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Projects Updates for key objective: 3.4.3 Telecommuting Policies

  1. Transportation iCAP Team September 2021 Meeting

    The Transportation iCAP team met via zoom from 9:00 A.M.-10:30 A.M. on Wednesday, September 29th. This meeting featured an update on proposed telecommuting policies from Doctor James Gallaher, discussions on the iCAP Objectives Assessment and iCAP celebration, and a general review of the goals and projects of the committee.

  2. IHR Telecommuting survey Executive Summary and questionairre response

    Robb Craddock, Senior Director - Labor & Employee Relations, provided a very informative and detailed response to the Telecommuting questionairre and Executive Summary of the IHR Telecommuting survey. Please see attached to learn more.

  3. Weekly meeting with Audrey Freeman: Tasks for the week of April 26th

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Telecommuting & Commuter Program intern met with supervisor Sarthak Prasad on Friday, April 23rd, 2021 to discuss updates on the program and goals for the upcoming week. Over the past week, they emailed over 10 different universities to fill out the google survey and/or schedule an interview to gain more personal insights and research. They also emailed the updated questionnaire to the IHR department, however, the department had to reschedule the meeting to May 5th. In addition, Audrey has begun creating the final deliverable presentation via PowerPoint for the transportation SWATeam meeting on April 30th. In the coming week, she will reach out again to the universities that have not yet filled out the google survey, and finish the final deliverable presentation.

  4. Weekly meeting with Audrey Freeman: Tasks for the week of April 19th

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Telecommuting & Commuter Program intern met with supervisor Sarthak Prasad on Friday, April 16th, 2021 to discuss updates on the program and goals for the upcoming week. Over the past week, they collected the necessary information to contact the employees responsible for telecommuting at the Big 10 Schools, the University of Illinois at Springfield, and Chicago. On Monday, they will email these universities and include the newly made google form to continue to gain more personal insights and research. Also on Monday, they will email the updated questionnaire to the HR department, so that they are ready for their meeting on April 22nd. This week, they will begin creating the final deliverable presentation via powerpoint for the transportation SWATeam.

  5. 4/16/21 Transportation SWATeam Meeting

    Attached are the meeting minutes for the Transportation SWATeam meeting on 4/16. The agenda is as follows:

    • Commuter Program & Teleconferencing Policy Internship Update
    • Campus Fleet Replacement Plans Initiative Update
    • EV Task Force Draft Recommendation
    • Campus Opportunities: CTAC Meeting, Campus Bike Census Spring 2021.

    The Bike Census Spring 2021 Event on April 28, an event which seeks to accurately portray biking on the CU campus, is searching for volunteers. No prior experience is required; just show up to the VIRTUAL Training Session at 9AM and go from there!


    Attached Files: 
  6. Weekly meeting with Audrey Freeman: Tasks for the week of April 12th

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Telecommuting & Commuter Program intern met with supervisor Sarthak Prasad on Friday, April 9th, 2021 to discuss updates on the program and goals for the upcoming week. Over the past few days, they continued to research telecommuting programs at other Illinois universities (UIC, UIS, ISU) and various Ivy League institutions. In addition, the Transportation SWATeam reviewed the questionnaire for the IHR department and other universities. Once Audrey and Sarthak finish receiving feedback, they will revise and finalize the questionnaire and send out the document to the IHR department. They will also collect the necessary information to contact the employees responsible for telecommuting at the Big 10 Schools, the University of Illinois at Springfield and Chicago, as well as Harvard and Yale. Once they gain the contact information, they will draft emails to each of the specified schools and create a google form in case the school is not able to meet over the phone or via zoom.

    Attached Files: 
  7. Weekly meeting with Audrey Freeman: Tasks for the week of April 5th

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Telecommuting & Commuter Program intern met with supervisor Sarthak Prasad on Tuesday, April 6th, 2021 to discuss updates on the program and goals for the upcoming week. Over the past week, they created a questionnaire for the Illinois HR department and a questionnaire for when they begin interviewing other universities about their respective telecommuting programs. Tomorrow, they hope to collaborate with the transportation SWATeam to get feedback on their proposed questions. This week, they plan to investigate telecommuting policies at other Illinois universities (UIC, UIS, ISU) and various Ivy League institutions. They will then plan to narrow down the best schools to reach out to and gather necessary contact information.

    Attached Files: 
  8. Weekly meeting with Audrey Freeman: Tasks for the week of March 29th

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Telecommuting & Commuter Program intern met with supervisor Sarthak Prasad on Monday, March 29th, 2021 to discuss updates on the program and goals for the upcoming week. Over the past week, they have researched different current telecommuting programs at the 14 other Big 10 universities and created a spreadsheet to document their findings. In the coming week, Sarthak will reach out to the HR department to gain more information on how faculty feel about working remotely at the University of Illinois. In addition, they will create a questionnaire for the Illinois HR department and a questionnaire for when they begin interviewing other universities about their respective telecommuting programs. They hope to collaborate with the transportation SWATeam to get feedback on their proposed questions. 


    Meeting minutes are attached!

  9. Weekly meeting with Audrey Freeman

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Telecommuting & Commuter Program intern met with supervisor Sarthak Prasad on Friday, March 12th, 2021 to discuss updates on the program and goals for the upcoming week. They both attended the Transportation SWATeam meeting on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 and introduced the new role to the group. Moreover, they decided to focus on the telecommuting policy since it is currently more time-sensitive than the commuter incentive program. During the next week, the intern will research telecommuting policies at other Big 10 universities and report them in an updated excel sheet. Once this research has been completed, they will begin conducting interviews with the universities that have telecommuting policies to receive better input. 

    Meeting minutes are attached!

  10. Introductory meeting between Audrey Freeman and Sarthak Prasad

    Associated Project(s): 

    The new Telecommuting & Commuter Program intern met with supervisor Sarthak Prasad on Friday, March 5th, 2021 to discuss the new program and expectations for the coming months. Past research in telecommuting and computer incentive programs at the University of Illinois and other Big 10 universities were related and shared. The team discussed the general timeline of the project and hopes to complete qualitative research in the next month and a half. By the next weekly meeting, the new intern will read through all the articles provided by the transportation SWAT team and attend their bi-monthly meeting this upcoming Wednesday. 

    Meeting minutes and the March agenda are attached!

  11. Transportation SWATeam Meeting: 10 February 2021

    The Transportation SWATeam met on Wednesday, February 2021 at 10AM to discuss the following:

    • Intern Solicitation Process (3.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.3)
    • EV Dashboard Data (loosely related to 3.1)
    • Initialization of EV Task Force (3.3)
    • Fleet Vehicle Usage (3.1)
    • Air Travel Emissions (3.5)
    • Roundtable Discussion:
      • 3.2: Increase PCI Index to 65 by FY25
      • 3.4: Reduce Driving on Campus and Staff SOV trips 10% by 2025.
      • 3.4.2: Continue to Implement Bike Plan
    Attached Files: 
  12. Transportation SWATeam Meeting: 10 February 2021

    The Transportation SWATeam met on Wednesday, February 2021 at 10AM to discuss the following:

    • Intern Solicitation Process (3.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.3)
    • EV Dashboard Data (loosely related to 3.1)
    • Initialization of EV Task Force (3.3)
    • Fleet Vehicle Usage (3.1)
    • Air Travel Emissions (3.5)
    • Roundtable Discussion:
      • 3.2: Increase PCI Index to 65 by FY25
      • 3.4: Reduce Driving on Campus and Staff SOV trips 10% by 2025.
      • 3.4.2: Continue to Implement Bike Plan
    Attached Files: 
  13. Daily Illini article about impacts of covid-19 on iCAP

    The Daily Illini published an article about the impacts of covid-19 on the campus sustainability efforts. One key message is that, even with some delays associated with the pandemic, we are still determined to move forward.  The conclusion of the article says: 

    Mohamed Attalla, executive director of Facilities and Services, said there are lots of initiatives to reach carbon neutrality in terms of energy and hopes to reach 400,000 metric tons of CO2 this year.

    Attalla said the addition of a third solar farm, advances in geothermal energy and research in carbon capture contribute to achieving carbon neutrality and that long-term, COVID-19 should not be a problem.

    “Maybe we’re behind a little in implementing some projects, but we’ll be able to catch up,” he said. “I don’t think there will be a long-term impact on the iCAP implementation.”

    White also said she doesn’t anticipate any long-term problems with achieving the iCAP goals and believes it’s important for the University to lead by example when it comes to sustainability.

    “I really believe that accomplishing the iCAP goals is something we can do, we need to do and we will do,” she said. 

    “Climate change isn’t waiting for us,” Edwards said. “(The University is) the laboratory for science, for humanities, for arts …  all those kinds of things show what is possible of humanity.”

    “If we’re going to call ourselves leaders, then we need to lead,” he said.


  14. 12/2 Transportation SWATeam Meeting

    Attached are the meeting minutes for the 12/2 Transportation SWATeam Meetings, as well as the Zoom chat file.

    Discussed were the following:

    • Telecommuting/Teleconferencing Policy and Commputer Program Intern 
    • EV Parking Department Dashboard Data
    • EV Task Force
  15. 11/18 Transportation SWATeam Meeting

    Attached are the meeting minutes and chat from the Zero Waste SWATeam meeting on 11/18.

    Discussed were the following topics:

    • Establishing a telecommuting/teleconferencing policy.
    • Discussing working with an interdisciplinary health intern in IHR to tackle research/application of teleconferencing/telecommuting policy and commuter program.
    • Establishing an EV Task Force through the Parking Department to re-assess campus EV needs.
  16. Transportation SWATeam Meeting: 30 March 2020

    Attached are the meeting minutes from the Transportation SWATeam meeting on 30 March 2020. 

    The Agenda is as follows:

    Recommendations Review

    • (M. Hubbard) Support CMP by increasing pedestrian safety by reevaluating current pedestrian routes and conducting traffic studies.
    • (S. Prasad) Zip-cars continuity: continue to serve at popular locations and set up a system to maintain Zip-car presence (two options are to set up a fund to pay for Zip-car parking spaces or ask Parking not to charge the department). 
    • (J. Cidell) UI Ride Survey
    • (J. Cidell) Teleconferencing assessment
    • (Y. Ouyang) Faculty/Staff Vanpool Survey

    April Agenda

    • iCAP 2020 Transportation Chapter Review
    Attached Files: 
  17. Transportation SWATeam Meeting 24 October 2019

    Attached are the meeting minutes from the 24 October Transportation SWATeam meeting.

    Stacey DeLorenzo was able to join us in order to provide insight to the Road Management Objectives the SWATeam discussed earlier, and to answer questions. She also was able to take a look at other objectives and provide input on potential objective ideas.

    The SWATeam confirmed submittal of Road Management, Active Transportation, and Business Travel Emissions objectives and added a new objective under Reducing Business Travel emissions.

    The next meeting is 31 October 2019.

    Attached Files: 
  18. Teleconferencing information

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Kyung, Grace H
    Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 3:34 AM
    Subject: Video Conferencing Info

    Attached is a description of what teleconferencing is, resources available and why people should are. Also, attached is a broken down excel graphs of current uses of teleconferencing. Below are questions I asked someone at CITES to help me understand the graphs.

    Let me know if you need anything else!


    1. I was wondering though where these numbers are coming from and if it’s for everyone at the university?

    These numbers come from the built-in reporting service that is part of Microsoft Lync Server. The numbers are inclusive of all Lync users on campus, but keep in mind that undergraduate students and graduate students without appointments do not get Lync accounts. So these numbers don’t include everyone on campus, but do include all faculty, staff, professional students (e.g. vet med, law), and graduate students with appointments. In addition there are about 1,700 “common area phones” which would include the phones in many conference rooms and the courtesy phones that you might see in the dorms. The latter devices are never used for conferencing.

    1. Are the total A/V conferences out of the total conferences or are they additional?

    There is a difference between the field called “Total Conferences” and “Total A/V Conferences”. Total A/V only counts conferences where either the audio (phone) or video components of the conference are used. Total Conferences includes the Total A/V conferences plus any other conferences where audio and video were not used. The conferences without A/V could include a chat window with multiple people, it could be screen or application sharing, or it could be using the whiteboard feature of Lync. Let me know if this doesn’t make sense. At the bottom of this pagethere are definitions of the fields that are used in the Excel spreadsheet.

    1. What does total unique conference organizers mean?

    A "unique” organizer is anyone who schedules at least one conference. For example, if Pilar Ackerman schedules one conference she counts as one unique organizer. If Ken Myer schedules 148 conferences he, too counts as one unique organizer.


    Grace Kyung, MPH

    Sustainable Transportation Intern

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment

    College of Fine and Applied Arts | Master of Urban Planning Candidate 2015