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Projects Updates for Stop Burning Coal at Abbott Power Plant

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  1. eweek announcement

    FGI Webinar: US EPA Reconsideration of Coal Combustion Residual Regulation

    This webinar will discuss a series of proposed & finalized amendments to rules promulgated by the US EPA to the Coal Combustion Residuals Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Rule.  This presentation will summarize the analysis from EPA’s Composite Model for Leachate Migration with Transformation Products and contextualize that output with the USWAG Decision and the 2020 Rulemaking efforts.

    October 8, 11 am–12 pm • Map

    Jen Miller • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  2. 14 Weeks Without Coal Burning

    Beginning on June 1, 2012 the University quit burning coal as the campus energy needs declined with the beginning of summer. The University had gone without coal for 20 weeks in the summer of 2011. Abbott Power Plant began burning coal again on September 5, 2012 after 14 weeks without burning.

  3. Beyond Coal student group joint celebration at Abbott Power Plant

    F&S and the Beyond Coal student group portion of Students for Environmental ConcernS (SECS) held a joint celebration at Abbott Power Plant to recognize the efforts that have been made to reduce coal usage for campus.  There was a discussion about the additional projects F&S is pursuing and the financial decision makers for campus.

  4. The F&S Energy and Production Distribution Master Plan Kicked Off

    The F&S Energy and Production Distribution Master Plan was kicked off in January.  This plan is the first step to achieving the goal of not burning coal at Abbott Power Plant by 2017. The plan will be developed over the course of calendar year 2012 and will include specific projects and cost estimates for implementing the plan in five-year increments.