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Projects Updates for place: National Soybean Research Center

  1. SSC Voting Meeting - 10.21.17

    On October 21, 2017, the Student Sustainability Committee held a voting meeting for Fall 2017 projects. First, the committee approved the scope change for the Illini Bike Share. Next, the committee examined the 34 submitted proposals to select which proposals would get funded, declined, or moved to Step 2. SSC funded seven proposals at this meeting.

    Attached Files: 
  2. EPS recycling at Dart; Departments to arrange transportation of materials

    In July 2017, the vendor with whom the UIUC campus had partnered for EPS recycling was purchased by another vendor that was not able to continue the partnership. Central funding for transporting EPS to drop-off locations ended. Departments that had been participating in the Styrecycle program will be notified of the changed circumstances and will be encouraged to arrange their own transporation of EPS to the drop-off location at Dart Container, 1505 E. Main St., Urbana. There is no charge to drop off EPS at Dart. F&S is exploring options to provide an EPS recycling location on campus.

  3. Archive of page content, Oct. 15, 2017

    The following content was replaced with new program information on Oct. 15, 2017:


    The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) now recycles expanded polystyrene (EPS), more commonly known by its brand name Styrofoam. By recycling this bulky material, we can reduce the volume of waste sent from campus to landfills and avoid the harmful environmental impacts of that practice.

    The Styrecycle program was started in Fall 2015 and partnered with Community Resource Inc. (CRI) to bring EPS recycling to the UIUC campus. Our program can help you do your part to reduce the volume of waste campus sends to landfill — waste which will never biodegrade.

    To find out more about Styrecycle, you can visit our website at:

    Or Like us on our Facebook page:

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  4. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Hi Tracy—

    Here are my zero-waste updates from this past week: 

    • Morgan, Micah, Colin Tirakian, Joe Pickowitz, and I met to discuss EPS recycling. For now, we’ll direct interested departments to take materials to the Dart Container drop-off location in Urbana, which they can do free of charge. They will need to arrange their own transport of materials. With the densifier now at ISTC, we’ll investigate whether ISTC can become the drop-off location. 
    • I updated the iCAP page on EPS recycling.
    • I drafted an email to send to Styrecycle participants. It is now with Morgan for review. She is obtaining a list of participants to whom we’ll send it.

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  5. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Hi Tracy—
    This past week was a slow one, with various emails to follow up on ac3vi3es from previous weeks. I will press harder on the loose ends this coming week so that we can move forward on the glove and glass recycling efforts and get website informa3on about battery recycling fully up to date. 

    I will also con3nue efforts with regard to Styrecylce. The densifier has been moved from Midwest Fiber to ISTC. Micah is working on seting up a mee3ng to figure out the next steps. 

    I put Amanda Soskin, a volunteer from the community, in touch with Morgan. Amanda is interested in reducing waste at tailgates. Morgan put her and Gopal Pareek in touch with each other so that they can lay out plans. 

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  6. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Hi Tracy—
    This past week, my zero-waste coordination activities were 

    • Finalizing updated instructions for participating in the battery recycling program
    • Updating battery and glove recycling locations in the iCAP portal
    • Coordinating with ISTC on relocating the styrofoam densifier from Midwest Fiber to ISTC
    • Communicating with a VWR representative on their participation in the Kimberly Clark glove recycling program 

    Best regards,

    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  7. Archived info - SSC marketing subcommittee info

    Here are the tasks we need to focus on starting with the highest priority.     1st Web Development. The website looks pretty nice but its content is lacking particularly in the projects page. There are pictures missing for many completed and under construction projects (I am currently working on that).      2nd Encourage more people to work on working groups. The more people involved in the process the more of an impact the committee will have on campus.      3rd Have more people, particularly students, submit proposals      4th Have the committee be known throughout campus. I would be willing to do some research to see what percentage of the school knows about it now to measure our effectiveness.      If you know anyone who is interested in social media, photography, videography, or writing, please encourage them to join.     I hope to see everyone soon,   Marlon Mueller-Soppart

  8. Bevier Cafe Herb Garden Agreement - Signed

    The Bevier Café is a learning laboratory where FSHN students to get hands on experience running a food service establishment. The funding requested in this application will serve to purchase startup equipment for growing fresh herbs for use in their operation. The goals of this project are two-fold. The first is to produce “hyper-locally” grown fresh herbs to use in food production. Reducing our carbon foot print and aligning with iCAP sustainability goals. The second goal is education for students and the general public. Students will get to experience of a small scale farm to table operation. Students will be heavily involved in developing planting schedules to meet demand, plant care maintenance, and incorporating products into the menu. The public which we serve will not only be able to enjoy the fresh herbs incorporated into our recipes, but will have access to tours and educational information about the project. This proposal directly funds: 1) Indoor grow equipment for herbs 2) Installation costs from Facilities and Services.

  9. Funding Letter - Bike Registration RFID

    This project funds an opt-in bike tracking system for all registered campus bikes working toward two goals: 1) Collecting useful data on where cyclists are biking on campus for more accurate and timely information than the perennial bike census; and 2) Providing incentives for people who bike to campus, in the form of points toward or drawings for gift certificates for local dining options near campus. When students and faculty of the University register their bikes, they will each receive a tag for their bike with a personal ID number. With the data collected about their individual biking habits, students and faculty will be able to track how often they bike and earn rewards through an online interface and incentive system. The interface will show the number of times biked, the rewards an individual can earn, and offer the ability to submit reports since bikers often see needed improvements before planners and engineers. This system is being developed entirely in-house by a team of women engineers. This proposal directly funds: 1) Supplies for creating the system 2) Two interns to assist with logistics 3) Mounting equipment and RFID tags.

  10. BIF Solar Installation Agreement

    A strategic goal of both the UIUC and the College of Business is to attract and attain the best faculty. In order to do that, it is essential to provide faculty with office space that allows them maximum productivity. The fourth floor of BIF has proven to be excellent space where faculty can work on research. The fourth floor faculty offices are highly sought after by research faculty due to quality of space, location, convenience, and security. As the College expands the fourth floor to include sixteen new offices, there is an opportunity to include a PV solar panel system. The Student Sustainability Committee has agreed to fund $60,000 toward the total initial cost of $157,340 to fully fund all $48,000 of direct construction and equipment cost for a 12.5 kW array as well as $12,000 in general conditions and contingency. Any other costs will be funded through the College of Business. This proposal directly funds: 1) Solar panels and inverters 2) Limited installation costs 3) Some contingency and general conditions.

  11. Brewing the Best Bankable Biodiesel Agreement

    The Illinois Biodiesel Initiative (IBI) converts waste vegetable oil from campus dining halls into biodiesel (intended for campus vehicles) and biosoap (intended for pre-washing in the dining halls), and aims to do so in a financially and environmentally sustainable manner. Currently, Garage and Car Pool, IBI’s largest customer, requires that biodiesel meets the ASTM D6751 standard. This requires frequent quality control testing that would be cost prohibitive for a project of this scale to send to on off-site firm. The equipment funded by SSC through this award will allow students, under faculty guidance, to conduct their own quality control testing at a more economical cost. In addition to the hands-on experience students will gain, this also gives IBI all the tools to be fully financially self-supporting. This proposal directly funds: 1) Equipment for conducting tests 2) Initial reagents and other supplies for the first round of testing.
