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Project Updates for collection: 2010 iCAP Projects


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  1. Sixth Street from Armory Avenue to Gregory Drive

    Associated Project(s): 

    This project will reconstruct pavement on the worst condition high volume streets and add bike lanes per current campus standards. This work will occur on Sixth Street from Armory Avenue to Gregory Drive. This will also upgrade the traffic signal at the intersection of Sixth Street and Gregory Drive to meet current federal standards and include pedestrian countdown signals.

  2. Gregory Drive from Oak Street to First Street

    Associated Project(s): 

    This project will include total removal and reconstruction of Gregory Drive, between Oak Street and First Street, including existing parking along street. This project will also include parking meters and some new sidewalks.  This segment of roadway is intended to be marked as a bicycle route, as part of the Campus Bike Network.

  3. Campus Revolving Loan Fund

  4. Guest Lecturers, staff and student teams work together

    Associated Project(s): 

    Staff gave a guest lecturer presentation to the Urban Planning / Civil Engineering UP430 class, regarding active transportation programs; met with a student team from Professor Rockett’s renewable energy course to discuss rooftop solar opportunities on campus; and gave a guest lecturer presentation to an Architecture class about the iCAP and sustainability initiatives on campus.

  5. CUUATS reported Grainger lighted crosswalk not recommended

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Champaign-Urbana Urbanized Area Transportation Study (CUUATS) prepared a report on the efficacy of the Grainger lighted crosswalk on Springfield Avenue at the Engineering Quad.  Due to high maintenance needs, difficulty with the light activation system, and a false sense of security for pedestrians and cyclists crossing Springfield Avenue, this system is not recommended for future locations on campus.  Safety for people crossing high-traffic streets can be enhanced with alternative lighted crosswalk systems that are more effective and provide more consistent safety improvements.

  6. ICECF review for light funding, new DCEO grant updates

    Hosted a site visit from Bob Romo at ICECF to review lighting upgrades they funded previously.

    DCEO has a new grant available for Steam Trap replacement and Pipe Insulation.  The F&S Maintenance Division qualifies for this grant program, so we will submit a grant request in May.  Calculated funding request for the DCEO Boiler grant.

    Received final award documents for DCEO EEPs grant.


  7. Spring iCAP Forum Held

    At the spring iCAP Forum, sustainability staff presented a status update about progress towards meeting our commitments in the Illinois Climate Action Plan.  This included a broad overview of the various initiatives that are currently underway and a summary of the next steps in this process.  After the presentation, participants were asked to work in groups to provide feedback about setting priorities for further iCAP implementation.  A summary of the feedback will be available after the Spring 2012 semester.

  8. SSC supported “Weatherization” project coming to conclusion

    The SSC supported “Weatherization” project is coming to its conclusion.  The six RSO teams that participated in this program have submitted their reports to the Weatherization intern, and the F&S Maintenance Division has identified the costs of the recommended improvements.  These will be summarized and implemented after the Spring 2012 semester.

  9. Progress with MTD, Zipcar, and Chilled Water extension project

    Associated Project(s): 

    There is a Chilled Water extension project planned for this summer and fall along Springfield Avenue from Mathews to the Grainger Crosswalk.  The Crosswalk pavement and ramps will be upgraded at that time, for enhanced pedestrian safety.

    Met with the Parking Department and MTD about the costs for transit service and faculty/staff access for the University in the new MTD contract for FY13-15.

    Met with the Zipcar partners in town about the status of the Zipcar program in the community.  Our account rep will be changing for the first time in a couple of years, and we are eager to keep the program running strong.

  10. Bicycle Facilities and Programs Projects Continue

    Associated Project(s): 

    Student intern met with employees at Christopher Hall to make recommendations for new bike parking.

    Submitted additional information about bike parking to the SSC, and were granted an award for $250,000 to revamp existing bike parking areas at various key locations throughout campus.

    Campus Transportation Committee met and reviewed all bike related iCAP projects. 

    Bike sharing survey went live from the LINC course, as described above.

    Staff met with employees at the Arboretum to make recommendations for new bike parking near the parking lot between the Idea Garden and the Japan House.

    Staff met with Housing representatives to discuss a potential pilot trial of distributed bike parking enforcement.  This would allow F&S to train and authorize certain key facility managers in proper procedures for impounding bikes parking improperly.  Housing will draft a proposal in the next few months, then F&S will discuss the merits with appropriate campus representatives (such as Legal Counsel, the Parking Department, and Campus Planning) and determine how to proceed.

    Sample Varsity Bike racks were provided for a one-year free trial to Champaign County Bikes.  The Architecture Review Committee approved testing them at the east side of the Illini Union.  The Union’s approval is pending an approval from SSC for the bike parking improvements at the southwest corner, with FY10 SSC funding.

  11. Monthly press on sustainability on campus

    Engineering News Record is doing a story on the University of Illinois about green buildings/LEED certification.

    Daily Illini article about campus sustainability progress.

    Staff created flowcharts for sustainability themes, as preliminary step to filling in the content on the Sustainability Portal website.  Staff provided field definitions and sample data for the database tables that will be available through the portal.  Also, we met with staff from MSTE and drafted the page layouts for the website, which will be shared at the iCAP Forum in April. 

  12. Engagement with other schools, information sharing

    We participated in meeting with representatives from Columbia, Missouri about their transit goals.  Articles were written about the visit:,, and

    We also provided information to Arizona State University about our bike registration system and intentions.
