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  1. EPA Indoor Air and Climate Change funding

    Funding Opportunity: Indoor Air Quality and Climate Change at EPA
    Lewis-Burke Associates LLC – October 29, 2013
    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a new solicitation focused on indoor air quality and climate change, with relatively large award sizes. The solicitation comes from EPA’s Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, which is the most consistent program at EPA that offers extramural funding opportunities. STAR Requests for Applications (RFAs) are posted throughout the year, but they generally are infrequent and targeted. Funding topics usually are identified through EPA’s Office of Research and Development’s planning activities and are linked to EPA’s strategic plan (available at This solicitation addresses EPA’s Strategic Goal 1: Taking Action on Climate Change and Improving Air Quality; Objective 1.1: Address Climate Change; and Objective 1.2: Improve Air Quality.1
    Through this solicitation, EPA is seeking proposals that will improve the understanding of the “effects of climate change on indoor air quality and the resulting health effects […] directly through a variety of mechanisms, and indirectly through adaptations in building use and design.” The solicitation notes that of priority is “the evaluation of existing guidelines for building system design or for weatherization to adapt buildings to a changing climate, against evidence of health effects related to ventilation, or at least against ventilation models and findings […] intentional and unintended changes to the indoor environment, with emphasis on actionable thresholds, that affect biocontaminants or emissions from building materials are especially of interest, if they can be related to changes in exposure or health of occupants.”
    This is one of the few solicitations EPA’s STAR program has released this year; many of the planned solicitations have been withdrawn, likely due to funding uncertainty. EPA generally offers webinars for its STAR solicitations, though one has not yet been announced for this solicitation.
    Letters of Intent: Not applicable.
    Due Dates: Proposals are due January 23, 2014.
    Total Funding and Award Size: EPA anticipates making three regular awards and three early-career awards. It will award approximately $4.5 million total, with regular awards receiving up to $1 million and early-career awards receiving up to $500,000, both over the course of three years.
    Eligibility and Limitations: Non-profit academic institutions of higher education are eligible to apply.
    Sources and Additional Background:
    • The complete solicitation is available at
    1 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (Sept. 30, 2010). FY 2011-2015: EPA Strategic Plan—Achieving Our Vision, p. 7-9. Retrieved from

  2. Notice to selected buildings

    From: "Rients, Seth M" <> Date: November 4, 2013 at 2:13:15 PM  Cc: "Johnston, Morgan B" <>, "Osby, Tracy L" <>, "Jacobson, Debra F" <> Subject: Building Waste Stream Characterization                   I am pleased to announce that your building has been selected by Facilities and Services to be one of the four buildings in a pilot waste stream characterization study for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This study is designed in support of the campus wide Zero Waste policy which aims to increase the waste diversion rate to 75% by the year 2020. Facilities and Services has partnered with the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC), a unit of the Prairie Research Institute at U of I, to perform this waste stream characterization study.                   ISTC will begin examining solid waste outflows from your building during the week of November 11th, for a period of one week. During this time all discarded materials from your building will be collected, sorted, weighed, and documented in an effort to create a baseline measurement for waste diversion activities. The first step in this process is to have a kickoff meeting at your facility so we can discuss in person any thoughts, cares, concerns, or questions that you may have. We would like to schedule a meeting for this Thursday, November 7th at 2 pm. This meeting shouldn’t last more than 30 minutes. Attached to this sheet you will find some questions and answers that have been previously asked of ISTC.   Thank you for your time,   Seth Rients, PSM Project Manager for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign waste characterization study Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (217) – 300 – 4494  

  3. F&S electronics shutdown policy

    • Electronic Devices Shutdown Policy – Effective Immediately

    As an energy conservation method, F&S is implementing a policy for all individuals to turn off any electronic devices in your office before leaving for the day.  This includes desktop computers, printers, monitors, etc.  Be advised that when you reboot your computer and a patch or update is waiting, it will load and may request a system reboot.  This policy does not include mission critical systems.

  4. FY13 ECIP Award Winners Announced

    Energy Advancement Category

    1. Atmospheric Sciences Building            53.3%
    2. Spurlock Museum                                      44.5%
    3. Main Library                                                 43.1%
    4. Grainger Engineering Libra                    41.3%

    Occupant Action Category

    1. Undergraduate Library                            35.2%
    2. Law Building                                                  35.1%
    3. Christopher Hall                                          30.6%
    4. Henry Administration Building             28.4%
  5. Water fountain retrofits completed in first set of buildings

    Morgan,    We are done with the following- Aces Library Main Library Undergraduate Library Grainger Library Loomis   I have the parts for the following off the original list and would like to start them with your ok. Armory Natural Resources Buillding   I would also like to try and install one on the fountain at Wholers and Sibel to see if we can make them work in those buildings.   Thanks,   Mark Warner Plumbing Foreman

  6. Approval to hire Zero Waste Coordinator

    The Executive Director of Facilities and Services approved hiring a Zero Waste Coordinator today.  This will be a half-time academic hourly position, working with Tracy Osby at the Waste Transfer Station and Morgan Johnston in Sustainability.  The candidate has been selected, and the job description is attached here.

    Attached Files: 
  7. Funding assistance from ISS

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: M Connor Schickel [] Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2013 11:24 PM To: Subject: Funding   Hello,   My name is Connor Schickel. I am a Illinois Student Senator and had heard that the Campus Bike Shop is in need of funding. I was interested in meeting with you guys some time and perhaps talking about what you do, so that I can persuade members of our organization to allocate some of our funds towards the Campus Bike Shop.    Look forward to hearing back from you.   Best,   M. Connor E. Schickel  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Engineering Illinois Student Senate *Senator* Sub-Committee on Campus Safety and Student Rights *Chairman* Committee on Campus Affairs Committee on Honorary Degrees

  8. Explanation of calculations

    We take total energy usage by building (electricity, Steam, Nat Gas and Chilled Water) convert all of those to one common unit, MMBTU (million British Thermal Units) and after adjusting for the weather differences between years, compare each building's annual usage with the year before.  We then convert the change into a percentage and then rank all eligible buildings by percentage saved.  The top four in each category win first through fourth.     Having won in FY13 does not disqualify you from winning in the future.  The goal is to encourage individual contributions to saving energy.   Mike Marquissee

  9. EV club meeting

    Greetings,        This is a reminder notice that our next meeting of the Illinois EV Club will be this Wednesday, 10-16-2013, at the University YMCA at 6 pm.  (Neither Matt Childress, Cara Day nor I were able to host a meeting last Wednesday because of other committments, so we decided to delay our meeting by a week, until this Wednesday.)   Our format for the meeting will be the usual "Open Discussion" format we've used for recent meetings.  During the meeting, there should be plenty of time for any general-purpose questions and discussion among ourselves about anything having to do with the past, present or future of energy-efficient vehicles, so be sure to bring along with you any questions you may have and /or any ideas you may have come up with for additional projects the club could get involved in.  (Club member Richard told me last week that he hopes to bring along a book on EVs that we should find quite interesting.)               -  David Noreen   -----------------------------------   New members and guests are always welcomed and encouraged to attend our meetings! Please help spread the word about our club by forwarding this message to anyone you know who might be interested in high-mileage-per-gallon (or equivalent) vehicles, whether the vehicles be electrics, hybrids, or whatever, and regardless of how many wheels they may or may not have. Also, please encourage them to check out our “Illinois EV Club” page on Facebook, by simply typing “Illinois EV Club” in Facebook’s search box.   ------------------------------------   Note: Free parking is available (after 5 pm) in the UI lot that's 1 block due west of the YMCA, on the SW corner of Chalmers and Sixth, so that's another option that's available in addition to the on-street, metered parking near the Y. (As long as you don't mind walking that short block on Chalmers after you've parked in the UI lot.) ------------------------------------   More information about the UI’s “Illinois EV Club”:   1.Please feel free to contact Club President Matt Childress [childrss "at the domain"] for further information and / or to be added to our regular mailing list, if you're not already on it.     2. The club has been mentioned in several area newspaper articles that are listed here:   3. On Google Groups, we have an Illinois EV Discussion Group that has its Archive page here:   so you can check out our past activities and some of the interests of our members.    If you'd like to join this discussion group, email our Club President Matt, and he can add you as a member. (See Item #1 above.)   4. If you like, you can also view the following online videos, which feature members of the club:   (i). Here are 2 videos of Club President Matt Childress and his Twike:   (ii). Here’s more information on Matt’s Twike:   (iii). Here’s a video featuring Randy Reisinger discussing the Sugar Rides EV (built by members of the club):     --  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Illinois EV Club" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at For more options, visit  

  10. Every Bike Counts!

    Associated Project(s): 

    The University of Illinois is partnering with Champaign County Bikes to host the first-ever campus-wide bicycle census during Sustainability Week 2013. Volunteers will be dispatched across campus to help count parked bicycles during a one-hour period at 10am on October 23. The findings of the count will help inform future decisions around bicycle infrastructure, parking, and programming on campus. Sign up to volunteer or to learn more at RSVP on Facebook to help spread the word!

  11. Bikes in parking decks?

    Associated Project(s): 

    Katie, I have not forgotten about this.  I am working on tracking down the “master plan” so to say for the existing parking decks.  Several are in need of repair & we are looking at what to do in the long run.  There is a feasibility study that will take place over the next year or so to determine what to do.   I am still looking into covered parking in the unused corners of parking garage spaces, but I want to wisely invest the $ into something that will last for a long time.   Thank you for your feedback and patience.   From: Johnston, Morgan B  Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 5:08 PM To: Katie Kinley Cc: DeLorenzo, Stacey Subject: RE: Bike Parking   Hi Katie,   Stacey DeLorenzo is the new TDM Coordinator and she is handling the bike parking infrastructure needs.  I think that she would be a good first place to start.  I know that the SSC funded bike parking does not include parking inside the North Campus Parking Deck (NCPD), which is the ECE garage you are thinking of.   I also know that the Parking Department has historically avoided bike parking inside decks/garages, due to safety concerns.  Stacey can talk with the Parking Director, Michelle Wahl, and perhaps you can work together to get Parking to agree to let some be added there…   Stacey, Katie is the SSC Transportation Working Group chair.  So, when we have the ARC’s approval of the new bike racks, she is one who will be copied on the scope change request.   Thanks!! Morgan   ============================ Ms. Morgan B. Johnston Sustainability Coordinator University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Facilities & Services, 115J PPSB, MC-800 1501 S. Oak, Champaign, IL 61820 217-333-2668     From: Katie Kinley []  Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 4:54 PM To: Johnston, Morgan B Subject: Bike Parking   Hi Morgan,   Who could I ask about whether or not there will be bike parking inside the ECE parking garage??   Thanks,   Katie Kinley

  12. Bicycle Class Request Form Created

    In order to gauge demand in existing and new classes, we have created a Bicycle Class Request Form so that students, employees and community members can request new opportunities to learn more about bicycles. The form link appears when an existing bicycle class registration is already full, so that we can estimate how many additional people tried to register for classes that have reached maximum capacity.  The form can also be used to suggest new bicycle safety or mechanics classes. 

  13. Request for status update from fleet manager

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: "Varney, Peter W" 

    Date: October 4, 2013 at 7:49:39 AM CDT

    To: "Lietz, Amanda M" 

    Subject: Biodiesel project - truck


    I was wondering if you could provide an update to the biodiesel project. We haven’t received a delivery in about a year although there has been some intermittent discussion since the last delivery.


    My specific interest revolves around the truck that was used for the deliveries and collections. This vehicle has been sitting idle for a year and if it is no longer needed, I would like to transfer it to another department that would find the truck to be useful. We would remove your equipment and put it into storage for a short time.


    Please let me know.


    Pete Varney, CAFM

    Associate Director for Facilities & Services

    Director of Transportation & Automotive Services 


  14. Videos

    Associated Project(s): 

    We are pleased to provide the two animated files discussed at yesterday’s final presentation of the N. Campus Parking Deck Solar Array Conceptualization:

    • Hanno Weber’s ramp-up animation
    • Time lapse showing the construction of a parking garage solar installation

    Please click the following link to access these two items, and feel free to forward the link to colleagues who would be interested but were not at Thursday’s meeting.

  15. Meeting about water fountains

    Matt Emmert, Jeff Schrader, Morgan Johnston, Amy Liu, and David Mischiu met to discuss the water fountain glass fillers project.  Mark Warner from the F&S plumbing shop was unable to make it due to a scheduling change. 

    • Do not put a spout on a fountain that is scheduled to be replaced.  
    • If two fountains in one location, put a spout only on the shorter fountains.
    • If the water fountain cannot easily be converted, then skip that fountain.

    1) Undergrad library.  Put them on the west upper level by elevator, lower level by elevator, espresso royale area, and the upper level east side (inside the library, on carpeted area).  F&S should also replace the one noted fountain, outside of the project funding.

    2) Grainger library.  The ones on the first floor are consistently having problems... Just do one per floor, except third floor. F&S should also fix the buttons on the first floor fountains, outside of the project funding.

    3) ACES library. First to fourth floor on south side.

    4) Main Library.  Put one on both in basement, east and west.  First floor center east.  Third floor north side. Put one on the fourth floor south side, after replacing the fountain. 

    Could talk with Sherri Miller at classroom reservations to get high use buildings. Lincoln Hall.  What happens if the spout gets popped off?  Does water shoot out?  

    Wohlers, leave off. Leave Natural Resources Building off.

    David, Amy, and Morgan will meet with facility contacts for the other buildings.  Loomis, Siebel, Armory.  

    Only order the spouts for one building at a time. 




  16. data about our avoided electrical costs

    Associated Project(s): 

    To really understand the cost avoidance from clean energy, campus needs to compare the renewable electricity costs to the specific costs for buying electricity from the grid.  To do that we need to know that AMIL.peic is the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign MISO Node.
