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Projects Updates for Campus Bike Center

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  1. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all, this past week was good.  A little slower, but good.  I suspect the summer course modules has something to do with it.  We sold 2 bikes for $330We were able to get do a really thorough cleaning of the shop both for our own good, but also for a visit from Brian and Lowa some folks from Student Affairs(right Lily?).  I spoke to a group who may be putting in a repair station for the new art and design building.  I built some bikes and got some cabinets from surplus.  We were able to further organize the shop using these cabinets.  Each seat post size has its own drawer.

    This week I will be building bikes, working on reports, and setting up the transition to my leaving CBC.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  2. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all, last week was great...I was on vacation for most of it.  We were only open the one day but we did well.  We sold 2 bikes for $130, and grossed $318.  Nothing of note happened.

    This week I will be receiving the 2016 LTN lights, storing them somewhere, coordinating with Lily and what I need to get done for the event.  We will be preforming tasks, dividing tasks, and discussing roles roles covering topics as advertising and volunteer coordination since Lily has not work on LTN before.  I will also be getting ready for the students coming back, by assembling new student hand outs and talking to Lily and Officer Hawk about possible what to do after a crash materials. 

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  3. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all, this past week was interesting.  We have busy mornings and slow, easy open hours.  This was great because it allowed us to get more back end work done during open hours.  We were able to sort hundreds of parts that had recently been donated, clean the shop, and make about 300 new student bike packets during open hours.  We sold 3 bikes for $400, 3 memberships for $90, and grossed $1391.50.  The shop was able to successfully switch over to the new membership cost, membership cards, and pricing structure.  I was able to complete the ordering of the LTN lights and the lights are on their way here.  I was finally able to order the filters for the sandblaster.  I have not been able to get an exact date for shipping, but we should be ready for more intensive use by fall.  We have held 2 basic classes on Thursdays and they have had 2 students apiece.  The topics were ABC Quick Check, and Everything You Wanted to Know About Cables and Housing. 

    This coming week we will be closed Tuesday through Friday so little will be done.  I am arranging for the Thursday class to take place in my absence. 

    James Roedl

  4. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all, last week was good.  We had a lot of people come in.  We got quite a few donations as well.  We sold 5 bikes for $680, 1 build-a-bike for $40, 3 memberships for $90, and grossed $994.80.  Working Bikes picked up 65-75 bikes that we did not need or have room for.  Baker donated about 400 pounds of various aluminum parts.  We started sorting them Friday.  I started making the packets for ISSS, but ran out of paper clips.  I started the ordering process for LTN.

    This coming week I will finish sorting the new donations, collect more donations from Baker, and finish making the ISSS bike packets.  I will also work on getting us some bikes built.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  5. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all, last week was good.  We had a lot of people in and we had some good times.  We sold 7 bikes for $940, 2 build-a-bikes for $110, 5 student memberships, 4 community memberships, and grossed $2119.50.  We have intergrated the new database to the point that we are giving out cards with memberships, and have made some extra cash finding people who didn't realize their membership expired.  I worked on some advocacy items.  The Center was flooded with donations from Baker's Bikes.  We got 2 truck loads of good stuff.  Some was taken to the Urbana shop some to Campus.

    This coming week is extra short since I am taking off Friday.  I will just be trying to keep my head above water.  There will be LTN work, sorting and preparing bikes for shipment as well as organizing the pickup.  I will also be working on getting classes going and advertised as well as building bikes to replenish our stock.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  6. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all, this past week was busy.  We lots of people coming in and lots of projects.  We sold 2 bikes for $230, 1 build-a-bike for $70, 7 memberships for $175, and grossed $1090.50.  We got a bunch of bikes from the warehouse helping to clear out mid semester bikes before they get spring abandon bikes.  I also got some bikes from the City of Champaign.  I contacted Working Bikes and am coordinating a pickup with them to get rid of unwanted bikes.  I built some bikes and worked on some LTN items.  CCNet visited the shop.  It was a good tour/visit.  The wheel building class finished well with many folks having built fine wheels. 

    This week I will be building bikes and working on a pickup for the unwanted bikes.  I will be building bikes, and looking to remove another 30-40 from the warehouse that are from the mid semester pickup.  I will also be working on doing some classes again on Thursdays before we open.

    From the Campus Outpost,

  7. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all, last week was incredibly busy.  We had lots of events and things going on, but we made it happen.  A lot of people came in wanting bikes thanks to Lily's submission of apparently great ad copy to the E-Week e-mail.  Armand from the Soy Bean Innovation Lab bought 5 bikes, but I wont be counting them until I get a check.  We sold 19 bikes for $2430, 1 build-a-bike for $60, 1 community membership for $30, 2 student memberships for $50, and grossed $3199.  Again once I get the check from the soy bean lab it will go up $610 and 5 bikes.  We supported the cool Bike-From-Work-Day station that Lily put on, held a class on wheel building, and a class on machining bike frames.  Lily and I worked on the cargo bike program, meeting with the University Architect.  It sounds like an uphill battle, but we may get them a cargo bike of some kind.   Between Morgan and Lily there has been created an demand for workers at F&S to use bikes rather than trucks and vans.  I explained to Lily how depts. can purchase bikes from us, but not pay for service or order things since she will be helping them to start these programs.

    This coming week we will be cleaning the shop for the visit from CCNet, building bikes to replace the 24 that have been sold, and working on bike assisting Lily in getting bikes for F&S.  I will also be working with Lily and the Library on getting them a cargo bike.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  8. Weekly Update

    Hello all, this past week was steady which is normal for this time of year.  Between the weather and finals it's a mixed bag for people coming in, and bike sales.  We sold 3 bikes for $430, 1 membership for $25, and grossed $1128.  We hosted one bike to work station, and supported another.  It was a pleasant affair, but not effective as no new cyclist were encouraged to commute to work.  We built some bikes, organized and held the first of a three part wheel building series. 

    This week we will be working on summer scheduling, wheel building classes, bike building, and supporting advocacy events.  I will also be pushing to plan and setup LTN for success this year.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  9. e-Week message

    Associated Project(s): 

    Bicycles for sale

    The Campus Bike Center has a large and varied inventory of refurbished bicycles for sale. Bikes are available for test rides and purchase during normal business hours, Monday-Thursday from 2-6 p.m. and Friday from 2-5:30 p.m.

    Lily Wilcock . Facilities and Services

  10. Weekly Update

    Hello all, this past week was slow, but that was good because it allowed for us to get ready for Bike to Work Day.  We sold 1 bike for $110, 1 build-a-bike for $50, 2 memberships for $50, and grossed $690.50.  We built a lot of bikes and got a lot of work done.

    This coming week we will participate in Bike to Work Day, host a special wheel building class and continue to build bikes.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  11. Weekly Update

    Hello all, this past week was very busy.  We had a good number come in, but events were the big thing.  We sold 2 bikes for $280, 1 build-a-bike for $50, 11 student memberships for $275, 2 community membership for $80, and grossed $978.  I participated in the Bike Census.  It was very well organized by Lily, and went well.  The BikeFace organized Ride with the Chancellor was a success.  I hosted an open house at the center before the ride.  The Chancellor seemed to enjoy the ride.  She mentioned not knowing the Bike Center existed until I explained what this strange garage filled with bicycles was.  I'm thinking about sending her a post card inviting her back.  I did a deep clean of the shop in anticipation of the visit and it keeps getting cleaner and better.  I made a informational document about cargo bikes for FAA.  Lily helped with some great improvements to the document that made it more friendly to non-cycling readers.

    This week I am going to work on classes, building bikes, and find out our commitment to Bike To Work Day.  It's been hard getting everything out of the warehouse, but I'm hoping to get this done this week. 

    From the Campus Bike Center,
    James Roedl

  12. Weekly Update

    Hello all, This past week was good.  We saw better weather and as a result a huge bump in attendance.  The newly reorganized space has gotten lots of compliments.  We'll see if it works in the long run.  We sold 6 bikes for $740, 1 build-a-bike for $30, 5 memberships for $140, and grossed $1490.80.  Lots of cool things going on.  I took a bunch more bikes out of the warehouse, and am building them to sell/make space.  I setup the wheel building class for May.  Lily and I presented the cargo bike to FAA, and agreed to work on sustainable transportation solutions with them.  I got a lot of work done on the annual reports in anticipation of the end of the fiscal year.

    This week I will be making a short report of sustainable transportation options for FAA, cleaning up the shop, helping with the Bike Census, participating in Ride with the Chancellor, and continuing to work on the annual reports.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  13. Weekly Update

    Hello all, this past week we ramped up visitors slightly.  The weather really hurt attendance, which would have been much higher.  We still had people coming in and good attitudes abounded.  We sold 2 bikes for $300, 1 build-a-bike for $30, 2 memberships for $50, and grossed $1353.50.  We have been storing a lot of things we dont' need, and have lost a lot of space to idle items.  This week I realized how limiting this has been and how we need to change our work flow.  Also at the member meeting we discussed a front desk area with a host  and how many workspaces benefit from this.  Since we have a membership database promised to be coming soon I built a front desk area to capitalize on this. I reorganized the back and threw out a lot of useless junk.  The space is much more open now and we have more room to work and store useful items like tools and bikes.  We held a 3 speed hub class which was requested by at least 10 separate individuals, but no one attended.  I will be looking into a remedy.  I was able to update a good portion of the shops reports thanks to all the time freed up by Lily's hard work.  Lily and I continued our work on getting a sponsored donation site for the residents halls so normally abandoned bikes can be directly donated saving us all a lot of work and headaches.  We got a few bikes built, but were slow because of large donations and other projects. 

    This week I plan on continuing to update the shop's reports.  I will be working with Lily on presenting the cargo bike to FAA.  They had a change in leadership and some other set backs so we are restarting the relationship with a cool bike demo and presentation.  Lily's heading this up so I will be supporting her.  I will be trying to get some more bikes out of the warehouse and processed in anticipation of the spring cutting.  Lily is working with the residence halls on the donation event, and doing most of the planning work, but I may go to some of the meetings since I will be in charge of the implementation of the event.  I'm going to seek the assistance of Lily in ways to promote the Thursday afternoon classes.  I will also be sending out information on the wheel building class this week.

    From the Campus Bike Center,
    James Roedl

  14. Weekly Update

    Hello all, This past week was busy.  We lots of folks coming in to fix their bikes, but the weather made it weird some days we were empty others we had a 15 minute wait for repair stands.  We saw a lot of new faces, and made some new friends.  The shop sold 4 bikes for $630, 1 build-a-bike for $35, 5 student memberships for $125, 1 community membership for $40, and grossed $1517.  I talked to some of the people involved in the cargo bike loans, but was unable to get any progress yet.  I was unable to build a new desk welcome area, but did acquire a commercial hook wall for free!

    This week I will be working on meeting with people for the cargo bike program, and getting things ready for the residents hall donation program.  I will also build more bikes to sell.

    From the Campus Bike Center,
    James Roedl

  15. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all, This past week was super chill.  We had a steady trickle of people come in and it was a good mood.  I was able to build some bikes and the stable is bust'n with rad steeds.  I was able to clean and organize the shop to an even greater level.  I am trying to make it more accessible to new comers.  I was able to catch up on some work which was nice.

    This week I plan on setting up some new fixtures in the shop and maybe building a sign in/register desk area so we can have a host greet people, sign them in, check them out, and register their bikes. 

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  16. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello all, This past week was good.  We saw steady increases in attendance with relation to the weather.  The weather even allowed us to open the doors which is a great improvement to visibility and atmosphere.  We sold 7 bikes for $750, 4 memberships for $100, and grossed $1470.  I was able to build bikes, and organize the shop a bit with the help of volunteers.  We've been able to integrate mobile time cards into shop staff procedure which has already shown dividends in saved time and complication.  I hired Lucas Hsu, an Urbana volunteer, on to the staff to replace Mike who took a degree related internship with the city.  I was able to get some bikes from the warehouse and assess the remaining handful.

    This coming week I will be having America table at the EcoFeminism sustainability event on campus.  I will building bikes for the spring rush.  I will work on removing the rest of the warehouse bikes, and cleaning up the warehouse. 

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  17. weekly update

    Hello all, This past week was great.  We weren't too busy, and we got some cool stuff done.  We sold 5 bikes for $640, 1 build-a-bike for $60, 4 memberships for $100, and grossed $1161.10.  We had a lot of volunteers come in and we were able to clean up the shop.  It looks great and is more functional.  I was also able to sort and organize a lot of the parts and we are much better for it.  We scrapped a lot of damaged frames, and low quality parts.  I added a couple of new tools to make things go faster and easier.  I worked on the cargo bike demo program, and am lining up a new department to lend the bike to.  We built several bikes and have about 40 for sale.  I was able to start ordering from the new supplier accounts I setup it was cool and we got some deals on parts.  We scrapped a lot of damaged frames, and low quality parts making some space.  We started using the new registration database.  The database is fully functional and awesome.  I meet with Stacey and Lily we did some pre Bike To Work Day planning.  I had a volunteer get all the advocacy materials organized and setup to be handed over to Lily. 

    This coming week I plan on getting more bikes from the parking warehouse, building more bikes for the spring rush, and continuing to clean and organize.  I'm going to work on setting up more classes for the spring.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  18. weekly update

    Hello all, Last week was a little weird, but great.  We had some strange fluctuations in attendance that went against normal attendance/weather patterns.  We sold 1 bike for $140, 1 build-a-bike for $45, 2 memberships for $50, and grossed $768.80.  I ran out of room upfront so I started putting for sale bikes in the back of the shop.  My goal is to have half of the storage area be refurbished bikes by spring so we are ready for the rush.  The hydraulic disc brake class went very well.  Matt Crosby from Neutral came early and helped setup as well as publicized the event.  We have 5 people in attendance and everyone learned a lot.  We may have a second class to go deeper into bleeding and lever modulation adjustment. 

    This week I plan on helping to get Lily up to speed as Stacy sees fit, building bikes, and working on upcoming advocacy events.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  19. weekly update

    Hello all, This past week went well.  We sold 2 bikes for $230, one membership for $25, and grossed $475.  We were able to represent the center at the ISSS open house.  The bike registration database is completed and we are seeking approval from all parties to launch!  We built more bikes.  We are at about 40.  I was able to make some head way in organizing the shop.  There are so many built bikes now that they are becoming a nuisance.  I did more work on the blasting cabinet.  It has already proved useful, but the air filter unit that came with it is not working well and we may have to purchase new filters. 

    This week I will be holding a class on disc brakes due to requests by students.  I will send an e-mail about it to membership.  I will work on the air filter unit for the blasting cabinet.  I will also be building more bikes for the spring rush.  There is an international student safety day on the 24th that we will be participating in.  I will be preparing materials for that as well as seeing if we can do some mechanical demos.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl
