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Projects Updates for Learn How to Ride a Bicycle and Bike Rodeo
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- Associated Project(s):
Report on the 'Learn How to Ride a Bike' event
Associated Project(s):'Learn How to Ride a Bike' event was held on Saturday, October 7th, 2023 between 11am and 1:30pm. 3 students attended the event. Please find the attached report and presentation for details.
Invites sent to students
Associated Project(s):An invite was sent to 12 students to register to participate in the first ever "Learn How to Ride" class. See the email below:
Hope you are doing well. We have rescheduled the Learn How to Ride a bike class to October 7, 2023! Please respond to this email or register before Friday, September 29, 2023!
Thank you for filling out the Bike Class Form on the Bike at Illinois website. You had mentioned that you would like to take a “Learn How to Ride” class. The University of Illinois is organizing a “Learn How to Ride” class on Saturday, October 7, 2023 from 11 am to 1:30 pm. Please register to participate in this class:
This is the first time we are going to organize a class such as this, so please make sure to arrive on time if you are able to participate. This class will be available to you free of cost. The University is covering the cost for contracting the two local League Cycling Instructors to teach this class, the equipment, and logistics to organize this class.
The class will take place at the basketball courts adjacent to the Volleyball courts at the intersection of Stadium Dr and Oak St (opposite to the Nuclear Physics Laboratory). We will provide bicycles for this class, but if you already have a bicycle, please bring it for fitting.
Please fill out the form at your earliest convenience, and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you,
SarthakRegistration link created for Learn How to Ride class
Associated Project(s):Cynthia Hoyle create a new registration link for the Learn How to Ride class:
Purchase order created
Associated Project(s):Purchase order created for Learn How to Ride class on campus. It will be taught by Cynthia Hoyle (PO #P2549793) and Lily Wilcock (PO #P2549790). The total cost will $600 for 6 students maximum.
Learn to Ride Class Rescheduled for Oct. 7th
Associated Project(s):Learn How to Ride class was rescheduled for October 7th from 10 am - 12:30 pm at the basketball courts by Campus Bike Center
Meeting with Cynthia: Upcoming Events Learn How to Ride a Bicycle
Associated Project(s):On 07/12/2023, Cynthia (C-U SRTS Project Chair) had a meeting with Sarthak and Hrushikesh to plan and discuss events that will help promote use of bicycle on Campus.
Meeting Minutes:
- Youth Cycling Instructor has gone through enough training to help in the event, but is not certified.
- 2 events will be held initially
1) Event - Learn to Ride
Date - Tentatively scheduled on 08/12/2023 (Saturday) or 08/12/2023 (Sunday) (Morning preferred)
Location - Basketball Courts near Campus Bike Center
Students - 2-3 students per LCI
Limit to 6 students in Total
*2 Volunteers required (including 1 Mechanical Volunteer @Jake)
*Electric Bikes not preferred
2) Basic Bicycling Skills Class - 10-12 people limit
* For these events Bikes can be made available by Bike Rodeo.
- Ride Illini Initiative - Bicycle Friendly Businesses can be involved to incentivize use of Bicycles.
Bike Class Form requests in FY23
Associated Project(s):In FY23, we have received several bike class requests through the Bike Class Form on the Bike at Illinois website: We will organize classes in FY24 based on this data:
Bike Class Form requests in FY23 Bike class number of requests Learn How to Ride 8 Youth Cycling Instructor 2 Smart Cycling 7 Traffic Skills 101 5 League Cycling Instructor 1 Bike Commuting: Lunch and Learn 5 Winter Bicycling: Lunch and Learn 2 Campus Bicycle Resource Tour 1