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- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
ECONS007 Energy Conservation Funding 2018 - Returned to SWATeam
Associated Project(s):After the iWG meeting on September 17, 2018, Dr. Cai sent the following response to the SWATeam regarding ECONS007:
Dear ECBS SWATeam,
Thank you for your strong commitment to campus sustainability. The iCAP Working Group met on Monday this week and discussed the ECONS007 Recommendation (
We invited Josh Whitson and Kent Reifsteck to speak with us, and there was a good discussion about the benefits and usefulness of Energy Performance Contracting. However, the iWG decided that there is not an actionable next step in this recommendation, as it currently stands. We strongly support campus funding for energy conservation, so we are returning this recommendation to your team for further information. For example, where do you recommend the suggested funding come from? Also, are there specific projects identified for the funds in the first year? How will those projects coordinate with other efforts for dealing with deferred maintenance? The iWG members are willing to discuss this issue with you and Kent’s team further, to strategize ideas.
Please let us know if you would like to arrange a meeting with your SWATeam and members of the iWG.
Thank you,
Ximing Cai
See related iCAP Working Group meeting notes here.
See SWATeam recommendation ECONS007 Energy Conservation Funding 2018 here.
iWG Meeting Minutes September 17th, 2018
Associated Project(s):Attached are the meeting minutes from the iWG meeting that was held on September 17th, 2018. Several SWATeam recommendations were assessed.
Attached Files:Fiscal year 2019 budget was NOT cut
Associated Project(s):The Fiscal Year 2019 F&S budget was not cut from the FY18 budget, including energy conservation funding. This is great news!
ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 - Successful
Associated Project(s):Matthew Tomaszewski responded to the iWG Chair, Dr. Ximing Cai, with the following email:
Good morning, Ximing,
I have had a couple conversations with Provost Cangellaris about this recommendation. We will include it for consideration as part of our broader discussion of the campus budget. As you know, budget reform has implications for space and utilities use, so this is a timely submission.Thank you,
For any future updates on this item, please visit the Utility and Energy Services Funds project.
See Transmittal of ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 to the Provost Office here.
See iWG Assessment of the ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 here.
See SWATeam recommendation ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 here.
ECONS007 Energy Conservation Funding 2018 recommendation - Submittal
Associated Project(s):The ECBS SWATeam submitted a recommendation, to the iWG, stating, "We recommend $10M per year (scalable) of funding for the next 5 years to implement critical projects that work in concert with energy performance contracts (EPC). EPC contracts are fulfilled by specialized, accredited firms known as energy service companies. The university uses EPCs to manage complex projects targeting facilities with high energy use, such as laboratories, maximizing energy efficiency and addressing sizable volumes of deferred maintenance issues along the way. The campus backlog on deferred maintenance is approaching $1 billion."
See attached the SWATeam recommendation, ECONS007 Energy Conservation Funding 2018, complete with comments from all the ECBS SWATeam members.
Also attached is the EPC Analysis report as submitted by the ECBS SWATeam.
ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 recommendation - Transmittal
Associated Project(s):The iCAP Working Group (iWG) Chair, Dr. Ximing Cai, forwarded the ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 recommendation to the Provost following the completion of iWG assessment of the same.
Dear Provost Andreas Cangellaris:
On behalf of Illinois Campus Sustainability Working Group (iWG), I’m sending you a recommendation on energy conservation funding, which was made by Sustainability Working Advisory Group on Energy Conservation and Building Standards (SWAT-ecbs). The recommendation was then evaluated by iWG.
Energy conservation is vital to maintaining our energy savings and emission reductions and has a strong payback. iWG suggests that the Provost’s Office considers this recommendation when reviewing Facilities and Services’ budget for FY19. Attached please see the original recommendation made by SWAT-ecbs and the evaluation of by iWG.
If you have any questions about the recommendation, please let us know. We would appreciate any responses regarding your perspective on this recommendation.
Thank you for your consideration and support to campus sustainability.
Best regardsXiming Cai
For any future updates on this item, please visit the Utility and Energy Services Funds project.
See iWG Assessment of the ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 here.
See SWATeam recommendation ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 here.
ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 recommendation - Assessment with all comments
Associated Project(s):The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on November 30th, 2017, to discuss the ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017, and started the assessment of this recommendation. Their official comment was:
"Energy Conservation is vital to maintaining our energy savings and emission reductions and has a strong payback. The Provost’s Office should consider this recommendation when reviewing Facilities and Services’ budget for FY19 and should consider this in light of the larger budget reform process."
See the attached file for the complete assessment of this recommendation complete with official comments from all the iWG members.
See SWATeam recommendation ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 here.
ECONS006 Energy Conservation Funding 2017 recommendation - Submittal
Associated Project(s):The ECBS SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "We recommend the following actions and funds to implement critical projects key to energy conservation efforts at UIUC. Total funds needed: $3.55M
1) RESTORE funding of ~ $1.5M in FY19, compensating for loss of DCEO grants (Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity), to continue the Retro-commissioning (RCx) work. Retro-commissioning = Identifying and implementing operational and maintenance improvements to existing buildings (first pass) to ensure continued optimal performance over time.
2) INCREASE the Recommissioning (REx) and Preventive Maintenance (PM) teams. Re-commissioning = Building operating and maintenance systems are examined, parts may be fixed or replaced, and systems reset as if they were being installed new. REx is usually performed about 5 years after RCx has passed thru a building and reoccurs about every 5 years going forward. Preventive Maintenance = actions to preserve life of equipment and prevent breakdowns (cleaning of coils, review of air handling unit systems, review of hydronic systems.) Occurs before re-commissioning. The PM group reports to the maintenance side of the organization whereas the RCx and REx teams report to Utilities and Energy Services. In terms of priority:
- Change the 5th recommissioning team that is temporary for FY18 to make it permanent in FY19 ($350K/year)
- Increase Building Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance teams from 1 to 2 for FY19. ($350K for 2nd team)
- Implement systematic building control upgrades to enhance further energy conservation and/or replace outdated equipment (IT audit item) ($1M/year).
- Increase Recommissioning teams from 5 to 6 for FY2019 ($350K for 6th team)."
See attached the SWATeam recommendation ECONS006 Conservation Budget Funding 2017 complete with comments from all the ECBS SWATeam members.
Attached Files:March 2017 Sustainability Council Recommendations Approved
Associated Project(s):Interim Provost Wilkin, on behalf of Chancellor Jones, approved moving forward with the recommendations discussed at the March 2017 Sustainability Council meeting. See attached file.
See iWG follow-up on the March 2017 Sustainability Council meeting here.
See Transmittal of EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards here.
See iWG Assessment for SWATeam recommendation EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standard here.
See SWATeam recommendation EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards here.
See Transmittal of EGen003 PPA term to the Sustainability Council here.
See iWG Assessment of EGen003 PPA Term here.
See SWATeam recommendation EGen003 PPA Term here.
See Transmittal of ECONS003 Conservation Budget to the Provost Office here.
See iWG Assessment of ECONS003 Conservation Budget here.
See SWATeam Recommendation of ECONS003 Conservation Budget here.
Attached Files:March 2017 Sustainability Council Recommendations & Next Steps
Associated Project(s):Director of iSEE, Evan DeLucia, summarized three recommendations presented at the March 2017 Sustainability Council meeting: EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standard, EGen003 Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Timeline, and ECons003 Conservation Budget, as well as the next steps, for Chancellor Jones’ approval.
We followed up with the Sustainability Council on April 25, 2017, with the attached file.
See Transmittal of EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards here.
See iWG Assessment for SWATeam recommendation EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standard here.
See SWATeam recommendation EGen005 Rooftop Solar Standards here.
See Transmittal of EGen003 PPA term to the Sustainability Council here.
See iWG Assessment of EGen003 PPA Term here.
See SWATeam recommendation EGen003 PPA Term here.
See Transmittal of ECONS003 Conservation Budget to the Provost Office
See iWG Assessment of ECONS003 Conservation Budget
ee SWATeam Recommendation of ECONS003 Conservation Budget
Attached Files: