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Project Listing

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Theme Status Project
Reporting Progress Ongoing Resilience iCAP Team
Reporting Progress Completed Sierra Club surveys
Reporting Progress Ongoing Sustainability iCAP Portal
Reporting Progress Ongoing Transportation iCAP Team Recommendations Summary
Reporting Progress Ongoing Agriculture, Land Use, Food, and Sequestration (ALUFS) SWATeam
Reporting Progress Ongoing ECBS Recommendations Summary
Reporting Progress Ongoing Press releases about specific projects
Reporting Progress Ongoing Water and Stormwater SWATeam
Reporting Progress Ongoing Formal Sustainability Procedures
Reporting Progress Ongoing Water and Stormwater Recommendations Summary
Reporting Progress Ongoing Zero Waste iCAP Team
Reporting Progress Ongoing Bicycle Friendly University Status
Reporting Progress Ongoing Energy iCAP Team
Engagement Ongoing Support Campus Green Teams
Engagement Ongoing Sustainability Competitions
Engagement In Progress Illini EcoConcept
Engagement Ongoing Earth Week
Engagement Ongoing Tikkun Chambana
Engagement Ongoing ActGreen
Engagement Ongoing Student Groups with Sustainability Focus
Engagement Ongoing Sustainability Council
Engagement Proposed Local Collaborations through Give Pulse
Engagement In Progress U.S. Department of Energy's Solar District Cup Collegiate Design Competition
Engagement Completed Sustainability Meet and Greet Coffees
Engagement Ongoing Illini EV Concept
Engagement In Progress Sculptures
Engagement In Progress Green Sports Alliance (GSA)
Engagement Ongoing Design for America
Engagement Completed Sustainable Electronics Campus Consortium
Engagement Ongoing Certified Green Office Program (CGOP)
Engagement In Progress Sustainability Art Displays
Engagement Proposed Green Your Dorm
Engagement Ongoing Guest Speakers for Sustainability Topics
Engagement In Progress Sustainable Events Program
Engagement Ongoing Student Sustainability Leadership Council (SSLC)
Engagement Ongoing USGBC Student Chapter
Engagement Completed Environmental Change Institute
Engagement Completed Illini Union One Book, One Campus
Engagement In Progress Eco Illini Supermileage
Engagement Ongoing iSEE Congress
Engagement Ongoing Campus Sustainability Month
Engagement Ongoing Water Environment Federation (WEF)
Engagement Ongoing Illini Formula Electric
Engagement Ongoing Certified Greener Campus Programs
Engagement Ongoing Beyond Oil Campaign
Engagement Ongoing Major Annual Events
Engagement Ongoing iCAP Working Group (iWG)
Engagement Completed Center for a Sustainable Environment (CSE)
Engagement Ongoing Sustainability Engagement and Outreach
Engagement Completed Majora Carter Workshop
