficiency, such as potentially with residential/dining hall buildings, fume hoods, etc. The progress made on the energy conservation imagery project with the American Advertising Federation, on the freezer challenge, and on the Eco-Olympics were also discussed. 

    Attached Files: 
  3. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    On November 14, the ECBS SWATeam had their fifth meeting, where they revised their recommendation draft for energy conservation funds as a team. They also reflected on the presentation Doris and Brad gave at the previous meeting, and the team plans to contact them in regards to projects for energy savings. Energy report cards for campus buildings will be released soon. Certified Green Office Program 2.0 has been launched and currently 31% of campus buildings have been certified. A SWATeam member, Yun Kyu Yi, is also starting a personal project where he plans to look at the large-scale energy usage of each building and compare the methods for doing so.

    Attached Files: 
  4. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    On November 1, the ECBS SWATeam had their fourth meeting of FY17. Representatives Doris Reeser and Brad Klein from the Deferred Maintenance Program came to talk about AFMFA and maintenance. The team also considered potential funding for energy conservation and started a discussion on a possible recommendation. The Green Labs Coordinator position is also moving along, and the team plans to establish safety guidelines and procedures for the program in the near future. Marian Huhman has also contacted the student group American Advertising Federation for a sustainability imagery project. 

    Attached Files: 
  5. iWG meeting agenda November 30, 2017

  6. ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 recommendation - Submittal

    The ECBS SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "We recommend the following actions and funds to implement critical projects key to energy conservation efforts at UIUC. Total funds needed: $3.55M

    1) RESTORE funding of ~ $1.5M in FY19, compensating for loss of DCEO grants (Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity), to continue the Retro-commissioning (RCx) work. Retro-commissioning = Identifying and implementing operational and maintenance improvements to existing buildings (first pass) to ensure continued optimal performance over time.

    2) INCREASE the Recommissioning (REx) and Preventive Maintenance (PM) teams. Re-commissioning = Building operating and maintenance systems are examined, parts may be fixed or replaced, and systems reset as if they were being installed new. REx is usually performed about 5 years after RCx has passed thru a building and reoccurs about every 5 years going forward. Preventive Maintenance = actions to preserve life of equipment and prevent breakdowns (cleaning of coils, review of air handling unit systems, review of hydronic systems.) Occurs before re-commissioning. The PM group reports to the maintenance side of the organization whereas the RCx and REx teams report to Utilities and Energy Services. In terms of priority:

    • Change the 5th recommissioning team that is temporary for FY18 to make it permanent in FY19 ($350K/year)
    • Increase Building Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance teams from 1 to 2 for FY19. ($350K for 2nd team)
    • Implement systematic building control upgrades to enhance further energy conservation and/or replace outdated equipment (IT audit item) ($1M/year).
    • Increase Recommissioning teams from 5 to 6 for FY2019 ($350K for 6th team)."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation ECONS006 Conservation Budget Funding 2017 complete with comments from all the ECBS SWATeam members.

  7. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    At the ECBS SWATeam's third meeting of FY17, the members discussed methods for how the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) can become more sustainable. For example, there are lighting opportunities at Irwin Practice Facility and at Atkins tennis center. In addiiton, Mike Marquissee, director of Budget, Research and Planning for energy services, presented a mini-lecture (also attached) to the team on their funding options and predicted budget for FY18. The SWATeam then discussed how the grant cuts will impact their iCap progress, as well as what needs to be prioritized in terms of funding. Finally, updates on programs such as the Green Labs Coordinator and Illini Lights out were presented. 

  8. iWG meeting minutes October 27, 2017

  9. Posters from all the SWATeams at the Campus Sustainability Celebration

  10. SWATeam expectations 2017-18

  11. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    The Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) is looking to become more involved with the SWATeams and sustainability on campus. ECBS proposed ideas such as decreasing refrigerator usage, making a climate action plan specifically for DIA, and promoting recycling at tailgates. Illini Lights Out had their first event on September 29, and it was a success. 284 light switches were turned off in 13 different buildings. The Green Labs Coordinator position is slowly making progress, but there is a concern with funding. Updates on the ECIP were made, and there is a push being made for mid-year checkpoints in the future. ECBS also discussed if AFMFA projects could be redefined in order to do more maintenance-based projects. 

    Attached Files: 
  12. Meeting Notes - 9-18-2017

    The iCAP Working Group met and discussed the following items:

    1.     Welcome to New Members

    2.     SWATeam Updates

    3.     Green Labs Program Update

    a.     Overview of Green Labs Concept

    b.     History of SWATeam Recommendation and Assessment

    c.      Green Labs Best Practices From Peer Institutions

    d.     Open Issues for Discussion

  13. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    The Energy Conservation and Building Standards SWATeam gathered for the first meeting of the FY2017 on September 12. The team briefly reflected on the progress made thus far (e.g. Zero Net Growth policy was passed in 2015 and a 30% campus-wide energy reduction goal was achieved 3 years early). Updates on current projects were also presented, such as on the new leadership of the Illini Lights Out program. 

    Attached Files: 
  14. SWATeam Charge Letter for FY18

  15. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    On the agenda at the ECBS SWATeam meeting:

    1) Status of our recommendations to iWG;

    2) Review of Illini Lights Out over the past year;

    3) Any final thoughts, recommendations for Eco-Olympics;

    4) Progress on building energy standards;

    5) Updates on the revolving loan fund (RLF) projects;

    6) Turning off computers.  Change in policy, at least at F&S.  Implications for Certified Green Office Program? 

    7) Building level energy consumption report summary;

    8) Good-byes and thanks to departing members.

  16. Building level energy consumption report

    The report is about behavior change messaging, which lets the occupants of each building see their consumption changes over time and it will motivate them to conserve energy. The goal of the report is to display “past-current-new” patterns of energy conservation change. The result will be a paper with recommendations how to motivate people to be more sustainable.

    The data for FY08-FY2016 was used.  The scope of the project are 175 buildings at the UIUC campus. Then the pilot project was about the Lincoln Hall. After Lincoln Hall, the work was started with the Soybean National Laboratory and the Illini Union.


  17. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    On the agenda at the ECBS SWATeam meeting:

    1) Follow up from April 14 Illini Lights Out;

    2) Reports from success of Eco-Olympics;

    3) Continued discussions on Karl’s work with ACES and other buildings;

    4) Energy efficiency standard for UIUC;

    5) Dr. Ximing Cai, new Associate Director for Campus Sustainability came to meet the team;

    6) SWATeam next meeting time and date:  May 11th, from 3:30 to 5 pm. 


  18. ECBS SWATeam meeting minutes

    On the agenda at the ECBS SWATeam meeting:

    1) Report from Karl on projects he has been working on:

       a) Enterprise Works - proposed revolving loan project.  Awaiting departmental funding of $350K to complete project. 

       b) Memorial Stadium RCx work - This appears to be getting $500K in funding.

       c) National Soybean Research space walk preview.  

    2)  Discussion on LEED requirements as iCAP goal

    3)   BIF lighting follow up

    4)  Final planning for ILO on Friday, April 14

    5)   Updates:

       a) Eco-Olympics

       b) Recommendation for ILO continuation submitted by Marian

       c) Green Labs Coordinator position

    6) SWATeam next meeting time and date:  April 27th, from 3:30 to 5 pm. 
