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Projects Updates for place: Stock Pavillion

  1. Facilities and Services will lead Dump and Run, collaboratively with YMCA and Housing

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello everyone,

    I am happy to report that our Dump and Run site visit last Wednesday was successful! We will be using the Truck Bay at F&S for this year’s collection space, thanks to Dr. Attalla, Dave Boehm, and Pete Varney.  The address is 1501 S. Oak Street, and Mike Doyle and Marc Alexander said it will serve the collection space needs very well.  Additionally, the Zero Waste Coordinator at F&S, Shantanu Pai, will take on an active role for Dump and Run this year. 

    Our vision is to transition Dump and Run from a “YMCA-run event that campus helps” to a “campus-run event that the YMCA helps.”  Certainly this will take time (more than one year) and there are many details to work out, so please remember that the collaboration for this overall program will only be strengthened by this shift. Shantanu, Marc, and I are meeting this Wednesday, and we will provide a more detailed status update at the next team meeting on March 10. 

    If you have any questions or suggestions in the meantime, please let me know. Thanks again for all the thought and consideration that this group has put in to this program and finding workable solutions.  I’m very excited for the future of Dump and Run!



  2. SSC Funding Award and Acceptance Letter for Dump And Run

    Associated Project(s): 

    The SSC Funding Award and Acceptance Letter for Dump and Run is attached below.

    The following quote is taken from the letter, "SSC is pleased to inform you that we are recommending to the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) that your project receives $15,020 in grant funding."

  3. Energy Conservation Incentive Program - Program Update

    Hello ECIP winners,


    When the Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP) was launched in 2013, it included financial awards that distributed some of the centrally managed campus utility funds back to the winning buildings. The calculation system was based on placement (first place to fourth place) in the awards program and the award category (occupant action or energy advancement).  You can see the calculation in the attached fact sheet from 2016, if you are interested.  With the Integrated and Value-Centered Budget (IVCB) reform, we transitioned this year, and we are closing out the initial phase one of the ECIP.


    Some of the original award funding has not yet been allocated to an associated facility improvement project.  If you have remaining funds and have not yet committed to a specific project, please do so as soon as possible.  All ECIP award funds must be committed by the end of this fiscal year, so please let us know your plans.


    Now in phase two, the ECIP awards include a plaque and the associated prestige, and no additional monetary awards (see attached revised fact sheet).  Instead, your colleges will benefit directly from the energy savings.  Additionally, to increase the visibility of the great progress all of you have made, we are collaborating with the Illinois Solar Decathlon’s Concept Team (incoming freshmen, learning about building systems and sustainability).  They will be completing a simple Building-Level Energy Report card for the 50+ ECIP winners this fall.  In the spring, I will send those reports to you with an opportunity to connect with the Concept Team members.


    Later this week, I will send a follow up email to the FY19 winners with images to help you spread awareness of this award.  Congratulations again to all of you, and thank you very much for your past and ongoing contributions to the campus sustainability and energy efficiency efforts.




  4. UI Energy Conservation Winners Saved $189K in FY19

    header image



    UI Energy Conservation Winners Saved $189K in FY19



    CHAMPAIGN, IL – Facilities & Services (F&S) is recognizing the efforts of eight campus facilities for their energy conservation successes during the Campus Sustainability Celebration on Wednesday, October 23, 4–6 p.m. at the Levis Faculty Center. The event is open to the public, and all are encouraged to attend and learn more about the university's sustainability progress and initiatives.

    The Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP) recognizes buildings on campus that showed the greatest percentage of energy reduction from fiscal year 2018 to 2019.

    In the "Occupant Action Category," the four winners are "auxiliary" buildings: F-29 Parking Deck won first prize, showing a 44.1% improvement, saving $9,084.79. Campus Recreation Center - East (25.4%, $47,746.73), McKinley Health Center (21.2%, $37,949.77), and North Campus Parking Deck (15.6%, $16,992.74) were the other winners.

    This was the first year auxiliary buildings – that is, buildings that financially support themselves – were allowed to participate in the ECIP competition.

    In the "Energy Advancement Category," Harker Hall showed the greatest improvement, with a 34.9% reduction, saving $14,739.62. English Building (26.6%, $21,918.88), Admin Information Technology Building (26.5%, $7,820.66), and Loomis Laboratory of Physics (15.1%, $32,697.59) also won.

    The ECIP started seven years ago as a way to encourage and reward energy conservation achievements in support of the Climate Leadership Commitments. State-supported and auxiliary buildings of 10,000 gross square feet or more are eligible for the awards program. Buildings compete in two categories: Occupant Action, which recognizes building users' efforts, and Energy Advancement, which recognizes facilities that partnered with F&S to complete a large-scale energy conservation project.

    For more information, visit








  5. FY2018 ECIP Winners

    Here are the winners for the 2018 ECIP Awards!


     Occupant Action  % Improvement   Incentive Award 
    1. Turner Hall  21.8%  $103,130
    2. Art and Design Building 19.9%  $37,816
    3. Burrill Hall  19.8%  $57,518
     Energy Advancement % Improvement  Incentive Award 
    1. Coordinated Science Laboratory 47.2%  $84,308
    2. Seitz Materials Research Laboratory 44.4%  $91,537
    3. Loomis Laboratory of Physics  40.7%  $25,717
    4. Harker Hall  38.0%  $10,000
  6. Dump and Run Update (Email Chain)

    Associated Project(s): 

    The following email chain details the arrangement of a meeting at the Stock Pavilion for Mike Doyle to give Alma Sealine, Morgan White, and Lowa Mwilambwe a tour to give them the sense of the operations at that time.

    The images referenced in the emails are attached below.


    From: Varney, Peter W

    Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 5:36 PM

    To: White, Morgan

    Cc: Attalla, Mohamed Mahmoud

    Subject: FW: Dump & Run


    Thanks Morgan – any specific names or quotes I can use and submit to CRC along with the names of the F&S staff (driver and laborer) involved?


    Thank you,




    From: White, Morgan

    Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 5:14 PM

    To: Attalla, Mohamed Mahmoud; Varney, Peter W

    Subject: FW: Dump & Run

    Hello Mohamed and Pete,

    The YMCA sent the attached photos showing some of the items collected from the students moving out, with Housing

    and F&S support this month. They are very grateful and I also heard from some of the YMCA’s folks how very helpful the

    F&S staff were, in particular.

    I will be attending a check-in meeting tomorrow morning, and I believe Chancellor Jones asked Lowa to lead the

    discussions over the next few months to provide campus assistance to this effort in the future. Lowa will include me in

    those discussions, and I am very pleased that we are moving in that direction to support this great waste-reduction





    Ms. Morgan White

    F&S Associate Director for Sustainability

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



    From: Mike Doyle

    Sent: Monday, May 13, 2019 4:45 PM

    To: Sealine, Alma R

    Cc: Mwilambwe, Lowa; White, Morgan <>; Marc Alexander; Joe Vitosky; Kasey Umland

    Subject: Re: Dump & Run2


    Friday at 9 AM works. I will be there and most likely Marc.

    We will have loaded and packed a weeks worth of stuff so I thought I would share a few photos with you.



    On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 2:17 PM Sealine, Alma R wrote:


    I’m out on vacation but can make 9am work as I’m driving out of town...

    Alma R. Sealine

    Executive Director of University Housing



    From: Mwilambwe, Lowa

    Sent: Monday, May 13, 2019 2:11 PM

    To: Mike Doyle; Sealine, Alma R; White, Morgan

    Cc: Marc Alexander; Joe Vitosky; Kasey Umland

    Subject: Re: Dump & Run


    Are you available at 9:00 a.m. on Friday?


    -Lowa Mwilambwe

    Associate Vice Chancellor for Auxiliary, Health & Wellbeing

    Student Affairs

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



    From: Mike Doyle

    Date: Monday, May 13, 2019 at 9:12 AM

    To: "Sealine, Alma R", Lowa Mwilambwe, "White,


    Cc: Marc Alexander, Joe Vitosky, Kasey Umland

    Subject: Dump & Run


    Alma, Morgan and Lowa,


    I just wantedd to invite you to stop by the stock pavilion on Pennslvania sometime this week between 9 AM

    and 4 PM. We finish up collections this week and have already starting loading items on the semi trailers. So

    far I think this has been a great improvement this year and the staffs from F&S as well as Housing have been

    very helpful.

    A 5-10 minute tour will give you a sense of the operations at this point and I believe be very helpful in future

    discussions about what is involved in this program. If you let us knowwhen you will stop by Mar or I can try

    to be there to give you a uick tour but if that doesn't work, you can just stop by when it is convenient.




    Michael Doyle

    Executive Director

    University YMCA

  7. Approval for Support from campus to YMCA for Dump and Run

    Associated Project(s): 

    The following email contains a confirmation of approval from Lowa Mwilambwe for campus to provide support to the Dump and Run Program coordinated by the YMCA.



    From: Mwilambwe, Lowa

    Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 4:00 PM

    To: White, Morgan

    Cc: Hill, Darla J; Kushner, Allison; Harlan, Tina Diane; Brown Young, Danita M; Sealine, Alma R

    Subject: Re: Dump & Run funding confirmation


    This is to confirm that it is acceptable for campus to provide support to the Dump and Run Program coordinated by the YMCA. This program allows residence halls to dispose of items students don’t want to take home with them at the end of the spring semester by having YMCA volunteers collect them. Incoming students get the opportunity to purchase these items in August as they return to school. If this program didn’t exist, these items would end up in a landfill. Furthermore University Housing would be responsible for their disposal.


    Regarding truck usage, University staff should be the only individuals to drive University vehicles or ride in them. YMCA volunteers can load and unload the vehicles.


    Please note that I have explained to the YMCA staff that this is a one‐time deal and that we won’t be able to offer the same type of support next year. They are working on providing me with more information about how they use the funding generated from this program.


    I have copied all University staff I have I have talked to regarding this matter and they can offer their perspective, if I omitted anything.


    Thanks to all of you for making this happen, this one time. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Lowa Mwilambwe


    Associate Vice Chancellor for Auxiliary, Health & Wellbeing

    Student Affairs

    University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign


    From: "White, Morgan"

    Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 at 12:45 PM

    To: Lowa Mwilambwe Subject: Dump & Run funding confirmation


    Hi Lowa,


    Please confirm (in writing) that it is acceptable for campus to provide support for the YMCA Dump & Run collections from our residence halls.

    If so, F&S will contribute a truck and driver this spring, but the long‐term solution needs to identify the appropriate funding source.




    F&S Associate Director for Sustainability

    University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign

  8. Dump and Run 2019 Logistics Meeting

    Associated Project(s): 

    The following email chain contains a discussion about a meeting to discuss logistics for Dump & Run 2019.



    From: Marc Alexander

    Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 5:04 PM

    To: Johnson, Bryan Lloyd

    Cc: White, Morgan; Arnold, David A

    Subject: Re: Dump and Run 2019


    Hi all, here's the beginnings of a logistical sheet for Residence Hall pickups. Dorm Pickups Sheet 2019

    It's ordered in rough zones, with dorms closest to each other clumped together. We can discuss more regarding times and what each day might look like in terms of pickups tomorrow. All of you should be able to edit the sheet, so please feel free to make changes if need be.


    In addition, here is a basic FAQ for donation sites with some info that might be helpful to you, but that can also be shared with the Resident Directors as well. We can make changes to this as well.


    Thanks everyone, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow!





    On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 3:37 PM Marc Alexander wrote:

    Excellent, thanks Bryan! I'll see you then. My cell is [omitted], don't hesitate to text or call in the next few weeks if any of you need anything promptly.




    On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 3:27 PM Johnson, Bryan Lloyd wrote:

    I was just on the phone with David about the meeting on Friday. I went ahead and reserved a room in Clark Hall for the meeting (room 222). We will plan on meeting in Clark Hall at 10:30, but David and I will touch base at the conclusion of my 9am meeting or your walkthrough which ever finishes first. If we can meet sooner, or during your rounds we will.


    My cell phone is [omitted]


    Bryan Johnson

    Project Manager, PMP

    UNIVERSITY HOUSING | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



    From: Marc Alexander 

    Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 3:17 PM

    To: White, Morgan

    Cc: Johnson, Bryan Lloyd

    Subject: Re: Dump and Run 2019


    Bryan if you can do 10:30 great, but if not I'll make 10am work.


    I'll get back to you both with logistical plans. Thanks!






    On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 3:09 PM  White, Morgan wrote:

    Hi Marc,  Can we do a phone call with Bryan and the two of you at 10 Friday?  You may not be through all the locations yet, but that’s when both Bryan and I can do a call.


    Also, would you please send both of us any logistics plans you already have written up (even from previous years), so we can get a feeling for the driving needs?





    Ms. Morgan White

    F&S Associate Director for Sustainability

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



    From: Marc Alexander 

    Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 3:06 PM

    To: White, Morgan

    Cc: Johnson, Bryan Lloyd

    Subject: Re: Dump and Run 2019


    Hi Bryan, 


    Dave Arnold, who is an Area Coordinator for Residential Life, has been our contact for the residence halls. He and I are meeting at 9am Friday to walk the locations and determine container placement.





    On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 2:54 PM  White, Morgan wrote:

    Hi Bryan, Here is Marc’s email.  Let’s try to meet at 1am on Friday.


    Marc, please tell Bryan your contact person for setting the containers.



    Ms. Morgan White

    F&S Associate Director for Sustainability

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



    From: Johnson, Bryan Lloyd

    Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 2:47 PM

    To: White, Morgan

    Subject: Dump and Run 2019


    I was asked by Alma Sealine to give you call concerning the Dump and Run event this year. When you get a moment, please give me a call to discuss Housing’s involvement.



    Bryan Johnson

    Project Manager, PMP

    UNIVERSITY HOUSING | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  9. Happy Sustainability Week!!

    Join iSEE, the Student Sustainability Committee and Facilities & Services for a "plogging" fun run/walk, a tour of Abbott Power Plant, a celebration event with organizations and RSOs that includes the Energy Conservation Incentive Program awards and updates on Illinois Climate Action Plan goals, a socially responsible investing program, and the popular Illini Lights Out energy savings event.


    Tony Mancuso . Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)


    Sustainability Week Events Oct. 21-27

  10. FY17 ECIP award winners announced

    Occupant Action Category

    % Improvement

    Incentive Award

    1. Foellinger Auditorium 41.0% $61,994
    2. Natural Resources Building 21.0% $38,543
    3. 1207 W. Oregon 19.4% $15,677
    4. Agricultural Engineering Sciences
    13.6% $12,986

    Energy Advancement Category

    % Improvement

    Incentive Award

    1. Early Child Development
    25.2% $10,000*
    2. Administrative Information Technology
        Services Building
    24.1% $10,000*
    3. Astronomy Building 23.4% $10,000*
    4. ACES Library, Information &
        Alumni Center
    23.2% $10,000*

