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Projects Updates for EPA SmartWay Affiliate
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- Associated Project(s):
EPA Smartway September
Associated Project(s):Using the #EPASmartWay logo helps differentiate your company from the competition. Be sure to let your customers and stakeholders know that you’re leading the way on clean, sustainable supply chain management. Learn more:
August 2024 Smartway Posts
Associated Project(s):Using the #EPASmartWay logo helps differentiate your company from the competition. Be sure to let your customers and stakeholders know that you’re leading the way on clean, sustainable supply chain management. Learn more:
April 2024 SmartWay posts
Associated Project(s):Using the #EPASmartWay logo helps differentiate your company from the competition. Be sure to let your customers and stakeholders know that you’re leading the way on clean, sustainable supply chain management. Learn more:
January 2024 SmartWay posts
Associated Project(s):Using the #EPASmartWay logo helps differentiate your company from the competition. Be sure to let your customers and stakeholders know that you’re leading the way on clean, sustainable supply chain management. Learn more:
September 2023 SmartWay posts
Associated Project(s):Please see attached.
These have been posted to the Bike at Illinois Twitter ( and Facebook as well.
June 2023 SmartWay posts
Associated Project(s):Using the #EPASmartWay logo helps differentiate your company from the competition. Be sure to let your customers and stakeholders know that you’re leading the way on clean, sustainable supply chain management. Learn more:
January 2023 SmartWay posts
Associated Project(s):Make 2023 your year for fuel efficiency! #EPASmartWay can help you set goals for freight efficiency with proven approaches & industry-driven strategies. Learn more: #fuelsavings #sustainability #movemorewithless
SmartWay E-update
Associated Project(s):SmartWay e-update
December 2022 SmartWay e-update
Happy Holidays!
As 2022 comes to a close, EPA SmartWay extends holiday greetings to all our partners. Whether your company participates in SmartWay as a shipper, carrier, or logistics partner, we know that you and your colleagues are busy delivering food for holiday dinners, toys for small children, lights to brighten dark days and much, much more! During this special season, people from all walks of life, representing cultures from all over the world celebrate light, life and new beginnings. The past couple of years have been full of challenge and change and as we look ahead, SmartWay will continue to support the efforts of its partners to make the world a better place. Your commitment and the goals you’ve set to improve the efficiency of how goods are moved are critical to keeping communities healthy, safe and strong. Best wishes for a happy holiday season and a joyous New Year! Thank you for all you do. We look forward to our work together in 2023 and beyond.
News for EPA SmartWay Partners and Stakeholders
EPA Seeks Public Input on $1 Billion Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle, $3 Billion Clean Ports and other Inflation Reduction Act Programs
EPA is seeking public input on new and existing programs funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), including a new $1 billion Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle program and $3 billion Clean Ports program. Under the Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle EPA will be offering grants and/or rebates to replace heavy-duty vehicles with zero-emission vehicles, support zero-emission vehicle infrastructure, and to train and develop workers. Under the Clean Ports program EPA will offer grants for the purchase and installation of zero emission technologies to reduce pollution at ports, and to develop qualified climate action plans.
EPA has published a Request for Information (RFI) seeking public input on core design aspects for these and other programs supported by IRA. The RFI provides background information on each IRA program and a series of questions for the public to consider as they provide input. The RFIs are open for public comment through January 18, 2023. Public input and information will be used to inform the development of the programs in addition to other stakeholder engagement activities that EPA will be conducting consistent with its Grant Competition policy. For more information and to provide input on the Clean Heavy-Duty, Clean Ports and other IRA programs, visit
EPA Publishes Final Rule to Control Air Pollution from Heavy-Duty Trucks
On December 20, EPA issued a final rule "Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards," that adopts new, stronger emissions standards to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from heavy-duty vehicles and engines starting in model year 2027. The new emissions standards cover a wider range of heavy-duty engine operating conditions compared to today's standards, and the rule requires these more stringent emissions standards to be met for a longer period of time when these engines operate on the road. The new rule and tighter standards will result in widespread air quality improvements across the U.S., especially in areas already overburdened by air pollution and emissions.
The final rule is one of three major actions being taken under EPA's "Clean Trucks Plan." Under this plan, the Agency intends to propose two additional rulemakings in 2023 which, when considered cumulatively with this final rule, would put in place more protective long-term standards that would reduce smog, soot, and climate pollution from heavy-duty vehicles and would include consideration of greater adoption of zero-emissions vehicle technologies. For more information on EPA's Clean Trucks Plan, and the new rule to limit NOx emissions from heavy-duty commercial vehicles, visit
Upcoming Virtual Meetings and Conferences
National Academy
of Sciences Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
January 8-12, 2023
Washington, DC
The Transportation Research Board is holding its 102nd Annual Meeting January 8-12, 2023 in Washington, DC. TRB's Annual Meeting is expected to attract thousands of transportation professionals from around the world. The meeting program covers all transportation modes, with sessions and workshops addressing topics of interest to policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry and academia. The spotlight theme for the meeting is Rejuvenation Out of Disruption: Envisioning a Transportation System for a Dynamic Future. For more information on the program and to register visit
January 23-25, 2023
Atlanta, GA
A three-day annual supply chain event produced annually by SMC3, JumpStart brings together leading carriers, shippers, logistics service providers and technology providers to exchange ideas, information and perspectives. The meeting focuses on key topics and emerging trends in technology, infrastructure, and operations. This year, SmartWay will present on recent enhancements to the partnership, the value of collaboration and its less than truckload carbon calculator. The program agenda, speakers and more information is available at
Retail Industry Leaders Association LINK 2023
The Retail Supply Chain Conference
February 19-22, 2023
Orlando, FL
The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), a SmartWay Affiliate, is hosting LINK2023, the association's annual supply chain conference, February 19-22, in Orlando, FL. The focus of this year's conference is on the economic and logistical headwinds that retailers are experiencing as they adjust to the pandemic and envision the future of their supply chains. Sessions cover technology developments and applications that can help improve demand planning, forecasting, and case studies on how to effectively manage disruption. Other topics include strategies for strengthening consumer experience, freight delivery, infrastructure, emissions accounting and sustainability. More than 300 exhibiting companies and nearly 2000 attendees are expected to participate in LINK2023. SmartWay and its partners will be on deck to share experiences and to highlight the value of collaboration across the supply chain. For more information, visit LINK2023.
Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) EXPO 2023
May 1-4, 2023
Anaheim, CA
ACT EXPO is a 4-day fleet focused conference that will explore the trends, infrastructure and technologies transforming clean commercial transportation. The 2023 program will spotlight low- and zero-emission fleet case studies, financial incentives to improve the total cost of ownership for advanced clean vehicles, climate and environmental policies, and the accelerated development of zero emission infrastructure, as well as technology advancements with battery technology, charging infrastructure, biofuels, hydrogen, autonomous vehicles and more. On the exhibit floor attendees can gain access to 185+ commercial vehicles, including battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell, renewable fuels and connected tech. More than 275+ suppliers of equipment for all vehicle weight classes and fleet applications will also be exhibiting. Opportunities to get behind the wheel and test drive dozens of new vehicles are offered during a two-day Ride & Drive event. For more information visit ACTEXPO2023.
Anyway you ship it, move it the SmartWay!
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | |
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | 2000 Traverwood Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
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SmartWay 2022 Roundtable Summary
Associated Project(s):Please see attached the SmartWay 2022 Roundtable Summary.
Attached Files:July 2022 e-update
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached newsletter for updates from the EPA's SmartWay program for the month of July.
Attached Files:June 2022 e-update
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached newsletter for updates from the EPA's SmartWay program for the month of June.
Attached Files:May 2022 e-update
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached newsletter for updates from the EPA's SmartWay program for the month of May.
Attached Files:April 2022 e-update
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached newsletter for updates from the EPA's SmartWay program for the month of April.
Attached Files:February and March 2022 e-update
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached newsletter for updates from the EPA's SmartWay program for the months of February and March.
Attached Files:January 2022 e-update
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached newsletter for January updates from the EPA's SmartWay program.
Attached Files:December 2021 e-update
Associated Project(s):The newsletter for the December 2021 e-update from EPA's SmartWay program is attached below.
Attached Files:November 2021 e-update
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached newsletter for the November updates from the EPA's SmartWay program.
Attached Files:October 2021 e-update
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached newsletter for the October updates from the EPA's SmartWay program.
Attached Files:August and September e-update
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached newsletter for both August and September updates from the EPA's SmartWay program.
Attached Files: