F&S email about approval for a trailer
Associated Project(s):
Hello folks,
As some of you know, the Illinois Biodiesel Initiative (IBI) is very interested in getting a self-contained trailer to do their reactions in. There is a company called Verde Biofuel that makes these trailers, and the IBI is in discussions with them.
- Examples of the trailers can be seen here: http://verdebiofuel.com/products/mobile-biodiesel-processors/.
- They would like to purchase a 250 gallon system, but have it installed in a 7X14 foot trailer.
- It would be best with 240 volt electrical service, but they told me that they could make do with 120 volt service if necessary.
- They would like to park this indefinitely in a single location on campus. If permissible, the area near parking lot B21 (behind Loomis) or B1 (behind Ceramics) would be convenient to them.
- They also need access to water, essentially a faucet to wash tanks, etc. They would use the water to clean the equipment only, and propose taking it in a tote to dispose the waste water correctly.
We are looking for feedback about what needs to be done in order for this trailer system to be approved by campus. Are there certain location restrictions they will need to abide? Do they need to incorporate anything in addition to what is listed above? For example, they will need to store glycerin, soap, and waste oil somewhere. Should they be looking at a permanent tank or two?
Please let me know your thoughts and if you would like to discuss this in person.