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Project Updates for collection: Bicycle Related Projects


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  1. weekly update

    Associated Project(s): 

    The past few weeks have been very busy.  I have not been able to write a weekly digest.  We have seen a massive increase in people coming in.  The shop has been operating at above capacity, but with some patience on the part of those coming in as well as some kind volunteers we have gotten by.  We have tabled at the International Student Check in, Quad Day, and the Paraprofessional Resource Fair.  We pulled about 80 bikes from the warehouse, donated quite a few bikes to Habitat for Humanity, and a couple to the YMCA.  I helped coordinate bike volunteers for Dump and Run and helped a little coordinating volunteers for Habitat for Humanity.  I helped the organizers of the Illinois Bike Summit find speakers for the Community Bike Shop portion of the Summit.  I helped create some new advocacy materials.

    This week I plan on reorganizing the Center to fix the chaos of the last few weeks, building bikes, printing more advocacy materials, and working on ordering bike parts.

    I will see about creating a class schedule for the semester.

    From the Campus Outpost,

    James Roedl

  2. Award Letter - Demo Cargo Bike

    The idea for the project came after noticing most trucks on campus are only hauling small loads compared to the capacity they were made for. We believe we could switch many transportation tasks over to human powered vehicles. We are hoping we can use a demonstration cargo bike to show different departments how they can use sustainable transportation rather than large fossil fuel powered trucks. We want the departments to see how useful cargo bikes can be and then buy their own. This would not only save money, reduce pollution and congestion, but open up opportunities for student workers who do not have driver’s licenses to do these tasks. This would open up more jobs for students on campus as well as let them participate in sustainable transportation which they could then take and implement after they graduate.

  3. Award Letter - Bike Share

    In Spring 2011, SSC funded a bike sharing feasibility study, and it established a three-tier approach to bike sharing. However, it was found that no improvements to developing a bike sharing could begin until the bike infrastructure was significantly improved. In the last 4 years, there have been vast improvements and new infrastructure plans are continuing to be implemented.

    The UIUC Pilot Bike Share program is a proposal for a two year pilot bike share program. This pilot program will be a 50 bike fleet. It will be using a new approach to bike sharing through smart locks. Smart locks contain all the technology for the bike-sharing program linked to a smart phone. The smart locks will allow for versatility in the type of bikes to use within the system and where the bikes could be located. iSEE is exploring a collaboration with BitLock for the smart locks and Neutral Cycle for the bikes.

    This two-year pilot bike-sharing program is in with collaboration with CUMTD, City of Urbana, City of Champaign, and CUPHD (CU Bike Share Task Force) in creating a bike share program on campus that can be scalable into the community. The desired outcome is to design a bike share program that is equitable and gives students the best access to traveling around campus, while reducing our carbon footprint.

  4. Award Letter - Japan House Bikes

    Japan House and the University of Illinois Arboretum request funding to provide bike racks on their grounds. There are currently no available bike racks in the 57-acre Arboretum and Japan House grounds. Japan House is the site of University classes and the Arboretum is frequently used as a resource for classes from units such as Landscape Architecture, and Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. In addition, the Arboretum and the Japan House Gardens are a major recreational resource for students, faculty and staff and the general public. The Japan House offices are located at the site and students routinely ask where they should lock up their bikes. Currently, with no bike racks, bikers are forced to lock bikes to benches, lampposts, etc. Funding is supplied for the installation of two six loop bike racks and pavers (to ensure that the surface is permeable), and related biking signage.

  5. Award Letter - Makers Bike Seat

    The Makers UIUC Bike Seat Project is a student-centered venture to design, produce, and distribute an environmentally-friendly and economical bike seat cover in order to promote biking on campus. By providing a way of protecting bicycle seats, we are addressing the problems of biking in adverse weather conditions. Our intention is not only to design a product made with environmentally friendly materials, but to encourage the use of eco-friendly transportation as a whole.

  6. Bike recycle event, KellerWilliams Realtor RED Day Bicycle Recycle event

    Associated Project(s): 

    Happy Bike Month Everybody,

    We have lots of bike-related events going on in May.  And as the use of bikes and the local bike community grows, we will have more and more bike events.  This is all good.  Champaign County Bikes will try to share local bike information and keep everyone informed. (A growing task for us, and one of the reasons we need to grow and add capacity!)  For now, during Bike Month - our Bike Month calendar and resources are at  A more complete and ongoing bike event calendar that draws from many of our local bike groups is at our CCB website,

    I just want to quick highlight a new event, one I just received some information on tonight.  I believe it’s good that all of us who share leadership roles in our bicycle community are well informed, given that that we might be asked about any bike-related event in town, including this new event.  Scott Bechtel and his staff at KellerWilliams Realtor are hosting this RED DAY Bicycle Recycle event, and as I understand it are promoting it primarily within their extensive network of contacts, and then generally in the community.  One of our CCB members knows Scott and they have had some conversations. This is how CCB knows of RED DAY.  Red Day falls on our local Bike to Work Day, Thursday, May 14.

    You can find more information at:, at KellerWillimas, or their Facebook page.

    Thanks for everything all of you are doing to make Champaign County an awesomely Bicycle Friendly Place!


    Jeff Yockey


    Champaign County Bikes

    217 565-1785




  7. Trans002 Parking Survey recommendation - Assessment with comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on April 2, 2015, to discuss and start the assessment of the SWATeam recommendation, Trans002 Parking Survey. The iWG's recommendation was:

    "The iWG endorses this recommendation with the stipulation that survey questions should be vetted by the Transportation SWATeam and/or the iWG before the survey is performed."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the SWATeam members.

    See SWATeam recommendation Trans002 Parking Survey here.

  8. bike warehouse cleanout

    Associated Project(s): 


    I have removed all bikes from the warehouse.


    From: Wahl, Michelle
    Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 6:27 PM
    To: Roedl, James M
    Cc: Johnston, Morgan B; DeLorenzo, Stacey; Calloway, Jason Robard; Wise, Michael Anthony
    Subject: Re: Bike Pick Up!

    That is awesome thanks for the quick reply! I will let Kari know tomorrow! 

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Apr 28, 2015, at 5:18 PM, Roedl, James M wrote:


    I can work with Kari and should be able to get all of those bikes out by Friday the 1st.  If that works for you.



  9. Quad Day registration

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: []
    Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 1:03 PM
    To: Roedl, James M
    Subject: Quad Day Registration Confirmation

    This is to confirm that we have received your 2015 Quad Day registration. However, this does not guarantee you a spot for Quad Day until a balance check has been done on your credit card or RSO account.
    If you have any questions, please email

    Organization Name: The Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign
    Organization Type: Non-Profit, Community Organizations
    Primary Name: James Roedl
    Primary Phone: 217-244-1196
    Primary Email: jmroedl
    Second Contact Name:
    Second Contact Email:
    Payment Type: CreditCard
    Payment Amount: $28.00

  10. Trans002 Parking Survey recommendation - Submittal

    The Transportation SWATeam submitted a recommendation stating, "We recommend that Parking Services organize a survey to gauge stakeholder interest in alternative parking plans. More specifically, a survey to gather data on how receptive stakeholders would be to parking plans which included a smaller amount of parking days per year to permit alternative commuting modes when this is feasible."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, Trans002 Parking Survey, complete with comments from all the Transportation SWATeam members.

  11. Previous description in iCAP Portal - paragraph removed

    Associated Project(s): 

    Administrative Information Technology Services (AITS) has played a large role in leading this discussion and is working with Facilities & Services to try to implement a bike share program before Fall 2014. AITS hopes to partner with other departments on campus to create a cohesive and connected bike share system within the University.

  12. Previous description in iCAP Portal

    Associated Project(s): 

    Transportation Demand Management (TDM) in Facilities & Services is finalizing the 2014 Campus Bike Plan, a master plan to direct our efforts for future bicycle infrastructure improvements and program development.  The official public comment period for the Campus Bike Plan ended in April 2013, but additional feedback is always welcome via the online bicycle feedback form.

    The draft 2014 Campus Bike Plan was available for public input during a four-week period, and members of the campus community were encouraged to review the plan and submit their comments and feedback via the online Campus Bicycle Feedback Form


  13. Safety "Zine" idea

    Associated Project(s): 

    I have been working with Jeff and there were two things we thought would be a good use of resources.  The first is a safety  booklet.  It would be modeled after a "zine" which is a DIY publication that is popular with young people.We were thinking it would be cool to have the same guy who did last year's Bike Month t-shirt illustrate the zine with content we provided. - James Roedl

