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  1. Award Letter - VDL Recycling

    The Veterinary Diagnostic Lab (VDL) at the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) functions similar to a human medical institution, in that it generates waste that is not recyclable due to biosafety considerations. This is an unfortunate waste. This project seeks to begin recycling some of VDL’s plastics. This project’s goal is to capture the waste from their work that involves single use sterile pipette tip boxes, which are safe to be recycled. The VDL typically disposes of 12lbs a week of clean plastics in the form of pipette tip boxes; VDL operates 52 weeks a year, generating over 600lbs a year of recyclable plastics. With funding from the SSC, VDL can take 600lbs of plastic out of the waste stream using a clean pipette tip recycling program.

  2. Award Letter - Allerton Toilet

    In keeping with recent sustainability projects currently underway, Allerton Park would like to install a Clivus Multrum compost toilet system at the park’s Schroth Trailhead, providing park volunteers, trail-hikers and other visitors the ability to use the restroom in an environmentally sustainable and convenient manner without needing to travel all the way to the Visitor Center to do so. Allerton would like to install permanent restroom facilities at the Schroth trailhead, replacing the need to rent portable restrooms for every outdoor event or volunteer day. The addition of the Clivus Multrum compost toilet will provide Allerton with a much-needed restroom facility located at the Schroth Trailhead while at the same time providing University of Illinois students and members of the general public the opportunity to learn about the technology available that can help society manage waste sustainably. Additionally, the compost created by the compost toilet may be used directly on park grounds or integrated into the compost system at the Diversified Farm at the park’s northeast edge, augmenting the quality of the present compost system.

  3. Award Letter - Allerton Park Waste Receptacles

    In accordance with the explicit goals of the Allerton Park Climate Action Plan (apCAP), Allerton Park aims to install an augmented park-wide recycling collection system. The project is a critical component of the larger Solid Waste Diversion Plan, currently under development by Urban Planning Masters student, Tony Herhold. The goal of the project is to provide park visitors and staff with the opportunity to dispose waste in an environmentally sound, sustainable manner. By providing receptacles for the multiple waste streams accounted for in the park waste audits performed in the fall of 2014 and spring of 2015 alongside new waste collection protocols, park staff will now be able to recycle or compost waste that would otherwise be directed to the landfill. Allerton seeks funding for nine Super Sorter receptacles form Busch Systems, based in Canada. The four-stream receptacles are built from 66-99% recycled plastic materials and are themselves 100% recyclable. The remaining funding will go toward purchasing indoor receptacles for various office locations throughout the park as well as signage for the receptacles. The goal of the project will be to make it as easy, or easier, to recycle waste than it is to throw it into the landfill waste receptacle. Clear signage signaling what types of waste should be deposited into the specific receptacles as well as deterrent signage (e.g. “LANDFILL WASTE†on trash cans instead of the typical “Wasteâ€) will help to deter improper waste disposal. The goal of this project is to further develop the relationship between the university, the Illini Algae Club and its students, the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department as well as other departments, and the Abbott Power Plant. Using a pre-established waste to algae remediation system used in experimental design, we will apply this system to a real-world use. We will do this through the use of a semester project focused on remediation of university wastewater that can be scaled up into a larger scale project in the future that the club can build off of. Allerton’s goal is to provide the foundation of active student involvement for which our organization can grow.

    The project calls for clear, concise signage and information pamphlets/posters on and around the waste stations. The goal is to make it as easy, or easier, to recycle than to dispose of trash in a landfill waste receptacle (which will still be available), and with access to an array of receptacles for new waste streams, park visitors and staff should have no issues.

  4. Award Letter - Operation Enduring Frigidity - FA2014

    The School of Chemical Sciences houses a data center in Noyes Laboratory which is the home to more than 30 racks of computers. These machines are used by the Chemistry Learning Center, which serves all undergraduate students in General Chemistry courses, the departments of Chemistry and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and are used constantly by faculty and graduate students. The goal of this project is to make the server room more energy efficient so as to reduce both the financial and environmental impact on the university.

    This is a multi-phase project with the plan being each phase will take steps towards energy reduction. (1) Install power monitors in the panels so we can collect data on how much electricity is consumed by the machine room, (2) Contain the cold aisle so that hot and cold air do not mix, (3) install new hardware into the HVAC units so that they can communicate with each other so they will not fight, and (4) install a heat exchanger for use during winter. Steps 3 and 4 are planned for a future date.

  5. Bike recycle event, KellerWilliams Realtor RED Day Bicycle Recycle event

    Associated Project(s): 

    Happy Bike Month Everybody,

    We have lots of bike-related events going on in May.  And as the use of bikes and the local bike community grows, we will have more and more bike events.  This is all good.  Champaign County Bikes will try to share local bike information and keep everyone informed. (A growing task for us, and one of the reasons we need to grow and add capacity!)  For now, during Bike Month - our Bike Month calendar and resources are at  A more complete and ongoing bike event calendar that draws from many of our local bike groups is at our CCB website,

    I just want to quick highlight a new event, one I just received some information on tonight.  I believe it’s good that all of us who share leadership roles in our bicycle community are well informed, given that that we might be asked about any bike-related event in town, including this new event.  Scott Bechtel and his staff at KellerWilliams Realtor are hosting this RED DAY Bicycle Recycle event, and as I understand it are promoting it primarily within their extensive network of contacts, and then generally in the community.  One of our CCB members knows Scott and they have had some conversations. This is how CCB knows of RED DAY.  Red Day falls on our local Bike to Work Day, Thursday, May 14.

    You can find more information at:, at KellerWillimas, or their Facebook page.

    Thanks for everything all of you are doing to make Champaign County an awesomely Bicycle Friendly Place!


    Jeff Yockey


    Champaign County Bikes

    217 565-1785




  6. Layout of Demonstration Plots

    Associated Project(s): 

    Here is the layout of the 4 prairie plots just west of the pollinatarium building and wooded area.  They are designed to give decision makers and homeowners an idea of how prairie plantings of different heights can look.

    The plant mix is good for pollinators and will have something in bloom most of the growing season, it was however limited by what we could get late in the late spring. 

    ~John C. Marlin, PhD, Illinois Sustainable Technology Center

  7. EGen002 Utilities Master Plan Review recommendation - Unit response - Denied

    Facilities & Services unit rejected the recommendation. F&S's response was sent to the iWG and EGen SWATeam on June 15th, 2015. However, this recommendation led to the EGen004 Electrification Study recommendation.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen004 Electrification Study here.

    See Transmittal of EGen002 Utilities Master Plan Review to the unit here.

    See iWG Assessment of EGen002 Utilities Master Plan Review here.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen002 Utilities Master Plan Review here.

  8. Trans004 Fleet Study recommendation - Supplanted

    F&S sent their response to the iCAP Working Group (iWG) on June 12, 2015, which was then forwarded to the Transportation SWATeam on the same day. The Transportation SWATeam supplanted the Trans004 Fleet Study recommendation with the new Trans007 Campus fleet analysis and Planning recommendation.

    See the new SWATeam recommendation Trans007 Campus Fleet Analysis and Planning here.

    See Transmittal of SWATeam recommendation Trans004 Fleet Study here.

    See iWG assessment of Trans004 Fleet Study here.

    See SWATeam recommendation Trans004 Fleet Study here.

  9. Rooftop Solar Student Project

    Brendan McDonnell is working with F&S to identify the best buildings on campus for rooftop solar.  Brendan is a MechSE graduate student working toward an MS in ME with a certificate in Energy Systems Engineering, and this is his summer capstone project.  Professor Elif Ertekin is his advisor for the project, and Morgan Johnston is his supervisor at F&S.   The files Brendan is collecting are stored in the iSEE Solar box folder at

  10. EGen002 Utilities Master Plan Review recommendation - Transmittal

    Following the completion of iWG Assessment, the recommendation was forwarded to the Facilities & Services unit on May 29th, 2015.

    See iWG Assessment of EGen002 Utilities Master Plan Review here.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen002 Utilities Master Plan Review here.

  11. EGen002 Utilities Master Plan Review recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 21st, 2015, to discuss the EGen002 Utilities Master Plan Review recommendation, and started the recommendation. Their official comment on this recommendation was:

    "We recommend that the Utilities Master Plan be vetted by outside experts with specific expertise in renewable energy and geothermal heat pump technology."

    See the attached file for the complete iWG Assessment with comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen002 Utilities Master Plan Review here.

  12. PWR005 Zero Waste Coordinator recommendation - Assessment with comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 21, 2015, to discuss and start the assessment for SWATeam recommendation PWR005 Zero Waste Coordinator. Their official comment for the recommendation was:

    "F&S should allocate staff time to communicate and implement waste reduction strategies, to meet the commitments of the iCAP."

    See SWATeam recommendation PWR005 Zero Waste Coordinator here.

  13. May 21 2015 minutes

  14. EGen002 Utilities Master Plan Review recommendation - Submitted

    The eGen SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "Seek expert external reviews of the Utilities Master Plan."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation EGen002 Utilities Master Plan Review complete with comments from all the eGen SWATeam members.

  15. PWR005 Zero Waste Coordinator recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "Hire a Zero Waste Coordinator to communicate and implement waste reduction strategies, to meet the commitments of the iCAP."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, PWR005 Zero Waste Coordinator, complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.


  16. PWR004 Purchasing Coordinator recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "Hire a Purchasing Coordinator to facilitate and implement policy changes to reduce waste, to meet the commitments of the iCAP."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR004 Purchasing Coordinator complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.
