EPA Indoor Air and Climate Change funding
Funding Opportunity: Indoor Air Quality and Climate Change at EPA
Lewis-Burke Associates LLC – October 29, 2013
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a new solicitation focused on indoor air quality and climate change, with relatively large award sizes. The solicitation comes from EPA’s Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, which is the most consistent program at EPA that offers extramural funding opportunities. STAR Requests for Applications (RFAs) are posted throughout the year, but they generally are infrequent and targeted. Funding topics usually are identified through EPA’s Office of Research and Development’s planning activities and are linked to EPA’s strategic plan (available at http://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPDF.cgi?Dockey=P1008YOS.PDF). This solicitation addresses EPA’s Strategic Goal 1: Taking Action on Climate Change and Improving Air Quality; Objective 1.1: Address Climate Change; and Objective 1.2: Improve Air Quality.1
Through this solicitation, EPA is seeking proposals that will improve the understanding of the “effects of climate change on indoor air quality and the resulting health effects […] directly through a variety of mechanisms, and indirectly through adaptations in building use and design.” The solicitation notes that of priority is “the evaluation of existing guidelines for building system design or for weatherization to adapt buildings to a changing climate, against evidence of health effects related to ventilation, or at least against ventilation models and findings […] intentional and unintended changes to the indoor environment, with emphasis on actionable thresholds, that affect biocontaminants or emissions from building materials are especially of interest, if they can be related to changes in exposure or health of occupants.”
This is one of the few solicitations EPA’s STAR program has released this year; many of the planned solicitations have been withdrawn, likely due to funding uncertainty. EPA generally offers webinars for its STAR solicitations, though one has not yet been announced for this solicitation.
Letters of Intent: Not applicable.
Due Dates: Proposals are due January 23, 2014.
Total Funding and Award Size: EPA anticipates making three regular awards and three early-career awards. It will award approximately $4.5 million total, with regular awards receiving up to $1 million and early-career awards receiving up to $500,000, both over the course of three years.
Eligibility and Limitations: Non-profit academic institutions of higher education are eligible to apply.
Sources and Additional Background:
• The complete solicitation is available at http://www.epa.gov/ncer/rfa/2014/2014_star_indoor_air.html#Award.
1 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (Sept. 30, 2010). FY 2011-2015: EPA Strategic Plan—Achieving Our Vision, p. 7-9. Retrieved from http://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPDF.cgi?Dockey=P1008YOS.PDF.