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Project Updates for collection: Student Sustainability Committee Funded Projects


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  1. SLLC moving to Illinois Street Residence (ISR) Hall

    Sustainability LLC on the Move! The Sustainability Living Learning Community (LLC) is moving from Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls to Illinois Street Residence Halls in fall 2024! Residents in the SLLC can explore their interest in sustainable living academically, organically, and experientially with students of diverse backgrounds. Information >>>

  2. iSEE newsletter - biomass boiler

    Associated Project(s): 



    Warm for the Winter: How the Energy Farm's Biomass Boiler helps fuel research during the cold months



    Sustainability in Action: Biomass Boiler

    The 5-year-old biomass boiler at the Illinois Energy Farm is truly a sustainable option. Miscanthus from the fields is dried and used to fuel the boiler, which heats a large greenhouse growing new plants. The ashes are applied back onto Energy Farm fields to create a carbon sink, adding to the closed loop. In our new video, you can see how it works and hear Energy Farm Director of Operations Tim Mies describe the system!


  3. UIUC works with Ecolab to transition to soap concentrate

    Soap waste is especially prevalent on large campuses and facilities that experience high day-to-day foot traffic. Through North American, UIUC's custodial product vendor, the university is transitioning to Ecolab's soap concentrate. This allows soap dispensers to be refilled rather than tossed and replaced with a single-use dispenser. This choice was made in an effort to address waste reduction practices in the Building Services division of F&S.



    From: Dean, Sean <>
    Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2024 10:43 AM
    To: Varney, Pete <>
    Cc: Walter, Christopher <>;
    Subject: Thank you from Ecolab


    Hello Pete,


    Was a pleasure to meet you yesterday, thank you for the time, especially unannounced!  Look forward to scheduling a formal review once installations are done and your teams have had a chance to acclimate to the concentrated program.  Sending a recent link highlighting a topic from our discussion, environmental responsibility is key guiding principle for all Ecolab businesses.  It’s nice to be recognized for it and perhaps there’s more opportunities for North American, Ecolab, and the University to partner on sustainable initiatives in the future.


    Thanks again,


    Ecolab Honored for Sustainability Initiatives (

    Sean Dean
    Regional AVP Facility Care

    ECOLAB  T 336 207 2732  E

  4. EV charging

    Some of the comments from parking seem to imply a LOT of external vendor “input” on corded Level 2 chargers. I sense a reluctance about outlet-based charging, even though it can get to extreme scale.  I am not sure the folks have thought much about the energy costs and effective costs of moving a car. We still have the experience of minimal use because of high cost and inconvenience of moving cars with the commercial units in place.


    The Curbside technology certainly makes sense along a street with two-hour parking spaces, and my sense is that we are headed there. In the lots, I just do not see a fundamental problem with installing several dozen outlets and not worrying about the all-day aspect. Of course, today’s discussion was about Curbside and it makes sense in context.


    Philip T. Krein, Ph.D., P.E.

  5. Communication with Sterling

    Hi everyone,


    Getting these meetings scheduled for the next semester.


    Sterling, does this time at 1:30-2 work for you? I will alter the time slot if needed.




    Quinn M. Connolly


    Hi Quinn,


    Yes, 1:30-2:00pm works fine for me.


    Also, now that you're added our Google Drive please feel free to take a look at the content folders and comment. If you prefer to email me your questions privately, you can do that as well.


    Over the holiday I plan to set up a similar Google Drive for us as iCAP Energy-Efficient HVAC Infection Control as well.


    Hi Sarthak + Morgan,


    Leon Liebenberg is on the top of my list to answer his questions regarding engineering student participation and SSC.


    Thank you for being patient with us up until now and rest assured that it will all be worth the journey!


    Have a happy and safe holiday!


    Thanks, Sterling

  6. Illinois General Assembly SB1769

    Associated Project(s): 

    Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB1769 (

    This will be fun.


    Confirming my intention to be retired by 12/31/2029


    Thank you,



    Sarthak, please read the link and provide a short summary for me and Stacey.

    Thanks, Morgan


    Hi Morgan and Stacey,

    It just says that by Jan 1, 2030, all new passenger vehicles that a state agency purchases or leases has to be zero emission.



  7. Green Research Budget

    Associated Project(s): 

    Steph and I have been sending ideas on this back and forth for a few days. Wanted to share it as a starting point for our discussion this afternoon.



    Training software - $1000

    Swag - $2000

    Professional development travel: $4500

    Student help: $20,000

    Salary: $65,000-$75,000

    Food, shirts, recognition: $5,000

    Computer, telecom, supplies, PPE, transportation: $1,500

    Web presence (link to iCAP portal): $15,000

    Total ~$114,000-$124,000


    Additional considerations

    • If soft money, will need to fund fully burdened salary.
    • Contingency, escalation and inflation.
    • How will materials for initiatives be funded? Initial initiatives include shut the sash stickers, GRP branded equipment timers (swag item, departmental/lab purchase), and reduce/reuse/recycle equipment (shelves, etc.).
    • What about new initiatives/pilot programs? Will GRC need to perform costs-benefit analysis and secure funding through other means (e.g., SSC) or include a budget line. For a 5 year pilot this may be irrelevant


    Dear Jeremy and Stephanie,


    Attached please find a draft budget, per our conversation yesterday.  Please let me know if I need to edit anything and please share the draft with Morgan for her input. 








    Thanks for putting this together! I think it looks good to me.

    Jeremy- do you want to share with Morgan?




    I checked with IT on computer costs. We are no longer charged for phone access. That went away with Skype. Here’s what I received for hardware costs:


    For the laptop it's a 2880 dollar buy in with 60 dollars a month fees after meaning in 48 months it will pay for the next one. For desktop the structure is the same and is a 1680 dollar buy in with 35 dollar monthly fees. The monitors and dock are included in this cost in both cases (although of course there's no dock on a desktop)


    I know I missed adding computer(s) for the students. Students are usually provided desktops. I’m guessing we have some in the building that share but in general each student has their own because schedules usually overlap somewhere. If there’s no objections I can add the initial purchase of 2 desktops to FY24 and increase the other years by $70ish to account for the monthly fees.


    I also think we can probably lower the web presence costs in years 2-5. Maybe $5k in 2-5 for maintenance and minor customizations?





    Thank you for checking into the technology costs.  Your edits work for me. 




    Morgan provided comments on the revised budget asking that professional development for FY24 be removed and the full $5,000 for events/recognition in FY24 be included. Those changes along with the charges for computers have been addressed in the attached.






    Jeremy and Stephanie,


    I hope you had a great holiday and weekend.  Thank you for providing the revised draft budget.  I don’t have any additional recommendations. I am meeting with Susan Martinis on Wednesday and will confirm the next steps with her.  I’m copying Patty Jones so that she has an opportunity to review the draft budget as well.


    I’ll follow up with you both after I meet with Susan.


    Thanks again,





    Dear Jeremy, Stephanie and Patty,


    I met with Susan this afternoon and she supports moving forward with the draft budget.  Perhaps the four of us can meet to discuss the next steps with regards to pursuing contributions for the pilot. I’m not familiar with the SSC process.  Susan indicated that these funds should be pursued and that perhaps other units would be willing to contribute to the Pilot.







    I think we should include Morgan White in the discussion. Assuming funding is secured the program will fall under her and she is familiar with the SSC process and other potential funding sources.






    Thank you, Jeremy,


    I am copying Jamie Willard to request her assistance in scheduling a 30-minute zoom call with the three of us and Morgan White to discuss the Green Research proposal.




    Good morning, All,


    I have taken a look at calendars to schedule this 30-minute zoom meeting to discuss the next steps with regards to pursuing contributions for the pilot and the SSC process. There is not a clear time that everyone can get together so I am asking for you to fill out the doodle below and see if there is any flexibility to be able to schedule this before winter break.



    Sharee Robinson

    Patty Jones

    Jeremy Neighbors

    Stephanie Hess

    Morgan White



    Thank you for your time in this matter.





    Good afternoon,


    My apologies on the delay of scheduling this meeting. I have talked to Sharee Robinson and she has confirmed that with the challenging calendars, this meeting can wait until after the winter break. I would like to schedule this zoom meeting for Monday, January 8th 10:30-11:00am.


    Please let me know if this will not work for you at your earliest convenience. I will be sending an electronic invite with zoom link shortly.





    That works for me. Thanks for coordinating everything Jamie.

    Jeremy Neighbors

  8. Weekly Update: Kids bike giveaway, Staff, Winter break

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, We’re down to a skeleton crew here as a lot of staff have departed for the semester. We’ll be fielding/repairing donations for the Kids Bike Giveaway this week, as a few last-minute folks have been reaching out thanks to mentions in E-week and the like. We’ll close after hours on Friday for the semester and reopen Tues, January 16th.

    Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all!

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 23

    Sales: $264
    Memberships: 4 for $120
    Tires/tubes: 7 for $40


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  9. geothermal and UIC soil borings

    Hi Andy and Fernando,


    One of our key research partners for the Illinois Geothermal Coalition is Andy Stumpf (copied here).  He has asked if there are soil borings info for the Chicago campus.  Can you connect him with the right person?


    “Hi Morgan, Do you have a contact at UIC who would have access to their geotech and soil boring records.. person similar to Beth. I have been asked to help out with the Solar Decathlon project because they are interested in adding geothermal to the design. They plan to design an educational design and innovation center that is on the UIC campus and would occupy the two parking lots at 1198 W Vernon Park PI Parking, Chicago, IL 60607. Soil boring/geotech information for nearby buildings could help the design. I am also mapping Cook County, so this information would also be useful for that project. Would also be interested to know if there are any major water lines in along Harrison Street or I-290. Maybe an opportunity to include wastewater heat recovery.”





    Hi Morgan,


    Thanks for the introduction. Nice to meet you Fernando. I am going to find out from the students who they are working with at UIC.






    Thanks, it may be Fernando (He is out of the office).

    I can pull files related to the 2009 Geothermal wells, but it might help to have a specific question to circulate. IS this accurate: Does UIC have any records of Soil boring/geotech information from past geothermal well drilling?

    Regarding water lines – best to assume every where on campus has some utilities under it.  There is likely water on Harrison and Racine,


    Andy Mitchell 


    Hi Andy,


    Thanks for getting back to me. Actually, it would be possible to get access to or copies of the soil borings for all projects on UIC campus, not just the geothermal projects. The Illinois State Geological Survey maintains a database of geological, engineering geology, and geophysical information for the entire state. Here is snapshot for part of the UIC campus with engineering test hole delineated by the red dots and labeled by the total depth of the drilling. The data can be accessed through the ISGS’ ILWATER map service Currently, only the owner, location, and soil boring logs are available for most of the engineering borings, but we plan in the near future to provide access to the engineering geology data entered from the reports and if allowed by the owner/client a pdf of the scanned documents. The boring locations were digitized from the maps included in the reports or coordinates surveyed and provided with the logs. As Morgan knows, I am working with Facilities & Services here to digitize all the soil borings on our campus and provide them through the ILWATER map service. This effort is being funded as a student project that received a grant from the UIUC Student Sustainability Committee. If you are interested in having the UIC data served in a similar manner, let’s talk some more about how this is being done at UIUC. For much of the data the ISGS on the UIC campus came from research survey geologists or UIUC CEE faculty were involved with on the campus and from consultants involved in the project. Beyond the Illinois Solar Decathlon design project, this data is being compiled for the ISGS project to map the surface and subsurface geology of Cook and DuPage counties. This mapping is being done to update work that was done in the 1940s or early. The data is used to develop the maps and models of the geology which we make available to the public. Below is one of the cross sections we made this year for west to east cross section along Roosevelt Road. We plan by 2028 to have a 3D model of the geology available for Cook County. The mapping project is being funded by the U.S. Geological Survey.






    Andy – this is exciting stuff and I’m confident we can share the records, once we locate them.

    I’m out of the office most of next week, and Fernando is just back and will playing catch up.

    When do you need this info by?


    Andy Mitchell 


    Hi Andy and Fernando,


    Getting back to you about the geotech soil borings. I have shared with you the Box folder with the logs found so far. The logs in the files starting with “x” have been plotted and the information is available through the ISGS borings database The logs in the files starting with “g” have not been entered yet.






    Thanks for the nudge Andy.

    I’ll connect with our manager Dave Taeyaerts about the best way to go about getting this.

    When do you need the info by?


    Andy Mitchell 

  10. New Greener Campus Certifications - Fall 2023

    14 campus events have been recognized by iSEE's Certified Green Events program this fall, and two fraternities were recertified Gold under the Certified Green Chapter program — Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity and the Triangle Alpha Chapter. The events included: August — New Student Convocation, Gov. J.B. Pritzker Visit, Illinois Promise Lunch, Exchange & International Student Welcome Event, Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Visit, Dennis H. May Diversity Conference on Mental Health and Higher Education, ABA TechShow; September — CCFD Kick-off, Illinois News Broadcasters Association Reception, Men's Football Games (Suite and Pregame Events), 2023 Great Lakes Sea Grant Network Meeting; October — Illini Lights Out; November — weSTEM Conference, P&T Bookplate Reception.  

  11. Revolving Loan Fund Research

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Morgan,


    I created a spreadsheet of all of the participants of the Billion Dollar Green Challenge. This spreadsheet includes the population size and loan amount. I thought it would be easier to sort through the information with this. I will try to find data about current energy savings to add to this sheet. But almost all of the institutions have very little information about what they have done with the loan amount. And if they do have information, it is minimum 3-5 years old.


    I attached that document and my current word document. Still need to add a few more universities, but I wanted to see the numbers clearly before I picked a random one to look into.


    According to this data we have the 9th largest loan fund. Ill focus on the rest of the universities above us in the list.




    Quinn M. Connolly

  12. EPA funding opportunity?

    Hi Susan,


    I hope this message finds you well after the holiday weekend. I wanted to reach out regarding the recent EPA notice of funding opportunity for the Inflation Reduction Act Community Change Grant Program, which you may have already heard about. I attached the full notice of funding opportunity document to this email. The due date for applications is November 21, 2024. Community-based non-profits can partner with institutions of higher education on a collaborative project.


    Track 1 applications, community-driven investments for change, covers a broad area of community conditions that could be assessed. One of the specific objectives covered is “reduce local pollution to improve public health.” I understand that building a HHW facility for the county would address pollutants that may otherwise end up improperly disposed of.


    I just wanted to reach out and call your attention to this opportunity in case you hadn’t already heard about it. Do you think this could be useful for funding the HHW facility? If so, I’d certainly be interested in being involved!


    Thank you,



    Hi Daphne, 


    This is definitely the best email I've received recently!!!  OMG. CCES is potentially so very interested. 

    I'll be reviewing this and will touch base with you ASAP.  


    Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention. 


    Susan Monte


    Hi Jen, Morgan, & Pete,


    Exciting news – big EPA notice of funding opportunity just released from the IRA for $2B, applications due a year from now. Community-based non-profits can partner with institutions of higher education on an environment justice project. The Champaign County Environmental Stewards have been wanting to tackle our lack of household hazardous waste facility here in Champaign County for some time. This would be a huge win for campus waste, too. Depending on what we scour in the notice of funding opportunity document (i.e. assuming we are eligible), this would be something I’d like to explore pursuing with CCES.


    Thank you,




    Hi Daphne,


    I skimmed the RFP (here) and noticed a strong emphasis on environmental justice. The program objective is “redressing environmental and climate injustices for communities facing legacy pollution, climate change, and persistent disinvestment.”


    I think iSEE /the Resilience team can help with a proposal. It would be a good idea for us to discuss how best to do this.


    One immediate thought I had was whether we could combine a hazardous waste facility with a facility for waste-to-energy conversion and build in job/economic opportunities in the community much like the Green Era Campus in Chicago. It doesn’t need to be an anaerobic digestor (although we certainly have enough organic waste generated regionally to support one).


    Let me know what you think.





    Hi Jen,

    Good catch on the environmental justice piece. I like your line of thinking on how we can incorporate additional features into a HHW facility. I think it would be great to chat about this with the CCES and determine a shared direction. I’m waiting to hear back from Susan and would be happy to schedule this.


    Thank you,


  13. Land & Water iCAP Team December 2023 Meeting

    The Land & Water iCAP team met on Teams from 1-2 PM on Friday, December 1st. The team discussed the meadow at Orchard Downs, revising the iCAP Land & Water objectives, and the development of an IPM plan for non-F&S areas. Meeting minutes are attached.
