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Project Updates for collection: 2010 iCAP Projects


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  1. Composting at Espresso

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Johnston, Morgan B
    Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 9:22 AM
    To: Fee, Casey A
    Cc: Mueller-Soppart, Marlon Anthony; Jones, Maria
    Subject: RE: Expresso Green Team

    Hi Casey and Marlon,

    How is this going?  Are you having some success?  I added Maria Jones to this email list, since she is the SSC Food and Waste Working Group chair.  The SSC could not allocate funds to Espresso, but there may be other opportunities for collaboration.  Of course, Marlon could bring that up as well.



    From: Casey Fee []
    Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 8:15 PM
    To: Johnston, Morgan B
    Subject: Re: Expresso Green Team

    Hi Morgan,

    Thanks for contacting us, we're currently figuring out logistics and we will be communicating with the haulers you suggested. We just had a meeting with an Expresso Royale employee and we are going to get measurements about how much compost they produce a day, which we want before contacting the haulers. After that, we will definitely be contacting you again. 

    Thanks again,

    Marlon and Casey

    On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Johnston, Morgan B <> wrote:

    Hi Casey and Marlon,

    This is the Espresso at Goodwin and Oregon, right? They have no direct connection to the UI, so it would make sense to give the compost to a local group rather than a campus group. (Also, the SSC recently funded vermicomposting at the Sustainable Student Farm, so they shouldn't need additional compost.)

    I think that a community garden could benefit from the compost. They may even be able to host the "compost pile." Here are a few I know of in the community:

    I grabbed these from a quick web search, and I found more than I expected. Perhaps you could reach out to all of them. If you have trouble hearing back from anyone, let me know and I can make a couple calls. 

    Thanks, and best wishes!


    Sent from my mobile device

    On Sep 2, 2013, at 3:44 PM, "Casey Fee" <> wrote:

    Hi Morgan,

    During the Friday meet and greet we, Marlon and I, discussed the prospects of getting Expresso to compost. We were wondering if you could put us in contact with people who might be interested in picking up and using the compost. 


    Casey and Marlon


    Casey Fee

    University of Illinois | Class of 2015

    Chemical Engineering

    Illini 4000 Portrait's Director


  2. RSO interested in reducing their food waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Johnston, Morgan B
    Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 9:18 AM
    To: Bressler, Jonathan Louis; Pickert, Diane A
    Cc: Jones, Maria
    Subject: RE: Food Reduction Recommendations

    Hi Diane and Jonathan,

    Were you able to meet and find a solution for the food waste from Tikkun Chambana?  The Student Sustainability Committee has a new working group chair for Food and Waste.  Her name is Maria Jones, and she is copied here.



    From: Aubrey, Dawn
    Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:35 PM
    To: Johnston, Morgan B; Bressler, Jonathan Louis
    Cc: Webb, Olivia Ashley; Pickert, Diane A
    Subject: RE: Food Reduction Recommendations

    Good Afternoon, Jonathan:

    Please contact Diane Pickert at 244-5800 to schedule a time to discuss food  waste reductions. I will not be available until later next week.

    Thank you,


    Dawn Aubrey, Ph.D., MBA, FMP, CEC, CCA
    Associate Director of Housing for Dining Services                                               
    University of Illinois
    407 Clark Hall
    1203 South Fourth Street
    Champaign, Illinois 61820
    Office Direct: 217-244-2997

    From: Johnston, Morgan B
    Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 12:08 PM
    To: Bressler, Jonathan Louis
    Cc: Webb, Olivia Ashley; Aubrey, Dawn
    Subject: Re: Food Reduction Recommendations

    Hello Jonathan,

    Thanks for reaching out. This looks like an important initiative. 

    There is a team working on vermicomposting at the Sustainable Student Farm this fall, with funding from the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC). I've copied the SSC contact from last year for that project, Olivia Webb, here. 

    I believe she can help you in your efforts. I'd love to be kept informed about what you are doing, so please include me in any meetings you have. We can also reach out to Housing to talk with you about possible strategies. I have copied Dawn Aubrey so she can tell us who to meet with from her team. 



    Sent from my mobile device

    On Aug 27, 2013, at 11:47 AM, "Jonathan Bressler" <> wrote:

    Dear Morgan Johnston, 

    Hello, my name is Jonathan Bressler, and I am the president of Tikkun Chambana, a Jewish environmental RSO.  

    We are trying to reduce food waste, as we have many larger scale food events, and was wondering if you could give us some recommedations on what we could do or if we could somehow piggyback onto what Facilities and Management are doing.  I have looked into a few things of the university and found out about the EnviroPure Food Waste Disposal Systems, but these seem very expensive and well beyond our funding capacity,

    Thank you,

    Jonathan Bressler

    Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences 2014

    College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences

    University of Illinois

  3. RLF project suggestions now being accepted

    Associated Project(s): 

    The FY14 Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) selection process has recently begun.  The RLF can fund medium payback utility conservation projects, involving energy, water, or chilled water on campus  (Examples of RLF projects are the campus lighting retrofit and the installation of occupancy sensors).  Launched in 2011 as a part of the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP), the RLF fully funds projects and is paid back over time from the associated cost avoidance.  Details about the RLF can be found on the iCAP Portal and in the attached fact sheet.  Project suggestions will be accepted through October 7.  See

    Please direct any questions to Morgan Johnston 217-333-2668

    Attached Files: 
  4. Allen Hall cardboard box recycling drive

    Associated Project(s): 

    My name is Max Colon, and I am a Resident Advisor in Allen Hall that works with a sustainability group to try and keep Allen green. Every year, we hold a recycling box drive where our organization hands out cardboard recycling boxes that have been given to us by Housing. I have a attached a photo of one of these boxes for identification purposes. I am wondering if it is possible for you to help me figure out who in Housing should be contacted in order to continue this tradition. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated! - Max

    We had the boxes over 10 years and we have depleted all supplies last year. Sorry- Vonne Ortiz

  5. Existing signage and striping

    Associated Project(s): 

    Facilities & Services is taking an interim step to make some initial improvements during spring and summer 2013. This work includes repainting several existing dedicated bike off-road and side paths, and adding stop signs for bicycle traffic at key intersections on existing paths. This step does not bring the existing bikeways up to acceptable safety standards, yet they will reduce bicyclist / pedestrian conflicts.

  6. update from Joyce Mast

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Mast, Joyce C
    Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:32 AM
    To: Beverage, McKenzie; Johnston, Morgan B
    Subject: RE: ECE Solar Installation Status Update


    Thank you for checking with me about the status of the Solar Installation on the North Parking Garage. I expect that no funds will be spent on the SSC account before the end of the fiscal year. We need results from the feasibility study for placing the panels on the North Parking Garage roof before we will be spending money on the panels or installation.  The study is to be officially completed by September 6, 2013, but we expect to  have drawings and plans by July. This will give us enough information to seek more matching funds so that the panels may be installed in time for the July 2014 completion date for the new building.  

    Best regards,

    Joyce Mast

  7. Housing Sustainability Report 2011

    University Housing’s 2010 Strategic Plan identified stewardship of resources as critical to our long-term success. According to the plan, stewardship of resources means “University Housing will demonstrate intentional and transparent stewardship of the financial, physical, and human resources of our entire organization. We will seek to use and conserve our resources in an effective manner that meets the needs of our residents and customers seeking and expecting excellent value.”

    While University Housing had already initiated a number of sustainability efforts, the University developed the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) in May 2010, identifying new sustainability mandates with which Housing will need to comply. Additionally, the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) was asking for support on multiple initiatives.

    As a result, University Housing identified the need to pool our sustainability resources through a single point of contact and formed the Housing Sustainability Council.

  8. 2009 Classroom Occupancy Sensor Installation

    Associated Project(s): 

    In 2009, the Student Sustainability Committee awarded $50,000 to Facilities & Services for installation of occupancy sensors to control lights in ten campus buildings: Animal Sciences Laboratory, Architecture Building, Bevier Hall, Chemistry Annex, Huff Hall, Materials Science and Engineering Building, Mumford Hall, Music Building, Noyes Laboratory and Transportation Building. The funds were used to install a total of 230 occupancy sensors in 223 rooms in these ten buildings.

  9. 2008 Classroom Occupancy Sensor Installation

    Associated Project(s): 

    In 2008, the Student Sustainability Committee awarded $20,000 to Facilities & Services for installation of occupancy sensors to control lights in three campus buildings: Loomis Laboratory, Foreign Languages Building, and Armory. Later, the budget was increased to $50,000 and the scope expanded to include seven additional buildings: Davenport Hall, Everitt Electrical Building, English Building, Henry Administration Building, Psychology Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Building, and Wohlers Hall. The funds were used to install a total of 332 occupancy sensors in 272 rooms in these ten buildings.

  10. meeting updates

    Associated Project(s): 

    Yesterday’s meeting covered more refined and detailed breakdown of the following topics, most of which were discussed in prior meetings, with the exception of the newly introduced structural support “Space Frame” option.

    • Panel layout configurations for truss mounted structural frame- 4 sections of seven rows at approx. 100 modules/row or four sections of six rows also 100 modules each. Truss mounting providing specific spacing for mounting dimensions. Also mentioned types of Truss material recommending tubular over welded angle, siting weatherization, degradation, appearance and animal habitat prevention as main reasons.
    • Space Frame structure was introduced as a favorable option.
    • A space frame is a structure system assembled of linear elements so arranged that forces are transferred in a three-dimensional manner. In some cases, the constituent element may be two dimensional.
    • Macroscopically a space frame often takes the form of a flat or curved surface.
    • It should be noted that virtually the same structure defined as space frame here is referred to as latticed structures in a state-of-the-art report prepared by the Task Committee on Latticed Structures [2], which states
    • A latticed structure is a structure system in the form of a network of elements (as opposed to a continuous surface). Rolled, extruded or fabricated sections comprise the member elements.
    • Another characteristic of latticed structural system is that their load-carrying mechanism is three dimensional in nature.
    • Space frame benefits although more costly up front were presented as prefabricated, galvanized and powder coated, sturdy, longer Life cycle and less maintenance, but requiring cranes and other installation costs. They also have installer requirements for mounting solar array as to maintain the integrity of the coating and protective surfaces. Provided flexible mounting spacing to help maximize power output and minimize shading.
    • Inverter layout revisited with schematic diagram presented illustrating component placement and wiring layouts.
    • An overall electrical schematic was presented identifying key component placing and overcurrent protection limits and needs, along with electrical room Layout.
    • Metering usage stated existing meters could be utilized with the addition of a revenue grade power production meter to monitor the array output.
    • Single line diagram was presented identifying current and project components, mentioning the output potential of 1400-1600 amps at 480 volts.
    • Introduced idea of rainwater harvesting for irrigation or toilet flushing usages.
    • Procurement procedures mentioned and moved as major topic for next meeting with concerns of turnkey type purchasing being the industry norm verses purchasing standard variety purchasing from multiple vendors in normal construction.
    • Next meeting PEP is having the structural Engineers present design considerations, and Mr. Jim Lev will have construction procurement representative attend.
  11. Efficiency measures at Abbott Power Plant

    In general, the overall efficiency of a typical power plant is approximately 35%, and the efficiency of a typical cogeneration plant is typically 80-85%.  The efficiency is in general a measure of the energy input (fuel), vs. the energy output (electricity, and in the case of a cogeneration plant steam and electricity).

    We have done a lot of things to improve the plant efficiency, but at this point in time we don’t have good data available that can measure and quantify those improvements.  Some of the items that we have undertaken include:  changing out the lighting to higher efficient flourescents and/or LEDs, changing out the Centac Centrifugal Air Compressors to more efficient VFD driven rotary air compressors, changing the air compressor cooling from city water to the plant service water system, and repairing and replacing direct contact heaters.

    Mike Larson

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Director of Utilities Production

  12. grant deadlines

    Joyce Mast, at ECE, is researching funding opportunities for the solar panels for ECE and the NCPD.  she provided this information.

    Deadlines for submitting proposals:

    1) Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity - Assuming our budget is adequate in the next state fiscal year, we may  be offering this program again in September or October of this year (Wayne Hartel, Energy Program Specialist, Illinois Energy Office)

    2) When I looked over the SSC-funded projects for 2012 and told Professor Krein about them, he said we should wait for the September inquiry date. He expects that we should have drawings and plans by July. I’m still looking for matching funds

    3) Their initial thought was Act on Energy grants, however I advised UI probably did not qualify as UI is not a standard tariff Ameren customer (Keith Erickson)

    4) Illinois Clean Energy: a) High Performance Green Buildings – Rolling Review. Submit application anytime
                                                     b) Requests for Innovative equipment replacement projects in existing buildings or
                                                     c)  installations in new construction must submit a Letter of Inquiry electronically by July 16, 2013.

                                                     d)  Solar Photovoltaic Installation by July 16, 2013

                                                     e) Advancing Renewable Energy by July 16, 2013

    I have looked at solar installations on roofs and have pictures. These would be supportive. However, we don’t have enough specific information to apply for any grant until the feasibility study results are in.

    Morgan, do you have more ideas of places we can apply? Gerard?

    I am eager to proceed as soon as possible. If you have further suggestions, please let me know. I could meet with you most any time.

    Best regards,

    Joyce Mast

    Joyce Mast, Coordinator

    Grainger Center for Electric
      Machinery and Electromechanics

    Department of Electrical

      and Computer Engineering
