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Projects Updates for Building Envelope Pilot Project

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  1. U21064 - transportation building envelope

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Dennis,


    What’s the latest status on the Transportation Building Envelope project?






    Morgan –


    That was one of my spring break projects which I am in the process of reworking for the week following commencement.  I’m hoping to have the update proposal from Sykesmore by the beginning of next week,



  2. Insider article about the Envelope Pilot Project

    Associated Project(s): 

    "Indoor air quality is important for the health and comfort of occupants. Indoor airtightness can help provide good indoor air quality by making it easier to control the indoor environment with ventilation. Additionally, airtightness is key for energy efficiency. It is not uncommon for discrepancies between expected energy usage and actual energy usage to be explained by air leakage, and so making buildings tight is vital to meet energy and climate goals."

  3. Energy iCAP Team January Meeting

    The Energy iCAP team met at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday, January 26th and discussed updates on recommendation ideas as well as agreed to move forward with the submission of two recommendations to the iCAP Working Group. Progress is currently being made on a feasibility study of CO2 District Heating and Cooling which will be undertaken by a group of engineering students during the Spring Semester, and progress on a new recommendation for Building Envelope Commissioning will take place.

    The Team also agreed to move forward with a recommendation that the Office of the Chancellor commission a report on the Safety and Security of a proposed MMR Nuclear Reactor on campus property as well as another recommendation that would seek to charge Facilities & Services with developing a comprehensive energy plan that will bring the University to net-zero emissions by 2050.

    Further Details on the meeting can be found in the attached agenda which also contains meeting minutes.

    Attached Files: 
  4. Equipment purchased at ICRT

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Building Envelope Pilot Project funded the following equipment, purchased at ICRT.  This invoice was paid on I8563811 dated 12/13/21. 

    • $123.90 TEC Fog Puffer Kit
    • $168.00 BD Panel
    • $6121.50 Mpls BD
    • $344.15 freight
    • $6757.55 Total
  5. Winter Meeting Update

    The Energy iCAP team combined its November and December meetings for the fall of 2021 into a single "Winter Meeting" This meeting was used to discuss 12 different recommendation ideas, a select amount of which will be developed into recommendations in the near future. 

    Additionally, the team discussed a short note to the iCAP Working Group asking that the Comprehensive Energy Plan not have its name changed to '"lean Energy Plan"

    Notes from the meeting are attached.

  6. iCAP Energy Team September Meeting

    The iCAP Energy team had its first meeting of the 2021-22 Academic Year at 9:00 A.M. on September 24th. This meeting was used to evaluate where our team stands in achieving its goals and to determine a path forward for the year. The agenda, presentation, and minutes from the meeting are attached for a better understanding of the meeting.

  7. First Team Meeting for Building Envelope Pilot Project

    The Building Envelope Pilot Project team held the first of three large meetings planned for the Building Envelope Pilot Project, which is funded in Spring 2021 with the SSC and Carbon Credit Sales funding. F&S, ICRT, and a student representative met to confirm the scope for the thermal imaging and blower door testing. We started with introductions of the team members and a general voerview of the pilot project.  Then ICRT leadership provided background information about ICRT, envelope commissioning benefits and processes, and initial expectations for the requirements to complete this project at the Transportation Building. At the end of the call, we defined next steps for getting the thermoimaging vendor on contract, specifying the equipment needs for the blower door testing, and scheduling the actual testing day. A tentative date to consider is April 13th, which is a non-instructional day this spring.

  8. Energy iCAP Team Meeting Minutes from 2-10-21

    The Energy iCAP Team had a meeting on Feb. 10th where student member, Brinn McDowell, shared a presentation on calculated energy savings from green lab protocols that could greatly contribute towards energy conservation efforts. Updates were give on the Building Envelope Pilot Project, which is anticipated to start in March with several Energy iCAP Team students participating. Among other topics of discussion were ways to enforce compliance with state energy standards, to cooperate with student leaders across the Engineering, Architecture, and Design disciplines, and to condition vacated spaces in a time of distance-learning and -working. The agenda, meeting minutes, and chat log are attached below!

  9. Energy002 Building Envelope - Successful

    Morgan White, Associate Director of F&S for Sustainability, responded to Dr. Ximing Cai with the following email. See the attached file for an overview of the building envelope testing pilot project.


    Hi Ximing,

    Thank you for sharing the Energy002 SWATeam recommendation. As we discussed, F&S is pleased to move forward with this recommendation to do a Building Envelopes Pilot Project on campus.  We have submitted a request to the Student Sustainability Committee, seeking their support to run this pilot project.  We are also meeting with Bill Rose, the co-chair of the iCAP Energy Team, and several F&S team members to discuss first steps.  I’ve attached a project overview here, which we can share with the iCAP Working Group.




    See transmittal of Energy002 Building Envelope to F&S here. 
    See iWG assessment of Energy002 Building Envelope here.
    See recommendation and submittal of Energy002 Building Envelope here. 

    For additional progress on this effort, see Building Envelope Pilot Project