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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    On November 1, the ECBS SWATeam had their fourth meeting of FY17. Representatives Doris Reeser and Brad Klein from the Deferred Maintenance Program came to talk about AFMFA and maintenance. The team also considered potential funding for energy conservation and started a discussion on a possible recommendation. The Green Labs Coordinator position is also moving along, and the team plans to establish safety guidelines and procedures for the program in the near future. Marian Huhman has also contacted the student group American Advertising Federation for a sustainability imagery project. 

    Attached Files: 
  2. Carbon Credit funding declined for Virtual Storeroom offsets purchase

    Helen Coleman declined the purchase of 10,000 $7.14 offsets for the virtual storeroom.

    "I do not understand why we should buy $7.14 offsets instead of more $0.40 offsets, especially when we sold our original carbon credits for $6.75." -Helen Coleman (12/05/2017)


    An email with more information is attached below.


  3. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    My intentions to make progress on zero waste this weekend were scuttled by illness. In the coming week, my focus will be to find community gardens that would like used coffee grounds from Starbucks, update the glove recycling page on the iCAP portal, and work on the SSC report. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  4. iWG meeting agenda November 30, 2017

  5. Executed Agreement between iSEE and MSTE for the iCAP Portal

    Associated Project(s): 

    On December 1, 2017, iSEE and MSTE made a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish a formal structural payment in expectation of a return of services. The services provided by MSTE include the creation of new features on the iCAP Portal, technological troubleshooting, and maintenance. 


    See the attached file to view the official Memorandum of Understanding.

    Attached Files: 
  6. PWR SWATeam Meeting - 11/2/17

    The Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam met to discuss a variety of updates and challenges regarding recycling on campus. The group discussed progress on the rearrangement of outdoor dual bins on the North Quad and standards for the placements of bins inside of buildings. The group also discussed their long-term vision for trash and recycling operations on campus and brainstormed various methods for increasing recycling at the Waste Transfer Station. An update was also given on the status of SmartWay certification on campus.

    Attached Files: 
  7. Solar Urbana-Champaign Bulk Solar Purchase Program Finishes Strong


    Contact: Peter Murphy, MREA Solar Program Manager,

    Solar Urbana-Champaign Bulk Solar Purchase Program Finishes Strong

    Urbana, IL– November 20, 2017. Claire Johnson and Jill Houser have just finished installing solar panels on Andy Robinson’s roof as part of the Solar Urbana-Champaign 2.0 program. They are  members of New Prairie Construction’s solar installation team, and part of a mostly female crew. They and other teams from New Prairie Construction will be installing 446.95 kilowatts of solar on 58 properties across Champaign County as a result of the program, which helped people save on solar through volume purchasing. Robinson not only went solar through the program, he also helped to lead it.

    Please find the full story below, along with installation photos of Andy Robinson's system. Photo credit Andy Robinson.

    Kaitlyn Kohl

    Communications Coordinator

    Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA)

    7558 Deer Road, Custer, WI 54423


    Learn from the leaders in our year-round, professional courses.

    Become a proud member of the MREA! 


    November 20, 2017

    Contact: Peter Murphy, MREA Solar Program Manager,

    Solar Urbana-Champaign Bulk Solar Purchase Program Finishes Strong

    Claire Johnson and Jill Houser have just finished installing solar panels on Andy Robinson’s roof as part of the Solar Urbana-Champaign 2.0 program. They are  members of New Prairie Construction’s solar installation team, and part of a mostly female crew. They and other teams from New Prairie Construction will be installing 446.95 kilowatts of solar on 58 properties across Champaign County as a result of the program, which helped people save on solar through volume purchasing. Robinson not only went solar through the program, he also helped to lead it.

    “I’ve thought solar was a cool way to reduce our carbon footprint ever since seeing the 2007 UI solar decathlon house in DC, but it also needed to make financial sense for our family,” said Robinson, who was hired by the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) to facilitate the education sessions, called “Solar Power Hours,” for the program. “Now we will offset nearly all of our electric use and it was a good financial investment.  New Prairie laid out the panels on the front and back roof in a way that looks like it is a part of the design of our 1920 house. We were especially happy to meet the diverse install crew of local women and men, and a highly qualified refugee.”

    “In the 1980’s, Jill and I got our start in construction through the woman-owned company Working Women Construction,” said Julie Birdwell, owner of New Prairie Construction. “When we started New Prairie Construction, we made a commitment to providing opportunities for women. We never regretted it. Our New Prairie women contribute more than just diversity. They help contribute to a positive work culture and maintain a high level of attention to detail and craftsmanship.”

    “When we think about the benefits of solar energy, we often picture environmental benefits, of which there are of course many,” said Peter Murphy, Solar Program Manager at Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA). “But what often gets overlooked is the growing number of solar jobs, which are local and by nature cannot be outsourced.”

    “One out of every 50 new jobs added in the United States in 2016 was created by the solar industry, representing 2% percent of all new jobs,” according to The Solar Foundation, a nonprofit organization that conducts a national solar jobs census.

    “We recently had an opportunity to hire an Afghan national who worked in construction for the US military in Afghanistan,” said Birdwell. “Hiring such a refugee is a way of acknowledging the risks and sacrifices he and his family have made to support our country. In addition, he and our other employees from different cultures and countries provide positive contributions to our work culture, and we feel, our overall product.”

    “In the first day of solar production, our kids said that we were vacuuming with sunshine,” said Robinson. “And they are right.”

    “The electricity produced by the 446 kW of solar the program has contracted will offset around 639,035 lbs of CO2 being released into atmosphere in the first year alone,” said Scott Tess, Environmental Sustainability Manager at the City of Urbana. “That amount of solar energy will also save almost 10 million gallons of water from use in thermoelectric power plants that run on coal or natural gas.”

    The program was administered by the MREA at no cost to the city or the county. MREA has successfully implemented similar programs in other jurisdictions in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin as seen in Milwaukee, Cedar Rapids, Bloomington-Normal, and elsewhere. Solarize programs have taken place all over the country, from California to Maine.

    "The solar branch of New Prairie Construction Co. is a natural extension of our commitment to providing high quality, environmentally responsible solutions for homes and businesses," says Julie Birdwell, co-owner of New Prairie. "Solar Urbana-Champaign 2.0 provides an excellent opportunity for our community to use the power of bulk purchasing to get premium quality installations for a great price.  We are excited to work with our neighbors to help increase sustainability and energy independence in Champaign County."

    MREA issued a request for proposals to solar installers in January. A local advisory committee reviewed proposals based on professional certification, experience, and cost. They selected New Prairie Construction Co., based in Urbana. They were chosen as the solar installer for the second Solar Group Buy because of their high-quality solar installations, building science expertise, and emphasis on customer service.


    The MREA was incorporated as a 501(c)3 nonprofit shortly after the first Energy Fair in 1990. MREA’s mission is to promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable living through education and demonstration. To learn more, call 715-592-6595 or visit or

  8. NCSA includes clean energy in NSF proposal

    NCSA leadership included the estimated cost of 100% clean energy for the next supercomputer project in their proposal to NSF this month.  The budgetary number is based on pricing estimates for purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).  Based on current market estimates, and subject to availability and future market conditions, it is estimated that the total five year cost for RECs for a 3MW average load would be approximately $65K.

    If/when the NSF grant is approved, F&S Utilities & Energy Services will be able to facilitate the purchase of the RECs, through the grant funding, and NCSA will then be able to claim the use of green power.

  9. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    With the short week this past week and being on the road, I don’t have anything significant to report on zero waste activities for the past week. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  10. Local Grains and Locally Processed Foods for Dining Services

    The Student Sustainability Committee funded Local Grains and Locally Processed Foods for Dining Services in October 2017.

    This project aims at developing methods that promote locally processed grains for U of I students. This project connects to the Vegetable Crop Farm, FSHN Pilot Plant, and Sustainable Student Farm, offering the final puzzle piece required to offer campus grown grains to UIUC community members. This project will purchase reusable containers to transport grains, and other campus products, between campus farms and campus processing facilities. Moreover, project leaders will analyze both taste and nutrients for Vegetable Crop Farm product.

    The SSC funding will go directly towards:

    1. Reusable storage containers
    2. Analysis equipment
  11. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Pete and Shawn—

    This past week, activities were as follows: 

    • At Morgan’s request, I contacted Interstate All Battery Center today and learned that they charge $2/pound for alkaline, cordless tool, cell phone, and laptop batteries (nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride, lithium ion). They take any lead acid batteries at no charge (most are purchased by the U of I from them). They accept drop offs, but there is no difference in price between drop off and pick up. Some of the battery types they accept are rechargeable. There is no price difference between single-use and rechargeables. I provided an update to Morgan on this and offered to share it with the PWR SWATeam and other interested parties, as appropriate. 
    • Also at Morgan’s request, I contacted Division of Research Safety to find out what they offer by way of battery recycling. They told me that will pick up batteries from those who submit a request for disposal. They will take any battery type, and it must be University property. Rechargeables are recycled through Call2Recycle; alkaline batteries are not recycled. There is no charge to the unit requesting disposal. DRS gets reimbursed by the Office of the Provost through a chemical waste disposal account. Again, I updated Morgan and offered to share the information as appropriate. 
    • I contacted Call2Recycle to see whether we might be eligible for their free battery recycling program, but they told me it is available only to municipalities, not to universities. I followed up with a resident of Ashton Woods on her efforts with Housing to have the City of Champaign provide recycling at Ashton Woods so that they can include glass, tin, and more plastics in the collection there. She had already been in touch with Nichole Millage at the city and received confirmation that the City is willing to provide service. I let her know that if it’s just Ashton Woods that switches away from F&S service, there wouldn’t be any substantive issues on our part but that if the whole Housing operation switched over, we would need to talk with them about a transition plan because of the revenue that supports a couple of staff positions.

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  12. Confirmation of payment and Transfer from Carbon Credit Fund to different CFOP

    1. Confirmation of receiving $123,727.50 on 06-27-2017 for a partial sale of the 2016 carbon credits

    2.  "We bought more than originally was planned, so the actual cost was $48,532 rather than $41,200. The $48,532 was paid out of our CFOP#: 1-100018-508000-508001 on July 21, 2017 Document #: I6801799" - Eugenie Kokini (11-13-2017)


    An email with more information is attached below.

  13. Weekly Update for Zero Waste

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Tracy—

    I am behind on a few follow-ups Morgan asked of me regarding the battery recycling program. I will make inquiries at Call2Recycle and Interstate this coming week. 

    I responded to a request from Krannert Center for information on how to participate in the glove recycling program and sent them instructions on it. 

    Best regards,
    Marya Ryan
    Zero Waste Coordinator

  14. Water & ALUFS SWATeam Joint Meeting

    Each team shared ideas of the semester and came together to propose a few joint recommendations. Suggested logistics for a water audit were mentioned, as well as nitrate runoff data from the 1990s that would be used as benchmark levels for runoff reduction. Different possible measuring techniques regarding future progress in nitrate reduction were mentioned. Ideas for greener parking lots were introduced, including replanting of trees on Lot E14.

  15. ISTC Policies for the Sustainable Purchase, Use, and End-of-Life Management of IT Equipment

    The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) has listed its policies for sustainably purchasing, using, and managing IT equipment at the end of its life.  These policies, which include ideas adapted from both campus and beyond, are in the attached file.

  16. ECBS SWATeam Meeting Minutes

    At the ECBS SWATeam's third meeting of FY17, the members discussed methods for how the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) can become more sustainable. For example, there are lighting opportunities at Irwin Practice Facility and at Atkins tennis center. In addiiton, Mike Marquissee, director of Budget, Research and Planning for energy services, presented a mini-lecture (also attached) to the team on their funding options and predicted budget for FY18. The SWATeam then discussed how the grant cuts will impact their iCap progress, as well as what needs to be prioritized in terms of funding. Finally, updates on programs such as the Green Labs Coordinator and Illini Lights out were presented. 
